inner query « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate and rownum in inner query

I have the following query in oracle that I want to use in hibernate but cannot work out how to use the rownum variable in an inner query. The query ...

2. Using NHibernate's HQL to make a query with multiple inner joins

The problem here consists of translating a statement written in LINQ to SQL syntax into the equivalent for NHibernate. The LINQ to SQL code looks like so:

var whatevervar = from threads ...

3. How to set a limit to inner query in Hibernate?

I have HQL like this:

from Table1 t1 where not in (select from Table2 t2 order by limit 10)
The problem is it doesn't understand limit keyword. Is there a ...

4. Grails/GORM/HQL: Eliminate inner query in FROM part

I have a table "Table" similar to this one:

id     user_id      owner_id      due_date
1     | ...

5. INNER JOIN HQL Query from Grails

I am trying to figure out how to make this snip of code work:

def searchString = unchecked.join(",");
        searchString = searchString.replace("\"", "'")

6. Hibernate query inner join on unmapped table (unidirectional)

I do have a problem query problem with spring and hibernate. I've got a class called Car which maps ManyToMany to my class Inventory. Inventory btw holds no references to the Car ...

7. Simple hql named query that uses a inner join

I want to do something like this in my domain/entity object :

@NamedQuery(name="favouriteCats", query="from Cat c inner join on UserCat uc where uc.isFavourtie = true and uc.user = :user")
public final class Cat ...

8. NHibernate - HQL and In-Depth Inner Joins

I want to know the gallaxies which has planets that have sattelites of type 'Spy' and human species. I'm having difficulty writing multiple inner joins of different depth levels. Here is one of ...

9. How to implement with hibernate criteria Object the select query with inner join

I'm newrby with Hibernate and Criteria Query. So i have implemented the query in HQL:

select A.mobilephone
from mobile_table A
inner join user_table B

10. Q> JPA Query INNER JOIN Help...

I have a transaction table & i want to create a view on it as a master list. ex. Dog Transaction dogTable transid, dogname, transdate, birthdate 1, dog1, 1/1/2000, 1/1/2000 2, ...

11. Hibernate - Conditions are not applied in Inner Criteria Query

Hi, Criteria restrictions are not applied in the items of the collections. I have a persistence entity (POJO) Menugroup and it has a collection called catgroups (HashSet, one to many). Catgroup persistence entity (POJO) has another one-to-many collection "dealitems" (HashSet). My criteria query is below: List menuGroups = session.createCriteria(Menugroup.class) .add( Restrictions.eq("published", true)).addOrder( Property.forName("name").asc()).setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY). setFetchMode("catgroups", FetchMode.JOIN). createCriteria("catgroups").addOrder( Property.forName("name").asc()). add( Restrictions.eq("published", true) ).setFetchMode("dealitems", ...

13. How to use inner join with hql query

I already create a criteria to list my class package br.salesianos.lista; import br.salesianos.db.*; import br.salesianos.modelo.*; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import org.hibernate.Session; @ManagedBean public class ListaEstado { private List suaLista; public ListaEstado() { filtrar(); } public void filtrar() { Session sessao = CriadorDeSessao.getSession(); suaLista = (sessao.createCriteria(Estado.class).list()); sessao.close(); } /** * @return the suaLista */ public List getSuaLista() { return suaLista; } /** ...

14. inner query in hibernate

Hi can you tell me how to write the second query as you mentioned in reply And then use the remprim in the second query: ("from rebrcd_tb as reb where reb.brcd_part_no <......). My classes are package; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.Timestamp; public class REMPIM_TB implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public String ...

15. inner query in hibernate

Hi List[], I have below query.How can i write the query using HQL or Criteria .Please tell me. SELECT this_.mpim_cmpn_no AS mpim1_5_0_, this_.mpim_corp_no AS mpim2_5_0_, this_.mpim_part_no_frm AS mpim3_5_0_, this_.mpim_part_no_to AS mpim4_5_0_, this_.mpim_emp_no AS mpim5_5_0_, (SELECT cdmst_code_descp FROM cmcdmst_tb WHERE cdmst_group_name = 'HRMDL' AND cdmst_code_id = this_.mpim_model_code) model, this_.mpim_valid AS mpim7_5_0_, this_.mpim_valid_from AS mpim8_5_0_, this_.mpim_valid_to AS mpim9_5_0_, this_.mpim_crte_dtime AS mpim10_5_0_, this_.mpim_crte_emp_no AS ...

