hsql « Query « JPA Q&A

1. HSQL Subqueries    stackoverflow.com

I have a class Order that contains a set of OrderSection's that itself contains a set of OrderItem's. In SQL, one can use a SELECT statement in a JOIN clause as done ...

2. Does HSQL Select preserve the table's order?    stackoverflow.com

does the Hibernate Query Language preserve the row order in the query result when using a simple "select" with no "order by"? Is it ok to rely on the order returned ...

3. HSQL Outer Join query exception    forum.hibernate.org

4. HSQL (select new Class1(...) ... question    forum.hibernate.org

Is there any way to do following get and fetch object with it's related collections by one jdbc call using syntax like this SELECT new Class1(c.prop1,c.prop2,c.collect1) from Class1 c where c.collect1 some collection (List?,Set? or ...) How Class1 constructor must looks like? What type of collections supperted? HSQL expression may be quite different, but the main idea to get object with ...

5. HSQL Query problem    forum.hibernate.org

I'm currently in a project where we store orders of clients. To give an overview to a sales representative we use the following hsql query to show the intakes of which the last state has a code which contains a value of either :code1 or :code2 Each intake is part of an order which has the purchase date: Code: ...

6. How would I write this HSQL query?    forum.hibernate.org

7. Refining a HSQL query    forum.hibernate.org

Sorry for posting here but I don't see any Hibernate Forum My HSQL at the moment looks like: Code: List matches = new ArrayList(); Criteria crt = session.createCriteria(BatchAccount.class); String uaHQL = ...

8. current timestamp in hsql's select section    forum.hibernate.org

If "current" is a keyword in your database, then change your query to an sql-query. Hibernate will be treating it as an IDENT. If it really it used to be treated as a keyword in the appropriate dialect, have a look at the differences between the H2 and H3 dialect files. BTW it's "HQL", not "HSQL". Or is HSQL the name ...

9. Lack of parentheses with hsql query    forum.hibernate.org

Hi. I have a problem with not being able to generate the right parentheses from a hql query. The HQL is: Code: from PersistentClass pc where ( pc.value = value1 and ...

10. hsql on null-reference / order-by    forum.hibernate.org

11. How can i use hsql query    forum.hibernate.org

12. Criteria + Projection equivalent of a HSQL tuple query    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, We have a query conceptually similar to the following: Code: String hsql = "SELECT c.name, k FROM Cat c INNER JOIN c.kittens k WHERE c.colour in (:colours) and k.whiskerLength > :length"; // populate 'colours' with a collection, and 'length' with an int which returns a List of 2-element array tuples, one containing the String (the name) and one containing ...

13. Speed: store objects in hashmap by code or hsql query them    forum.hibernate.org

Dear all, Up to now, in our application, every time we restart it we load all the objects from the database using a simple select hql query and then we store them in a hashmap like (code_pk,object) so we can access the object later easily... It may look silly because... why do we store them in a hashmap, if we can ...

14. Problem converting existing SQL query into HSQL query    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:46 am Posts: 1 I am converting an existing project over to using Hibernate by converting existing JDBC calls into HSQL and I have run into SQL query that I cannot figure out how to do in Hibernate. I have spent 2 days trying to figure this out with no luck. I am trying to ...