pagination « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Is there a more efficient way of making pagination in Hibernate than executing select and count queries?

Usually pagination queries look like this. Is there a better way instead of making two almost equal methods, one of which executing "select *..." and the other one "count *..."?

public List<Cat> ...

2. Java coding best-practices for reusing part of a query to count

The implementing-result-paging-in-hibernate-getting-total-number-of-rows question trigger another question for me, about some implementation concern: Now you know you have to reuse part of the HQL query to do the count, how to reuse ...

3. Hibernate. big Results and Pagination

atm I'm fetchin a small amount of data (round a bout 100 records) as list and let displaytag render a table for this data. Now I'm facing a problem: I'm in ...

4. DisplayTag pagination vs Hibernate Pagination

Display Tag provides pagination feature from the given object. Hibernates provides option to fetch only required record per page.In My project we are using both the concept. Display Tag: I need to fetch ...

5. NHibernate SQLquery for paging to HQL / ICriteria

I'm making a query that sorts and returns X rows based on row_number() I'm using NHibernate with MSSQL and im trying to get paging working using CreateSQLQuery and i have this query:

select ...

6. paging grid in gxt

Im developing the paging grid using GXT 2.1.1, Im retrieving values from database tables using hibernate. My code is

 `public class ExampleSampleTrip extends Composite

     final GreetingServiceAsync service ...

7. Problem with nHibernate Distinct and paging

I have this Repository method which uses QueryOver API

    public IList<Message> ListMessagesBy(string text, IList<Tag> tags, int pageIndex, out int count, out int pageSize)

8. named quary and pagination

i am trying to use named query with pagination of elements, but i am not a database expert and the answers i found didn't help much, will be thankful for some ...

9. NHibernate - paging - retrieving item either side of the current item result

I am implementing paging of a product detail page. The way this works is by passing the search criteria and filter on the query string, and when the product detail page ...

10. Hibernate Paging

I know through setMaxResults & setFristResults method of Criteria in Hibernate i can do paging.. but my question is how do i separate it from DAO, I mean where i implement ...

11. Hibernate - HQL pagination

This is a problem similar to: HQL - row identifier for pagination I'm trying to implement pagination using HQL. I have a PostgreSQL database.

int elementsPerBlock = 10;
int page = 2; //offset ...

12. Hibernate Criteria paging

Is there a way in JAVA hibernate to execute a criteria query and projections count on that same query in a single trip to the DB? The reason for wanting this is ...

13. NHibernate IQueryOver.ToRowCountQuery() equivalent when Using HQL IQuery

I'm trying to implement paging within my project. When using NHibernate's IQueryOver syntax as shown below things are working as expected.

    public ...

14. How to combine Hibernate Seach (Lucene) with Paging and ACLs

I am using Spring Security with ACLs to secure the documents in my application. On the other hand I use Hibernate Search (on top of lucene) to search for the documents. ...

15. JPA paging

Hi there, I developed a java desktop database application using Netbeans 6.8 and JPA with Toplink Essentials as provider. When I try to work on a remote database data are loaded ...

16. paging and hibernate

17. Pagination with Hibernate and SP

Hi, I hope you can provide me some guidelines. My objective is to handle(display) large volume of data using Hibernate and Stored Procedure. To do this, I like to apply pagination. i.e. rather than loading the whole bunch of rows (from a select query) into memory, I would like to pass some paramers to hibernate Query (e.g. page number, #rows per ...

18. MySQL, Hibernate Pagination

Hi there all, I am desperatelly looking for a pagination example with code to figure out how on earth pagination is conducted efficiently using Hibernate and MySQL. Does anyone know where i can get this information? Or an article on paginantion would also be great, maybe with different ways of implimenting pagination. By the way i am using hibernate and my ...

19. Hibernate: Copying or cloning criteria object for pagination

I am trying to implement pagination using Hibernate. I need to execute two criterias; one to return the rowCount and the other to execute the query itself. I don't want to create two criteria objects, because it is redundant and some of my criteria are quite complicated with joins. Is there any way to clone the criteria object? On the hibernate ...

