language « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Looking for an HQL builder (Hibernate Query Language)

I'm looking for a builder for HQL in Java. I want to get rid of things like:

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder()
    .append("select stock from ")

2. Table size using JPA query language

Using JPA query language, how do I determine the size (number of rows) in an entity (table)?

3. hibernate query language

please convert the sql in hql SQL Statement : s*elect username from useraccout where email = "parameter value"* More description: while running the code i am getting this error:

public  List dispUser(String email){

4. IFNULL equivalent in Hibernate Query Language?

I'm trying to write an HQL query which will calculate an average rating for an item. I want the query to return 0 instead of null when there are no rating ...

5. Help with rewriting a HQL query ( Hibernate Query Language )

HQL noob here. How do I re-write this HQL query without using the exists clause. In SQL I can just join VisitorProfileField table and Visitor table and add the conditions of ...

6. how to find difference between two timestamp using hibernate query language

I am trying to write an hql query which gives me the number of hours between two timestamp. So, far i am unable to do this. I have used hql hour ...

7. HIbernate query language problem

I have a Project class that has a Set of userstories called userStories12many. I'm having troubles trying to get the project that has a certain userstory in its set getComponent(int userStoryID) I think ...

8. hibernate query language or using criteria?

Any one who tell me the query using criteria/hql/sql. Requirement is that user enter email or username the query return the password of the user from table user.

9. Hibernate Query Language Problem

Well, I have implemented a distinct query in hibernate. It returns me result. But, while casting the fields are getting interchanged. So, it generates casting error. What should be the solution? As ...

10. Object query language | execute both "order by" and "where" clauses

How do I sort out some data according to an where clause and a order by clause using object query language this is the query that I'm using but i'm not ...

11. How to put a comment into HQL (Hibernate Query Language)?

Is it possible to put comments into Hibernate Query Language? If so, how?

12. LEFT JOIN in Hibernate Query Language

I am trying to do a LEFT JOIN in Hibernate Query Language, in MySQL I can do this as follows:

select * from day_timetable_timeslots t LEFT JOIN golfnine_date_time_entity d ON ...

13. Hibernate Query Language Update Error

Query query = session.createQuery("Update Contact set firstname = 'sdf' where firstname= 'Deepak'");
int result = query.executeUpate();
when executing the above query, I am getting the following error
    expecting DOT, found ...

14. Java Persistence Query Language JOIN

I have two tables :

A(bigint id, ...)
B(bigint id, varchar name, bigint id_A)
and now I want get all rows from A which exists in B (and those rows in B have name ...

15. JPA query language criteriaBuilder

I have built an application using JPA in an EJB container. Here's my code

@PersistenceContext(unitName = "damate-pu")
private EntityManager   em;

public Workspace find(String username, String path) {
    CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = ...

16. IN-clause in HQL or Java Persistence Query Language

I have the following parametrised JPA, or Hibernate, query:

SELECT entity FROM Entity entity WHERE name IN (?)
I want to pass the parameter as an ArrayList<String>, is this possible? Hibernate current tells ...

17. java persistance query language limit resultset

Suppose I have following rows in a table "mytable" id 1 2 3 ... ... 500 and my query is like select m from mytable m where < 300 how can I get following output in the same order? 201 202 ... ... ... 299 I ...

18. Error when I use an aggregate function count in my report using JPQL language

Somthing happened to my account (I can't access to it !!!!),so I will ask again my question :( I can't use an aggregate function in my JPQL request in my report: this is ...

19. Order a set of translations, according to a specific language

Assuming two classes Product and ProductTranslation. The product has a property Product.Title, which is a set of ProductTranslation. If I have two languages, e.g. en and de in my system, the set ...

20. Using hibernate query language in the Netbeans HQL query editor

Hi All, I have been searching all over the internet and the NetBeans community docs for any information on how the Netbeans HQL Query editor converts the actual hibernate query language so that I can get my query to work in Netbeans. Currently, I can get simple queries to work such as: from customer c where lower(c.fname) like 'john' but when ...

21. Hibernate - Query language independency

Hibernage query language is similar to the sql. One of the advantages of using the ORM tools is to be transparent to the database and the developed application should be independent of any changes made to the database. How is the hibernate query language independent of the database layout. If we are using hibernate queries in our application extensively, if we ...

