dynamic « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Dynamic order by in JPA/Hibernate?    stackoverflow.com

The naive attempt query would look like this:

Query query = em.createQuery("from org.domain.Resource r where r._parent = ? order by ?");
This does not work as the parameters should be data and not ...

2. Remove dynamically an ordering to the result set in org.hibernate.Criteria    stackoverflow.com

I have a Criteria with: Criteria criteria= session.createCriteria(Libro.class).addOrder( Order.asc("ID") ); However, when I want to get the rowcount fail: criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount());
because there is an order by in the query. How to remove ...

3. Dynamic JPA 2.0 query using Criteria API    stackoverflow.com

I am a bit stucked constructing a dynamic query using the CriteriaBuilder of JPA 2.0. I have quite a common use case I guess: User supplies a arbitrary amount of search parameters ...

4. dynamic MySQL query/view for crosstab    stackoverflow.com

I currently have a hard coded view with the following sql:

select username
    ,(case user_role.role_id when 1  then true else false end) as ROLE_SUPER 

5. Dynamic Query on multiple properties with Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have a model that has several properties. The properties can be primitive (String) or complex (Object). The user can make a query on each primitive property. I would like to ...

6. How to change JPA 2.0 SQL/JPQL queries dynamically in production    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem with the architecture of JPA 2.0/ORM, in our production system (and i believe in a lot of systems) we need the ability to change the SQL queries dynamically ...

7. JPQL multiple joins while dynamic query building    stackoverflow.com

I'm using OpenJPA 1.2.x I would like to create nice filtering functionality. Now it looks awful. Maybe somemone had practice, if yes please suggest how it can look better. The idea is: I have ...

8. How can I dynamically sort a collection property in JPA?    stackoverflow.com

We have the following JPA class:

class Supplier {
  // ... id property etc.

  private List<Region> regions;
This works fine in the normal case. However, we have ...

9. problem with named parameter query in hibernate    stackoverflow.com

In order to prevent SQL Injection i am trying to convert dynamic queries to named parameter query.. however, when i am using this code -

String query = "from Ad a ...

10. Dynamic queries with hibernate    stackoverflow.com

I have an application where i need to enable end users to create adhoc reports by defining their options through some type of wizard whose process would be something like:

1) ...

11. store dynamic JPA Queries    stackoverflow.com

In a webproject i have a complex form to build a dynamic query. When i wrote this code I only had JPA 1, (no Criteria API) so i build the query ...

12. Dynamic Hibernate Query    stackoverflow.com

I have a method that I use to return a dynamic query. This method is shown below

public Query getLastId(String sProvider)
       String serviceProvider = sProvider.toLowerCase();  ...

13. Order by and Group By dynamic preparation with Hibernate    stackoverflow.com

How to prepare order by and group by clause dynamically with Hibernate Query interface or any manually. Regards, Raj

14. Dynamic Query in Hibernate. Inputs will change as per User enter    stackoverflow.com

I am using hibernate with spring frame work. I have a problem that i have a search screen from where user can enter values in five fields, now it is totaly ...

15. Looking for a way to create dynamic SQL from a given SQL Query in Java    stackoverflow.com

As part of a workflow engine i am implementing a generic DB step that would execute any given SQL query and return the results as XML. This workflow can be dynamically ...

16. Dynamic Query with AND, OR criteria    stackoverflow.com

I am using Dynamic Query to get the result from my custom table. I want to execute Dynamic Query with "AND"(&&) as well as with "or"(||) criteria. SQL which resembles to my need ...

17. Hibernate; dynamic instantiation with report queries    coderanch.com

Using some of the advice within the new "Hibernate in Action" book, I am writing report queries to retrieve datbase data for reports. Although projection within the report queries works just fine, what does not seem to work is using dynamic instantiation with these queries. I get the following error: "net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: class not found". According to the book, the custom class ...

18. Hibernate - dynamic queries created by the user?    coderanch.com

Hello people, I am facing a design issue in the system we are developing. There is a use case where the User has to create dynamic queries that will generate objects to be used thoughtout the system. How the user can do it in a system based on Hibernate? Thank you very much for any thoughts.

19. Building Dynamic Query in JPA    coderanch.com

Can you elaborate. IN JPA you only have SQL and JP-QL, and in all those cases it takes a String to create the corresponding objects, so building a dynamic String to hold the query is really easy, the only thing to lookout in that case is the hacker that enters Strings in the UI that would hurt your database. That is ...