16. inner query in hql

Caused by: org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: ( near line 1, column 7 [ from (from rempim_tb as mpim where mpim.mpim_emp_no =:empno), barcodeentry as bcode where bcode.brcd_part_no between mpim.mpim_part_no_frm and mpim.mpim_part_no_to] at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException.convert( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException.convert( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.ErrorCounter.throwQueryException( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.parse( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.doCompile( at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile( at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.getHQLQueryPlan( at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.createQuery( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.createQuery(

17. Native SQL resulting in parser exception for inner query

The following piece of code results in Code: org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: ( near line 1, column 209 Snippet. Code: private static String orgMatrix = "SELECT as userId,, usr.alias,, as role, pmap.value as pincode, caller.customer_per_cycle as customersPerCycle, org.reportee_id as reportee FROM t_user usr " + /* The ...

18. SQL query error - mysql and inner joins

String sql = "SELECT {star.*} "+ "FROM stars as {star} INNER JOIN starvotes as {starvotes} on {star}.id={starvotes}.starId "+ "WHERE {starvotes}.categoryId="+categoryId+" "+ "ORDER BY {starvotes}.value DESC "+ "LIMIT 0, 5"; List stars = session.createSQLQuery(sql, new String[] {"star", "starvotes"}, new Class[] {Star.class, Starvote.class} ).list();

19. [ query ] inner/outer join

20. Way too many queries for simple inner join

Beginner Joined: Mon Dec 08, 2003 12:15 am Posts: 47 I have the following design. The table ap_step has a many to many relationship with table technology which is resolved with the join table ap_step_technology. The table ap_step also has a one-to-one relation with table ap_detail_level The table ap_step also has a one-to-one relation with table ap_step_category In my application, I ...

21. Criteria Query Inner Joins

22. inner joins with criteria query

23. HQL: Inner query with cross join or inner-inner query ???

Hibernate version: 2 I am trying to write a HQL query with an inner query. It works fine until I try with a cross join, like this: ... WHERE o1.prop1 IN (SELECT c1.prop2 FROM Class1 c1, Class2 c2 WHERE ...) or an inner query inside my first inner query, like this: ... WHERE o1.prop1 IN (SELECT c1.prop2 FROM Class1 c1 WHERE ...

24. select query with inner join

Hi all, I am using Hibernate 3.1beta on tomcat and mysql server.. I have 3 tables users, userrole, and role.. userrole contains userid and roleid which are primary keys in Users and Role resp.. i want to retrieve data from users and userrole tables using inner join.. how shud i define their respective xml file and what shud be the sql ...

25. Newbie : Query on multiple tables / inner join

Hi, I have a simple but important issue. I have set up a small hibernate project (with a big database) and I just want to do a query on 2 tables of my db, like this : select customer.customer_id, customer.customer_name, car.model, car.year where customer.purchase_id=car.purchase_id I had already made a mapping of [i]customer[/i] before. My questions are : 1 - I would ...

27. Query using multiple inner joins on the same table

Hello, I'm not sure how to write a Criteria query that would use multiple inner joins on the same table. Here is a mapping on which this problem is based: Code: ...

28. Hibernate inner join query

Hello, I have the address table and my sql query is following: select l.community_name,,m.community_count,l.state,l.community_address from address l inner join( select community_name,city,state, count(*) as community_count from address where state = 'AZ' group by community_name,city,state ) m on and m.COMMUNITY_name=l.community_name and l.state=m.state and m.community_count = 1 Assume that i have Address object mapped to this table. Please let me know the equivalent ...

29. Query parsing using INNER or LEFT JOINS

Hello all, I'm using NHibernate, but my problem also occur in Hibernate, I think. I've an object model like this (omitting getters and setters): class ChangeRequest { private long id; //PK private string title; private User responsible; //FK to User table } class User { private long id; //PK private string name; } The relational model is straightforward. Now, I'd like ...

31. Restrictions are not applied in Inner Criteria Query

Hi, Criteria restrictions are not applied in the items of the collections. I have a persistence entity (POJO) Menugroup and it has a collection called catgroups (HashSet, one to many). Catgroup persistence entity (POJO) has another one-to-many collection "dealitems" (HashSet). My criteria query is below: Code: List menuGroups = session.createCriteria(Menugroup.class) ...

32. ORDER BY and Inner Queries