count « Query « JPA Q&A

1. count(*) in hibernate criteria?

I have a combination of search criteria which implemented by using hibernate criteria. And I added a pagination like this :

This is not enough for a pagination , so I have ...

2. Criteria query : order by count

I'm trying to do a criteria query that returns the most answered questions in an stackoverflow like faq. A question contains multiple answers. I'm trying to return with a criteria query the most ...

3. Hibernate query count on multiple tabs

I have multiple tables :

  1. vote
  2. Question
  3. Answer
Each of these tables have an authorId field. I want to output this in an sql query : MemberId1 . (Nbr of votes + Nbr of Question + Nbr ...

4. sql stop count at a given threshold

I am generating reports in my system but some reports are returning a huge number of results. To remedy this I hit the database with a count first, then in ...

5. hql select from select problem

I would like to count the number of groups of a group by statement. In SQL that would look like:

select count(*) from (select count(*) from MyTable t group by t.col1, t.col2) ...

6. HQL count from multiple tables

I would like to query my database using a HQL query to retrieve the total number of rows having a MY_DATE greater than SOME_DATE. So far, I have come up with a ...

7. Count JPA and Invalid Path

After poking around Stack Overflow I found the following solution for counting problem. My requirement is to get the total number of matching rows, and return the first ten for pagination ...

8. Problem with Count query having IN clause in Hibernate

Hello Everybody, I am using a namedQuery in Hibernate for Count having IN clause, as follows: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1 col1 IN ( :List1 ) AND col2 IN ( :List2 ) I am providing the bind parameters as java.util.List. Still I donot get any result or even any exception. I am using Hibernate 3. Will Hibernate not support a Count query ...

9. getting count of HQL query

I'm trying to do pagination so I need to know the count but it seems such a difficult task to find the count of a query which deferences another table. The query is StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer (); buf.append ("from Patient as pat ") .append (" left join fetch pat.patientInsurances pi ") .append ("where pi.insuranceNumber like :insuranceNumber ") .append ("or ...

10. HQL: How to count green eye kittens?

11. Hibernate Count Query

12. How to count quickly

13. count in hibernate

14. Count using Criteria

public Integer getTotalPhotos(User user) { Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Photo.class); crit.add(Restrictions.eq("idUser", user.getIdUser())); crit.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); int count = ((Integer) crit.uniqueResult()).intValue(); return count; ...

15. Simple select with count .. howto ?

Select as Bookname, as Authorname, Count( Distinct(book.publisher) ) as Numberofdiffrentpublisher From book, author Where book.author_id = author.author_id, book.publishdate <= {somedate}, book.publishdate ...

16. Hibernate Count Query from two join tables

Hi, I'm having difficulty in building the count query in hibernate with two join tables. The POJO mapping class in one table has the reference to the other table. Table A has sequenceno,uin Table b has sequenceno,status I need the count of uin in table A for the corresponding seq no. and Sequenceno in table A is mapped to sequence no ...

17. count for JPA criteria query

// Same query, but readable: // SELECT * // FROM Brain b // WHERE = 170 CriteriaQuery query = cb.createQuery(Person.class); Root root = query.from(Person.class); Join brainJoin = root.join("brain"); Predicate iqPredicate = ...

18. Is it possible to get count from a sessionFactory query

I have the following query sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Employee).list(); Currently, the query takes a long time since it eagar fetched many associations (which is needed since data needs to be passed to another system). This time delay is alright for most of the cases but there are situations where I need to know if there are any records present and not get the ...

19. select count(1) from...

I want to implement a more efficient "existence" check for my domain objects, based on the primary key and using the query listed above. Can someone please suggest the best way to do that? I'm thinking I may need to use a native SQL api, but the question is: how to make it general enough, so that I can just pass ...

21. Criteria query & count

With iterator I have to construct query by myself. With Criteria I only need to tell Hibernate I'm interested in objects of class A with property X equal to 1 and property Y in given set etc. and Hibernate constructs correct query. Criteria seems very useful for search when search condition is constructed dynamically from web form. But if I need ...

23. how to use patch on Criteria.count() method?

Grab hibernate from cvs and apply the patch using your favorite IDE (pretty easy with Eclipse Team->apply patch) src applies on src directory and non-src applies on the whole distribution. Developpers need to take time to think about that (don't want to add a wrong and thus legacy API). There was a thread on the devel mailing list about that.