22. HIbernate Query Language Syntax question

Using the following: SQL Server - Database Lucene - Index Service Hibernate - O/R database. I have records in my database indexed by (firstName,lastName). I perform my search in Lucene for hits and then return those documents back. Then, with those hits, I look them up in the database using HQL. If I need multiple records with multiple fields to match, ...

24. Hibernate Query Language where clause

I tried with the below one. But this time i am getting diffrent type of exception. Can you please help on this org.hibernate.QueryException: Not all named parameters have been set: [uid] [select us.password from User us where us.userid = :uid]s User user =(User) factory.getBean("user"); String uid=(String)form.get("userid"); String hql="select us.password from User us where us.userid = :uid"; Query query=session.createQuery(hql); String dbpwd = ...

26. Bug in Hibernate Query Language

The executeUpdate spelling is wrong... Please check line 11..... I have downloaded latest version of hibernate. More over it is not letting me delete the record. public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Session sess = null; try { SessionFactory fact = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); sess = fact.openSession(); String hql = "delete from Insurance insurance where id = ...

27. Hibernate Query Language

Hi Friends, I am able to write a query with simple select statement below: Code: But how to write same as above for the below db query: Code: select email_address from person where id in(select member from group_members ...

28. Query language and Sets


29. hibernate query language

30. Query independent of language

Hi, I am very new to jpa and hibernate. Can anyone please tell me is it possible to write a hibernate query which can be executed by any language like php, .net or java and also for any database? This is the prime requirement of my project to write a query which can be used by any application of any language. ...

31. Convert SQL Server Query to Hibernate Query Language

Hi, To generate HQL of following Sql Server 2000 select * from T_CX1_Patient_T patient inner join T_CX1_PtSite_T site on patient.PatID = site.PatID inner join T_CX1_Participant_M participant on site.ParticipantId = participant.ParticipantId where Registrytype = 'ACC2.0' and Siteid=1 and (patient.ssn=11 or patient.PatLName='Last') It requires inner join on three tables . Please help me out

32. hibernate query language

33. [Question] HQL / query language, debug

I'm new to hibernate and interested to know wheather there's any way (or tool) can debug HQL(or hibernate-provided query language) more directly; for user can key in their query and see the result immediately (or similar tool like sqlplus/sql analyzer). Though I know, thorugh generated SQL (hibernate setting), we're able to debug error when coding programs. Yet it's a tedious steps. ...

35. Date Functions in Hibernate Query Language (HQL)

Can anyone please tell whether HQL support any specific date functions or something. I need to check for transactions between a date range (that can be done) and the document expiration date is greater than or equal to the transaction month. The document expiration date is a date column for eg., 11/01/2004, if this is the expiration date, the document expires ...

36. Question to the Query language

Hi, I have some problems with a select query. I have the following classes Code: Person { Set

addresses; } Addresses { Set accessRight; } AccessRight { Set members; } I have the following query:[b] "select person.addresses from Person person where :user in (person.addresses.accessRight.members)"...[/b] I get the output "could not resolve property: members of my.core.Addresses" - however, "members" is as you ...

38. Moving away from v2 to v3.1.2. Query language not supported!

Hibernate version: v3.1.2 That piece of code was working with v2, but does not work anymore as I just migrated to v3.1.2. I have the following exception with the code below: org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: limit near line 1, column 165 [select o from as o where o.homeFeatured=:feat AND o.productState=:prodState order by rand() limit 5] StringBuffer rand = new StringBuffer(); if ...

39. Hibernate Query Language

stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT, " + "old_stories.title, " + "old_stories.body,, " + "users.nickname FROM old_stories, users" ...

41. Doubt in hibernate query language

Hi, I have the following query from DMSViewRowObject dmView where dmView.rowType=310 and dmView.index2=3 and dmView.index1 = (select dv.index1 from DMSViewRowObject dv where dv.data2= :publicID) here my inner sub query returns multiple results.Hence using it this way would throw a sql exception. but if i try doing like this i.e using limit 1 from DMSViewRowObject dmView where dmView.rowType=310 and dmView.index2=3 and dmView.index1 ...

42. HQL Query - Retrieving rows with specific language

Hi everybody, As you will probably guess, I am new to Hibernate... Shame on me. I have a question concerning HQL. I need to do a query to my database but can't succeed in HQL. It works fine in SQL. The 'simplified' context is: I have 2 tables: - Collections - Collections_Content One 'Collections' can have between 1 and X 'Collections_Content'. ...