20. Possible to dynamically create a named query?    forum.hibernate.org

22. How to pass values to Named Query dynamically in Hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

I need to create a dynamic query based on the some condition. I don't want to hardcode this query in my java class. So that's the reason i want to get this using Named query in hibernate. Below is how iam trying to implement. DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String today = sdf.format(date); Query query = session.getNamedQuery("findDateDifference"); query.setString(1, today); List date_Diff_List ...

23. SQL Named Query functionaity Dynamic using Jython/JRuby    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, My situation is like I want to have my queries externalized, and at the same time pass bind variable values to them.--> Answer is: SQL Named Queries. That's working fine. Now the issue is that for three/four/five different criteria and I end up writing those many named SQL Queries in a seperate hbm xml file. Is there any way as ...

24. Dynamic query using criteria joining two tables    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, I need to build a search query using three tables. Tables are linked like this, I need TABLE_A objects from database. TABLE_B contains TABLE_A as FK. TABLE_C contains TABLE_B as FK. depending on some parameters, I need to build a query that checks TABLE_C, TABLE_B and TABLE_A and returns me TABLE_A objects. I am using criteria api for querying ...

25. Hibernate Dynamic Queries    forum.hibernate.org

We are designing a report framework based on Hibernate. Rather than having to create a new entity object and so on each time a user wants a new report to be added to the system, we'd prefer to have this drive as much by data from the back-end database as possible. My thoughts are that the generic handler accepts a set ...

26. Dynamic where clause for a class    forum.hibernate.org

27. A question about dynamic query with Criteria.    forum.hibernate.org

28. newbie - dynamic queries    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I'm currently evaluating hibernate for use on a number of projects. I've used ibatis before and notice a number of features are common. One feature I can't see in hibernate is dynamic where clauses. Is it possible to modify the where clause of named queries based upon the properties of the object passed to the query.setProperties(fooBean) method? Taking an example ...

29. Best way to build dynamic queries?    forum.hibernate.org

In 'Hibernate in Action', paragraph 7.5.1 "Dynamic queries", it is discussed how to build dynamic queries. Firstly, a HQL example with some String concatenation is shown and is it stated that this code is 'tedious and noisy' (which is my opinion too). In the following, better approaches are explained, all building upon the Criteria API. My question is: I have learned, ...

30. Query using dynamic class in Hibernate 3.0    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Everybody, I am farily new to Hibernate trying to evaluate the dynamic-class concepts which which ware planning to use in our future projects. I am really impressed with this new feature, so far i have been able to use the dynamic class concept and perform the following operation, 1. Persist a dynamic class to a table 2. Load a single ...

31. dynamic-update vs. select-before-update    forum.hibernate.org

I am having the following issue with hibernate: Foo and Bar both have select-before-update="true" Foo foo = new Foo(); // INSERTS new Foo object as expected foo = session1. save(foo); // No changes so no INSERT or UPDATE as expected foo = session2. save(foo); Bar bar = new Bar(); foo.addBar(bar); // UPDATES foo and INSERTS Bar object as expected foo = ...

32. Dynamic Criteria Query    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:56 pm Posts: 2 Hibernate version: 2.1.7 I have been racking my brain trying to find a good way to create a criteria query from some dynamicaly stored values. i.e. from a database record. I am trying to set up a piece of my application to allow the users to create 'views' of their data ...

33. Dynamic order by for named queries    forum.hibernate.org

34. sql-query simulation of dynamic instantiation?    forum.hibernate.org

35. How do I represent dynamic query in Hibernate?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi there, I'm from iBatis background and recently started exploring Hibernate. My task is to convert ORMapping layer from iBatis to Hibernate. Simple queries presented in iBatis sql map can easily be converted as per hibernate sql syntax. But I couldnt find a way to represent below query in hibernate format. this is a search query which is dynamically formed at ...

36. Creating a dynamic query    forum.hibernate.org

Thanks Chris! That will certainly work. But I was hoping to find a more "Hibernate-native" solution - perhaps as part of a general habit of treating each problem as a learning experience. And there is plenty of learning that I still have to do when it comes to Hibernate! :-) Thanks again. Eugene

39. Grouping dynamic updates in one query    forum.hibernate.org

Howdy, I am using Hibernate 2.1.8 in an app server (weblogic 8.1). I am loading many Pojos (mapped to the same table) and modifing only one attribute. After flushing, Hibernate generates as many requests as Pojos. update table t set t.column1 = 'toto' where t.DB_ID = XX; I am wondering if it is possible to modify Hibernate code, in order to ...