24. count with many-to-many

26. Count() in ORDER BY?

27. count() on a collection

SELECT pet FROM Pet AS pet INNER JOIN pet.client AS cl INNER JOIN cl.clientToIdentity AS clid INNER JOIN pet.identity AS ident INNER JOIN pet.attributes AS rc WHERE rc.referenceId IN (198, 219, 3) AND LOWER(cl.accountId) LIKE LOWER(:accountId)AND ...

28. Counting objects on the reverse side of a many-to-one

Author Message MCWelch Post subject: Counting objects on the reverse side of a many-to-one Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 2:57 pm Beginner Joined: Mon Sep 29, 2003 3:10 pm Posts: 36 Hibernate version: 2.1.6 Java Classes: Code: public class ILT { private Long iltID; private String title; private String description; ...

29. Hibernate Queries: How do i do a select count(*) ...

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate. Would like to ask a pretty simple question. How do i query for the total number of rows in a table. Like a select count(*) .. This is a Pagination related question, where i have used the sample Page class implementation provided by Gavin King. However, would like to make some modifications, where instead of simply ...

30. count query

You can try: int numberOfHits = ((Integer)session.createQuery(query.toString()).uniqueResult()).intValue(); uniqueResult will return 0 if no match found or the number of records corresponding to your count request. With a count query UniqueResult never return null. or you can try: numberOfHits = ((Integer).iterate(query.toString()).next()).intValue(); Both ways works fine but i don't know wich is the best to use.

31. Unexpected Token when using inner COUNT

Here is my problem : I work with 2 tables (PO_POSTE and PO_POSTE_AGENT). I can have many PO_POSTE_AGENT for one PO_POSTE but I can also have no PO_POSTE_AGENT for a PO_POSTE. I'm trying to have a row for each PO_POSTE where there is 1 PO_POSTE_AGENT (or more) between two dates. To make the request more simple, I removed the dates criteria ...

32. Count(1) via getNamedQuery

I was wondering how to do a standard count and call it via the getNamedQuery Here is what i want to do Will this work above or do i need to map a return in there. Also what is the ...

33. Criteria count()

Hibernate version:2.1.8 I've got what seems to be a common problem using Criteria. It doesn't support aggregation. I've read several forums which reference a count() method of Criteria that is available via a patch. What I've read indicates it is available in either 2.1.7 or 2.1.8, however I can't seem to find it. I only need this for basic constrained count ...

34. Select count problem

// Within an interceptor private boolean initialAuditExists(String tableName, String rowIdAsString) { boolean rv = false; String countQuery = "select count(d) from myproduct.audit.transaction.TransactionAuditInterceptor d " + "where d.tablename=:tableName and d.rowidasstring=:rowIdAsString"; String[] paramNames = new String[]{"tableName", "rowIdAsString"}; ...

35. How to set the count(*)

Hi All, I have this statement executed using dao with hibernate dao.find(select s, count(*) from Student s group by s.gender ) Student table ========================== ID Name Gender =========================== 1 Kate F ------------------------------------------- 2 John M -------------------------------------------- 3 Kim M ============================= At file Student.hbm.xml I have defined the hibernate mapping for ID, Name, and Gender. Also I have defined a as ...

36. Simple HQL count(*) failing..

I am familiar with mapping and all of that stuff but this piece of HQL is driving me crazy. I made up this quick chunk of code to count the number of events for a given Course. -- before this I initialize hibSession and it's ok String hql = "Select count(*) from EVENT where COURSE_ID = :cid"; Query q1 = hibSession.createQuery(hql).setLong("cid",41); ...

39. Support for count(1) cluase in HQL

40. Baffled: Hibernate count() much slower than in SQLSquirrel

Hibernate version: 2.1 In testing query performance we're trying to improve the count() query performance on one case with a large data set. All the SQL here is what's spewed out from Hibernate. This query took about 25 seconds: HQL: Code: select count ( * ) from ChannelViewActivity cva where cva.createdAtDate between :startDate and :endDate SQL: Code: select count(*) as ...

