table « Relationship « JPA Q&A

1. How to define the SecondaryTable when it is not One-To-One relationship with the primary table

IN a project, we have to map one Entity to two tables. table part_info stores the commodity info, table part_label stores the label that will be shown on screen.

Table part_info
id part_no part_description

Table ...

2. Can I use hibernate to do complicate table relationship

Yes Hibernate can manage the type of relationships you need. It sounds like you are generating the mappings by hand. You might want to look at the generation tools avaliable from Hibernate: currently I can generate all the mappings (plus POJO, plus JDO classes) for our 200+ table schema with SchemaExport in around 30 seconds.

3. One to Many relationship with secondary table

Hi, I'm sorry if my question is stupid, I am a bit new on this. I am searching for a solution on this for some time but I didn't find anything. I have a database to save Articles that are tagged I have the following tables (reduced to clarify the problem) ------ Article| ------ art_id | title | ... | ------ ...

5. Mamy to many relationship with 3 tables

Hi, I am trying to make a many to many relationship that involves 3 tables, 'Student', 'Faculty' and 'course'. Here the many to many relationship is between faculty and student. Mapping table is 'course'. This is how I have the mapping

6. Table relationship

I have a question here that I have no idea how to tackle. How do I write the hbm.xml file to implement the following relationship in hibernate? I have 2 tables A and B. The schema are as follows: A { id PK } B { id_1 PK, FK id_2 PK, FK } The relationship is that, B.id_1 and B.id_2 combine ...

7. Two one-to-one relationship to the same table

I have 3 classes. Account, LimitedAccount and Application LimitedAccount extends Account and only overwrite some methods. and all classes are stored using hibernate My mappings: Code: ...

8. same table in 1 - * relationship with two tables

I have 3 tables A,B,C with the following relationship A <------ B ------> C 1 * 1 In the object model this gets translated to a collection of Bs in objects A & C.When I want to insert a new row in Table B, how do I go about doing it ? since an instance of B now needs to be ...

9. How-to have 2 m-to-m relationships in the same link table ?

Hello, I have two classes, A and B which have two kinds of relationships between them. I have the following methods in class A : public Set getBsRole1() public Set getBsRole2() In a previous database model, I had 2 link tables, where each one mapping a relationship. At this stage, it made no problem to use two including a ...

10. Please help with these tables relationship

Hibernate version: 2.1 Name and version of the database you are using: SQL Server 2000 Hi all, I have the following two tables (from Northwind example) : Products ====== ProductID (PRIMARY KEY) ProductName CategoryID Categories ======= CategoryID (PRIMARY KEY) CategoryName I want to connect Products.CategoryID to Categories.CategoryID so that when I retrieve the Products record I also can get the category ...

11. Many2many relationship for 3 tables

Hibernate version: 2.1 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 9i Hi I have 3 tables defined in Oracle database called, Table A, B and C. Each of them have primary key called a_id, b_id and c_id. There is a joint table defined called ABC which has composite key made up of 3 primary keys: a_id, b_id, c_id. ...

12. one to one relationship to another row in a table using xdoc

Hi, I have a unique situation where I have this table(call it Property) and property has the following columns: property_id property_name property_type lookup_id The column lookup_id has the ability to point to another property row in the table. It's basically a one to one relationship with another row in the table. Is there any way to do this in a simple ...

13. how to assurance three table relationship.....

The mapping below should give you what you are asking for, but, I'm not sure its what you want. The model doesn't seem to create a strong relation ship between Department and Position, which would seem necessary. ...

14. Maping a 4-table relationship in Hibernate 3.x

I was actually wondering how to write the specific XML to map this in hibernate.cfg.xml since it is a complex association/relationship. I currently have (Hibernate) JavaBeans for the following tables and have been able to set them up (e.g. Part.hbm.xml) and do CRUD operation on each table individually using Hibernate: 1. Part 2. Manufacturer 3. Category However, now I need to ...

16. Two relationships to the same table?

I have a table we can call Parent_Child in a legacy system. This table connects parents and children. The primary key is ParentId and ChildId as a composite-id. However, both parent and child are really the same object, Person. So I have a many-to-one relationship to Person for both these columns, i.e., two relationships to the same table. I also have ...

17. many to many relationship with junction table

I have user and role tables with a junction table that has the primary keys of the usr_id and role_id, along with some extra fields. This is very similar to what is described in and in section 6.3.2 of Hibernate in Action (p 229). I have used a composite element to map the extra fields, which are the username and ...

18. How to create relationships within tables below mentioned.

Hi, I need to create following relationships between tables i have below. I am new to hibernate. I am using Mysql as database. These are the following table with relationships. Need to write create,select,update query for these relationships between table. Bran_comm table ================= Bran_ID:integer(primarykey), Comm_ID:integer(foreign key), Comp_ID:integer,Compliance_status:BOOL has the relation to Comm table as tracked by Comm_table ========== Comm_ID:integer(primarykey),Comp_ID:integer(foreign key),Name varchar,AF ...

19. How to create relationships within tables below mentioned.

Hi, I need to create following relationships between tables i have below. I am new to hibernate. I am using Mysql as database. These are the following table with relationships. Need to write create,select,update query for these relationships between table. Bran_comm table ================= Bran_ID:integer(primarykey), Comm_ID:integer(foreign key), Comp_ID:integer,Compliance_status:BOOL has the relation to Comm table as tracked by Comm_table ========== Comm_ID:integer(primarykey),Comp_ID:integer(foreign key),Name varchar,AF ...

20. Multiple Relationships to a Single Table

I would like to map an object to (exactly) two instances of another object type. However, I receive this error: Repeated column in mapping for entity: ProfileBean column: workspaceNodeId (should be mapped with insert="false" update="false") Is it possible to map this type of relationship in Hibernate (JPA) without resorting to a Collection? This specifically is what I would like to do: ...

21. Relationship Table-View

Hello, I'm trying to make a table-view relationship here. The table should contain an instance of the view. The issue here is that i don't want this relation to have any sort of foreign key. I'm assuming the risk of inconsistences. Does anyone know how can i tell hibernate, in a @ManyToOne relation, that i don't want it to be controlled ...

22. how could i create a custom relationship between two tables?

Hello, I'm using hibernate to create a model from an existing database. I have a problem with one of the relationships: it's based on a chmod-like sum of identifiers. for example, the column containing the related identifiers could contain 15, which would have to be interpreted as 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 where all theses are the real IDs ...

23. Need help in defining relationship in a different tables