20. Hibernate pagination

21. JPA Criteria query and pagination

Hi, I wonder what the correct way is to gather data required for pagination with JPA and the criteria API. What I need is the total number of rows to calculate the position and total number of pages in the view - in the past I added a 'count' to the select part. (Maybe there is a better way?) Now I ...

22. What is the suggested way to Pagination On MYSQL

Hi There, Im a new user to hibernate. i have a situation where i need to implement pagination on on MYSQL. when i search the web for solution i have got 3 options. 1. using a Criteria query or using ScrollableResults or using the LIMIT in the query and then do a scroll() on the result. which option is a better ...

23. How to get total page count for pagination using Criteria

Hello All, I am new to Hibernate and to this forum! :-) I need your help to figure out best way to calculate total pages for pagination I am implementing in my UI. I am using Criteria class and using .setFirstResult and .setMaxResults to get only specific page information. Like, for first page if my page size is 3 I set ...

24. hibernate pagination problem

I'm using postres database and hibernate in my application. Database pagination is working ok untill with this example: in database table A i have columns id,value1,value2,and others not relevant here... for example I have: id value1 value2 other columns... . . rowN: 5 2345 0 some data rowN+1: 6 0 2345 same data as in row1 . . I'm using sort ...

25. Solution to pagination using Future

Hi, I've create an EJB to work with pagination querys. It uses Futures to work. Example of use: Code: @EJB private KyrianPagingUtility pagingUtility; ... javax.persistence.Query qMisEmpresas = entityManager.createQuery(query.toString()); javax.persistence.Query qCountMisEmpresas = entityManager.createQuery(queryCount.toString()); return pagingUtility.getPage(qMisEmpresas, qCountMisEmpresas, new Interval(start,limit)); It works ok, but in some cases, it returns this exception: Code: javax.ejb.EJBException at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.processSystemException( at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.completeNewTx( ...

26. Pagination using Projection in Hibernate 3.0

27. de-duplication with pagination

Hi, Following is the relational table (on postgres) Table A id - int count - int Table B id - int A_id - int There is one-to-many relation between A->B. For each unique row in Table A there could be more than 1+ child in Table B. Both Table A and Table B can have large number of records. So, I ...

28. Pagination problem using hibernate query

29. Hibernate Pagination

Hi, Can anyone pls brief me as to how the pagination works internally in Hibernate? Say for instance I have a Sybase query[select * from employee] that returns 1000 records but i just want to show 10 records per page. Now my question is does Hibernate retrieve all the 1000 results at one shot and keeps i in memory and retrieves ...

30. Criteria query and pagination

I want to use criteria.setFirstResult(xxx); criteria.setMaxResults(yyy); to display list divided into pages. But how can I determine total number of pages? I though it would be useful to have count() method in Criteria class - then paging becomes simple: Criteria q = session.createCriteria(Department.class); q.add( Expression.eq("xxx", xxx) ); // ... int total = q.count(); int totalPages = total / pageNo; if (pageNo ...

31. Paging Mechanism

32. pagination and join queries

hi all I am trying to run pagination in a query that has the following form: select field1,.. fieldn from table1,table2,table3 where table1.condition1=table2.condition1 and table2.condition2=table3.condition3 and i set the maxResults and first Result properties for the query object but i always return me an empty list. When I see the log file, Hibernate transforms the above query into something like select ...

33. How is paging implemented?

Hi, After googling around, I've found surprisingly little info on how paging works within Hibernate. I mean.. how to use it is very cut and dry, but I would like to know more about what it's doing. There are two possibilities that I see.. 1) Hibernate makes a normal query but only loads those objects in the specified page 2) Hibernate ...

34. Problem with paging of results

We've been using Hibernate for quite some time in JLCP but we've had a problem with the paging of results in any collection. The code we're using for collection paging is the following: List topicList = null; Session session = null; try { session = this.sessionManager.getHibernateSession(); String query = "from topic in class where topic.parentMessage is null and topic.approved=true and ...

35. Pagination problem with DB2Dialect

Beginner Joined: Tue Jan 27, 2004 2:14 pm Posts: 40 Location: Atlanta, GA, USA We are using Hibernate to handle pagination of a data set. Query q = session.createQuery(query); q.setMaxResults(maxRecordsPerPage); q.setFirstResult(((pageNum - 1) * maxRecordsPerPage)); The paging is working correctly, except that it isn't ordering the results correctly. We have been troubleshooting this issue for about a day and a half ...