41. criteria + count

42. LazyInitializationException with select count(*) from table

I can't seem to successfully execut a select count(*) from a table. Should be simple I'm using the Spring classes and can retrieve records elsewhere but am getting exceptions doing a select count(*) and getting and Integer back (I want to get 0 when the table is empty too). The spring HibernateDaoSupport is a little different than the examples in the ...

43. Count on a criteria which has count itself (difficult)

Hi all, Hope this is not noise, did looked at various places for a solution on this, How can i query rowCount for a criteria which already has projection set ? Ex: criteria.createAlias("assoPath1", "alias1", CriteriaSpecification.INNER_JOIN) .createAlias("assoPath2", "alias2", CriteriaSpecification.INNER_JOIN) .setProjection(Projections.projectionList() .add(Property.forName("").group().as("alias1Name")) .add(Property.forName("").group().as("alias2Name")) .add(Property.forName("col").count().as("count")) ); lets say this query translates to select as y0_, as y1_, count(this_.col) as y2_ from this_table ...

44. Count(*) in hibernate

Hi I have a query.Whenever I execute the query written in my hbm.xml SELECT count(*) FROM table tablename I get, org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query as an Exception. If, I directly write a query in my persistent Class, then also i get some other exception. Kindly tell me how to use this thing..

45. getting count using findByExample

Hi, I'm trying to use a paging mechanism with a findByExampleInstance query. How can I get the sql string from a Criteria instance to determine the total count of a findByExample query: Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(type); Example example = Example.create(exampleInstance); criteria.add(example); // how do I get sql string to do a select count on query?? Is their an easy way to ...

47. need more info on count()

48. HOW TO? ORDER BY count()

this is interesting, replacing the count(mg.genre) suggested by the docos with a simple literal like 'col_0_0_' works like a charm because hibernate replaces count(mg.genre) with an alias of 'col_0_0_' as it is the first column selected in the query This is not particularly elegant but will work as long as hibernate implementation does not change. Is there a way to use ...

49. Can't I count(1) with Criteria?

50. Select count with join

52. Gettting Second level cache hit count and miss count

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:3.2 [b]Mapping documents: [b]Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():Auto generated using Myeclipse. Please can somebody tell me how to fetch the second level cache hits and second level cache miss counts. I always get the count as zero for both. In my stack trace it says that second level ...

53. Hibernate criteria + count

Hello friends, When we retrieving records using criteria, is it possible to have a count as one of the columns. My requirement is this. For example we have loan table and borrower table. Say a loan may contain one or many borrowers. (1 borrower, multiple coborrower like that) I want to list the loans with number of borrowers as one of ...

54. count() as .. HQL problem

Hi, I am using Spring with Hibernate, and try to order a table by the number of values in a column using the following code: getHibernateTemplate().find( "select count(v) as num, v.nationality from Visitor v " + "group by v.nationality order by num")); However, it doesnt accept my naming, and if doing it without renaming i get a missing group by excepcion. ...

55. Count Query

This should be a no brainer, but man oh man this thing is beating me up it makes no sense at all to me.... I have a count query to count how many records have a particular typeid there are 6 records I know are int there... The query generated is select COUNT(*) as x0_0_ from Entities entitybase0_ where ((typeID=@p0 )); ...

56. Count including zero

Hi, I'm new to HQL. I just want to ask if for example i have this 2 tables IP | Subnet ------------------------------- | | | Subnet IP | Subnet Name -------------------------------- | Main Subnet | testsubnet | Lab_subnet I want to count the number of IP in all the subnet and the ...

57. Constant expresion in select count phrase

58. Alternative for count(*) in Hibernate SQLQuery

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate. I developed a search functionality in JDBC. Now I need to convert it in hibernate. For this I'm using Hibernate SQLQuery because I need to join 3 tables. But I'm facing a difficulty. I've a query like this : select LOCATION, count(*) from Location_Table location left join st_sensor_table sensor on location.LOCATION = sensor.ST_SENSOR_ID where "+columnName+" like ...

59. My query with select count(*) doesn't work

public int getNbUsersAlpha(Intranet intranet, String alpha){ if(intranet!=null){ return this.getSession().createQuery("select count(*) from User where intranet=? and lastName like concat(?,'%')").setParameter(0, intranet).setParameter(1, alpha).list().size(); } else{ return this.getSession().createQuery("select count(*) ...

60. Average of a count