40. Dynamic select passing my model    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I want to know if there is way to construct a dynamic query just passing my entity model as parameter? So the Hibernate would construct my query according to the values that exist in the model passed as parameter. Example: public class UserModel extends AppModel { private Long id; private String name; private String email; private String login; private String ...

41. ORDER BY named parameter in Named Queries (Dynamic ORDER BY)    forum.hibernate.org

charlus wrote: I've changed my code so that the order by column name is not a Parameter to the HQL query anymore and everything is now fine. I came to the same conclusion after switch my hard-coded value to a parametric value and building with a StringBuffer like this: Code: ...

42. I need help with Pagination of a Large, Dynamic result set    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to paginate search results without loading all matching Objects into memory. The search can match over 10,000 Objects, but a page should only display from 10 to 50 Objects at a time. There are several ways I could do this, but none of them work when the Object.class is specified in the where clause. Has anyone overcome this ...

43. how to perform query on multiple tables dynamically?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Thank you for reading my post My question is mostly technical and i want to know whether hibernate or EJB 3.0 can do this or not. we have an application which we are going to port it to Hibernate or JPA from plain JDBC. in our application, we have tables which are created after we complete the code, those tables ...

44. dynamic queries    forum.hibernate.org

45. dynamic-update and select-before-update?    forum.hibernate.org

46. dynamic-select?    forum.hibernate.org

47. Dynamic instantiation with count(*)    forum.hibernate.org

When using dynamic instantiation, does each property in the data-transfer have to equate to a column? Goal: Count an item's bids by bidder HQL: select new BidSummary ( item.bidder , count(*) ) from Item item where ... BidSummary class has contructor BidSummary(Bidder bidder, int bids) With this I get an error "unable to locate appropriate constructor on class [BidSummary] As a ...

48. Dynamic native sql queries    forum.hibernate.org

49. Dynamic query to named query    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I have an issue like this There is column called URL in my schema in the following format "file://ServerName/usr/local/tmp/xyz.xml" I am fetching records based on my server name using 'like' operator as follows String serverName = SystemConfiguration.getInstance().getName(); Query query = getCurrentSession().createQuery("from InterceptedResource resource where m_resourceIdentifier like '%" + serverName + "%'"); return query.list(); The server name field is not ...

50. Trouble building a dynamic query using criterias and joins    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:58 pm Posts: 26 I am trying to learn how to use criterias to build q dynamic query. Basically I am trying to figure out how to build the following query dynamically: Code: "from Person p inner join p.addresses address inner join address.addressLines lines " + "where p.firstName = :firstName and " + ...

51. Building Dynamic where cluase with or using criteria query    forum.hibernate.org

public static void main(String args[]) { Session session = HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); Criterion c1 = Restrictions.gt("id", (long)2); Criterion c2 = Restrictions.lt("id", (long)8); Criterion c3 = Restrictions.isNotNull("emailAddress"); User user = new User(); user.setEmailAddress(".com"); Example c4 = Example.create(user); c4.enableLike(MatchMode.END); c4.ignoreCase(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(User.class); ...

52. Best option for dynamic queries    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all. I'm involved in a project that aim to gather, store and mine archeology data. In addition, the mining needs to be visualized online and since I know java best, I've talked my project leader into using java (with JSP and JSF) for server side operations. For database access the Hibernate project seems like the choice for us too, since ...

53. Novice with JPA / Hibernate help in dynamic select    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I'm using JPA with Hibernate and falls into a situation and I do not know how to resolve because I have a jsp page like this: [code] jsp page with list box Operacao Field Value ======== ===== ===== Id = 20 State = "SP" Balance > 1000 Where the field: ID -> Client object State -> object Address Balance -> ...

54. Need help with Criteria building where clause dynamically    forum.hibernate.org

I am using the Criteria API and am having trouble building a where clause like the following. WHERE (col1 = ? AND col2 IN (?) AND col3 = ?) OR (col1 = ? AND col2 IN (?) ) AND col3 = ?) OR (col1 = ? AND col2 IN (?) ) AND col3 = ?) I need to use AND to ...

55. Creating dynamic queries: how to?    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, The use case is as follows: the user can create a search profile (what fields to display for a particular object, what search conditions should be applied, and more later), and this profile is persisted to the database in an XML string (NOT an XML object). POJO mode is not used, I only use dynamic-map and dom4j modes. Of course, ...