36. jcs-cache and paging results

I read some documentation about using turbine jcs-cache whith hibernate, and the behavior that the application should use for taking advantage os such a cache. If I understood well, the better approach for hitting the cache instead of querying the DB is to load objects by ID, hence using sess.iterate() instead of sess.find, and sess.filter() for filtering collections. Let's talk about ...

37. Pagination & Hibernate 2.1

If I want to implement Pagination(search results spanning multiple pages like Goooooogle.." in my Web-tier for the search results, would hibernate provide any easy way to do this. I saw setFirstResult() method in the documentation and was wondering if thiw was for pagination to return a subset of the queries? How does this work in case of "lazy" initialization model where ...

38. Getting better a paging query solution

I'm using Hibernate 2.1.3. I'm implementing a paging solution for queries. I coded it this way with some help from an Eclipse plugin named Hibernate Synchronizer: public function getNamedQueryPageable(String name, Map params, session s,int maxresults,int firstresult) Query q = s.getNamedQuery(name); if (null != params) { for (Iterator i=params.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); setParameterValue(q, (String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } ...

39. Paging logic

How can i implement tha paging logic using hybernet. Suppose i have an UI with 3 pages and each page i want to show only 10 rows. So how will i implement that on clicking of page 1 hiernate will return first 10 rows, on click of 2nd page it will return next 10 rows and so on......

40. Multiple collection pagination

Hello, In our existing application there are entities(master) with many (about 10) collections of subentities(details) of different types, all persisted on table-per-class basis. A typical query returns tens of thousands of entities so pagination is used. Whenever we retreive the entities, we are always interested in retreiving all the subentities contained in them. Currently, we are using Sybase JDBC. To reach ...

41. Hibernate Pagination

Hello, We are currently using Hibernate in 3 tire architecture with Swing client on front end. We are using pagination from Hiberanate framework (Oracle db) and it is working excellent. Now the problem lies in the fact that on clinet we are displaying 100 records at time with next previous button....but we have to show the client total number of records ...

42. Paging and Update

You question is not very clear.. but if the database is updated, you refresh will include the new results. Thats very desired. what some people do is, get ALL the results at one time, and then use pagination on those stored results. These results can sit in some kind of cache, or session or request scope, wherever they find it should ...

43. Paging and Hibernate

Hi I have an existing Paging implementation in place in my application. The current implementation uses RowSet for paging. It takes the result set and creates a RowSet object from it. I have added Hibernate support to my application. Now i want to add paging support to my application using Hibernate. The hibernate finders return me a Collection of objects. For ...

44. Criteria class and Pagination

45. Database hints and Graph Paging

Has anyone read Brian McCallister's article on the ServerSide ( about graph paging. He suggests that no O/R mappings have successfully mastered caching in such a way as to optimize future reads: Quote: Providing hinting about what objects are going to be needed, rather than how to pull them from the rdbms .... A perfect example of an optimization that would ...

46. Pagination problem with Criteria

Good morning We use the pagination class Page developped by Gavin King and Eric Broyles: on the links comments page of the web url ... ation.html This Page class uses the fact that an hibernate query can return a scrollable result set, this is very useful to get the total number of results returned by the query *without* to do ...

47. Technique Advice: Paging/Sorting/Processing User Actions

I'm a novice Hibernate user, and am trying to create some "list" pages that include sorting, paging and checkboxes for deleting. Basically the same exact thing you would see in a webmail client like Hotmail, or Yahoo Mail. I want to do this in an efficent, easy to code way. I already have Paging working using the Page class at the ...

48. Pagination and Criteria

Anybody have any ideas? I'm trying to do the same as magic. I have a detached criteria that defines the objects I want returned. Then I want to run several queries based on that defined criteria. One such query would be a count using projection. Another would be doing pagination. Unfortunately, when I set the projection to do the count (even ...

49. Doubt with paging in criteria query

hi , i have doubt with paging here is my code Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(TokenImpl.class); Criterion userEq=Expression.eq("actorId",actorId); crit.add(userEq); // there may be more filters crit.setFirstResult(startingRecordNo); crit.setMaxResults(noOfRecords); is there any method to get the total count of records with that criteria . ( like crit.totalRecords or something like that ) see i need to show (records 1 to 10 of 50 ) ...

50. Stateless pagination?

Hi all, I have a client/server app with a stateless server using Spring. The hibernate docs recommend creating a new session fro each business method call in a stateless app so thats what I'm doing. If my service API just looks like this: public List doMyQuery(int firstResult, int maxResults) and I create a new session for each call and rerun the ...

51. Paging. How to get count of matches?

Hi all. I am trying to implement paging and just have a problem with retrieving count of matches. For example: 1. How to retrieve count of matches using IQuery? I see only one way - make another query with same parameters and which retrieves COUNT (MyObj.Name) 2. How to get count of matches using ICriteria?

53. Pagination best practices

Hibernate version: 3.0.4 What is the currently accepted best practice when it comes to pagination? My setup includes Hibernate on a remove server handling requests for retrieving datasets, which are larger than is practical to return to clients. Clients therefore are specifying whatever query criteria they need and request the resulting data set to be of a particular size ( a ...

54. a problem about hibernate Paging

Hi, I want get the sum number of the resultSet before paging,I write the code: Query query = session.createQuery("from resource i"); int sumSize=query.list().size(); System.out.println("sum size is "+sumSize); query.setFirstResult(0); query.setMaxResults(5); list = query.list(); int pageSize=list.size(); System.out.println("page size is "+pageSize); hibernate will execute the 'select' SQL 2 times: Hibernate: select resource0_.RSBIRID as RSBIRID, resource0_.RSBICatId as RSBICatId, resource0_.RSBIISBN as RSBIISBN from Resource resource0_ sum ...

55. Problem with hibernate pagination in 3.0

I tried to use the hibernate pagination from Gavin's weblog using the setFirstResults and setMaxResults API of Query. It works fine with Hibernate 2.1 but with Hibernate 3.0, it gives an exception: ERROR [main ] 2005-08-24 18:06:07,794 : JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right ...

56. Hoist join when paging?

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle, JDBC Driver We have a table ORDERS that contains > 300K records. We do a query on this table of the form: FROM orders WHERE customer = ? ORDER BY dateCreated DESC The result of the this query is approx. 2000 records. We then use the ...

57. paging result in hibernate

Hi, I'm wondering how the hibernate paging working. let's say I have a big result(10000 rows) need to be paged.there are functions like setFirstResult(0), setMaxResults(9) in hibernate, hibernate will 1. only retrieve 10 rows from database, or 2. retrieve 10000 rows and put to a collection,then filter out first 10 rows from the collection. if Hibernate use the 2nd way, it's ...

58. Paging, Criteria APIs and count(*)

Hi I have written an application with search screens where I use Hibernate's 2.1 Criteria API to dynamically generate select queries. I use setFirstResult() and setMaxResult to implement paging of result set, because there can be a lot of records in database. Now I need to get total number of records that satisfy given criteria. So I can display something like ...

59. problem with paging

Hibernate: 3.0.5 database: mysql Ver 14.7 I think that my problem would be one that others have had, but I can not find any examples similar to my problem. I am trying to use the Criteria setFirstResult and setMaxResults to implement paging. For the examples that I have found they keep track of the page count and times it by the ...

60. paging

So far the only example of paging that I have seen is: Query query = session.createQuery(queryStr); query.setMaxResults(10); query.setFirstResult(20); return query.list(); of Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Foo.class); crit.setMaxResults(10); crit.setFirstResult(20); return crit.list(); For max result you put in the number of objects you want returned (you can not use a fetch joining statement with paging) and for first result you put in the row ...

61. Pagination - query - cirteria - projection

62. ..stuts pagination

63. How to paging with HQL?

Hi, Now there are two objects in my J2EE projects.One is A,the other is B, and the relationship between A and B is many-to-many. I can get many B objects that related by a A object as follow: A a=(A)session.get(A.class,1); Set bs=a.getB(); So my question is i can't paging with query.setFirstResult() and query.setMaxResult() hql statement. thank you!

64. Paging a Class containing eagerly fetched collections

Hibernate version: 3.1.2 Mapping documents: EmailAddress Code: ...

65. Error in executing query which involves pagination

I am executing following query which involves pagination Iterator itr = session.createCriteria(MadAcctMapParameters.class) .setFirstResult(2).setMaxResults(2).list().iterator(); FYI I am using oracle 10G and HIbernate 3 Following is the erroor I am getting at console..........please notice sql also in following message Hibernate: select limit ? ? this_.ORDERNUM as ORDERNUM3_0_, this_.ACCTTYPE as ACCTTYPE3_0_, this_.CLIENTID as CLIENTID3_0_, this_.SOURCEFIELD as SOURCEFI4_3_0_, this_.VALUE as VALUE3_0_, this_.STARTPOS as STARTPOS3_0_, this_.ENDPOS ...

66. Hibernate 2 - Pagination problem using criteria

Hi all, I am using struts,spring and Hibernate2 ,MSSQL 2000 in my application. I have used Criteria class to get the paginated results for my search screen. My code looks like this, Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Search.class); criteria.setFirstResult(pageNo*pageSize) criteria.setMaxResults(pageSize); I have set the pagesize(Number of records to be displayed in the screen) to 10. Am getting the right output when i click ...

67. Getting to the bottom of Criteria and Pagination

I have spent the best part of 3 hours this morning looking around the web, JIRA and forums, and whilst finding related topics, I have not found the definitive answer. I have a very basic Parent 1..N Child association and I have developed a search function that allows a user to search on both parent and child properties at the same ...

68. hibernate pagination

Hi all, This might sound crazy but I need some inputs on the hibernate pagination. I presume that by using the methods sqlquery.setMaxResults sqlquery.setFirstResult we can achive pagination. But the question remains is that these methods will take into effect after the ResultSet is fetched from the database. Corerct me if I am wrong. This means that the query might be ...

69. Implementing Pagination

Hi all, Iam new to Hibernate ,I need to implement pagination.My DAO class returning the list which contains all the records from here it is returning to the controller from there to JSP. Please can any send me the code to implement pagination, i gone through the all the forums but iam not getting the idea how to fit that into ...

70. Pagination in SQL Server

Hi I am using SQL Server 2K5 with hibernate. I am fetching large number of records in my hibernate around 1 million. For fetching the records we are using setFirstResult and setMaxResult approach as shown below int firstResult = i * fetchSize; int fetchOnce = 1000; do { query.setCacheMode(CacheMode.IGNORE).setFlushMode(FlushMode.ALWAYS); System.out.println(firstResult); query.setFirstResult(firstResult); if(fetchSize < fetchOnce) fetchOnce = fetchSize; System.out.println(fetchOnce); query.setMaxResults(fetchOnce); ArrayList l ...

71. How to do pagination in hibernates.

Hi , I am using dispaly tag at view to show the data using display tag pagination. Now i want to do pagination thru hibernate. here is my sample code : String queryString = "from Student as model where model." + propertyName + " like :key"; Query queryObject = getSession().createQuery(queryString); queryObject.setString("key","%"+value+ "%"); log.debug("Succesfully retrieving commmands"); return queryObject.list(); Here i want to ...

72. Pagination + Criteria API + distinctiveness

I am using Criteria API for doing all the queries to the database and I need the pagination feature of Criteria API - Setting firstResult and maxResults. All goes well until the response to the search request contains non distinct entries (I am not sure why it happens, but it does). I filter the duplicates using Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY ResultTransformer but then all ...

73. Pagination with Projection.rowCount() in a single call?

Is there a way within a construction of a single criteria object (and therefore a single sql statement) that not only gets a page of data with a firstResult, maxResults setting, but also a Projection.rowCount()? I was on Matt Riable's wiki and saw his post: He has code that looks like this: Code: Query q = s.createFilter( collection, "" ); ...

74. Improve Paging

Hibernate version: Hibernate 3.2.4 Name and version of the database you are using:mySql 5.0 Hi everyone, I'm locking for a fast paging method. I have a table with 3'000.000 of rows, it has one pk and without fk. I've used criteria.setFirstResult and setMaxResults methods like it shows: Code: public List selectTABLE_ORIGIN(String pUser, int PageSize, int PageId)throws ServiceException { ...

76. :: Hibernate Pagination ::

Hi I have a Problem while doing pagination in Hibernate. we have more than 6000 operations, I had to implement Pagination in Hibernate Level. The following is one of the method in settlementOperationDao class. I have commented the lines required for Pagination Here Order clause is mandatory SetFirstResult and MaxResult are also mandatory. /** * @param lSpId * @throws com.cavali.exception.BaseException * ...

77. Query pagination

Author Message maratna Post subject: Query pagination Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:41 am Newbie Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:26 am Posts: 18 I need to get working a pagination with hibernate. My first solution to don't wait for two querys to launch is to do it with threads: Thread1.start(); Thread1.join(); ThreadCountQuery.start(); ThreadPagingQuery.start(); ThreadCountQuery.join(); --> Join mainThread to ...

78. Pagination: How to get page plus total results in one query

Hi, I have pagination working, but am doing so with two queries; one to get the results page and a second one to get the total count. I'd like to do this in a single query: Is it possible to build a criteria, so my results set includes columns for each of the properties on my bean, plus an additional column ...

79. Native Query & Result paging

Hello I am working with EJB3 and the JPA is Hibernate 3 with Oracle 10g. In one of the SessionBeans there is a query (sql) which i am running using the createNativeQuery method of the EntityManager. The query is supposed to return 20 Ids of an Entity. The query returns all 20 Ids. Then if i want the first 10 records ...

80. Pagination

Well, it sounds like each of the 100 calls would run as a separate transaction, right? There's no guarantee that some of those transactions might not fail at some point. I mean, that's why we have transactions - because we know that databases fail, but at least a transaction allows our data to remain consistent (ACID). What I might do it ...

81. pagination and sorting

I have an application where there is a parent with 10 children. Every children has composite keys(which includes the parent ID and a seq number). I have a scenario where I need to display results 15 per page and allow user to sort by certain items(Couple of items are columns in child table). I am able to achieve this functionality but ...

82. Paging a collection

Hi, I am a newbie to Hibernate. I searched for paging in this forum and came with a lot of hits, sorry if this has been answered already. In my Seam page, I display a list of records from a table called Tax which has a One-To-Many with a table called Item So in my Tax entity class, I have Code: ...

83. Pagination with Criteria results across Sessions

Hi, I though I'd be able to find the answer to this, but after lots of searching I'm still scratching my head. I'm using a Criteria to return lots of rows, so I'm using setFirstResult & setMaxResults to retrieve 100 results per user request. If I do this in a single Session as a test, it's working fine. However when I ...

84. Hibernate Pagination

85. Hibernate pagination

86. How to do pagination with hibernate and Criteria queries?

getFullListSize() { criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); return ((Long) criteria.uniqueResult()).intValue(); } getList() { if (getSortDirection() == SortOrderEnum.ASCENDING) { criteria.addOrder(Order.asc(getSortCriterion()); } else if (getSortDirection() == SortOrderEnum.DECENDING) { criteria.addOrder(Order.desc(getSortCriterion()); } ...

87. Hibernate pagination

Hi, am using hibernate paginateion, when i am using startIndex and get max Results, its constructing a subquery like select * from ( select row_.*, rownum rownum_ from ( select so its affecting performance of the query, could you plz suggest me the way of improving for performance, am using hibernate criteria . Thanks Kathir

88. Pagination problem with MSSQL

Hi, We are using MSSQL Database and a particular table is having more than 50000 records. When we navigate to last page using pagination, we are getting heap memory out of space. we are showing 20 records per page, but the query fired is having top 50000 from table. It seems hibernate fetching all the 50000 records and after that showing ...

89. Total amount in pagination

90. hibernate paging problem

I tried to page the results and it only worked for the first few pages (click next, next ,next...). Then hibernate stops functioning (hibernate won't return any data at all) and I have to restart the server (tomcat) to let it work again.. I use extjs at the frontend to handle paging so I need to return both the paged data ...