boolean « Query « JPA Q&A

1. How to get sum(boolean) as integer in hibernate's criteria query?

In a simple 'vote up / vote down' scenario , I want to sum the total 'up' count .

criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("vote" , Boolean.TRUE));
The generated SQL is sum( as y1_ and generates ...

2. Need to aggregate boolean type column value in hibernate

I have a table with one of the column as boolean type and I need use group by projection on another column. Now I want all the columns in select list. ...

3. JPA: TRUE, order by boolean, outer join...

1, While creating EJBQL queries algorithmically, I tried to use "TRUE" as the null-clause in the WHERE part of the query to conjunct other clauses to, if any. But this is what I get: Exception [TOPLINK-8025] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0 (Build b58g-fcs (09/07/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException Exception Description: Syntax error parsing the query [SELECT COUNT (e) FROM FileMetaInfo e WHERE TRUE ], ...

4. Migration woes - Cannot find data type boolean

Hello, What has changed regarding the boolean data type between Hibernate 3.1.3 and Hibernate 4? I am in the process of migrating an application and I am running into the following error: 16:21:04,368 INFO [stdout] (Thread-25) 16:21:04,368 INFO [stdout] (Thread-25) create table Example ( 16:21:04,368 INFO [stdout] (Thread-25) theId varchar(255) not null, 16:21:04,368 INFO [stdout] (Thread-25) name varchar(255) null, 16:21:04,368 INFO ...

5. Query on a boolean?

What's the proper way to query on a boolean (yes_no) field? The property in my class is type boolean (not Boolean). The mapping type is "yes_no". The query I want to write is something like: session.find("from Question as q where q.isActive = true") 'true' in this query is an invalid identifier. Thanks!

6. Problem with HQL query regarding Booleans

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with the following HQL? FROM test.UserOTK AS otk WHERE ( = 'email' OR = 'xmpp') AND NOT otk.used otk.used is a Boolean and if I leave out "AND NOT otk.used", it works. Here is the Exception I get: Incorrect query syntax [FROM test.UserOTK AS otk WHERE ( = 'email' OR = 'xmpp') AND ...

7. how do I do a boolean and() query?

egervari wrote: I have a one-to-many association from table A to B. B has a boolean field called is_accessed. I'd like to write a query that gives me all the A's where all it's own B's are true (or false), but I'm having a real hard time doing this. I have two tables: Department and Employee with a one-to-many from Department ...

8. HQL count for a boolean result

9. Generated query including boolean types

I'm having issues with Criteria queries. My query call looks like... DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(instance.getClass()) .add(Example.create(instance)); List results = getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria); My instance class has these fields... private Integer issueId; private Contact supplier; private IssueComponent issueComponent; private Product product; private Contact ownerContact; private String shortDesc; private String longDesc; private String fileName; private String status; private String criticality; private String resolution; private String ...

10. HSQLDialect and Booleans in native queries

public class HSQLDialect_HHH_1598 extends org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect { public HSQLDialect_HHH_1598() { super(); registerColumnType(Types.BIT, "boolean"); // Assert that the new type is registered correctly. if (!"boolean".equals(getTypeName(Types.BIT))) { ...

11. Are boolean literals in where clause supported?

Hibernate version: 3.3.0 GA Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: org.hibernate.QueryException: Unable to render boolean literal value [SELECT COUNT(item) FROM org.example.runtime.impl.repository.db.jpa.DbItem item WHERE ( NOT (item.deleted = TRUE) ) AND ( item.application IS NULL ) AND ( item.owner = :owner ) AND ( ( (:searchService = TRUE) AND (item.itemType = 'SERVICE') ) OR ( (:searchApplication = TRUE) AND (item.itemType ...

12. UNION concept, multi-boolean queries

General question from the HQL/JPA-QL perspective -- If you write a JPA-QL query such as the following with multi-boolean where clause (note, this is an example for simplicity to show boolean query, not to be used to 'solve' the problem with hibernate search): SELECT o from MyObject o WHERE (o.firstname = 'jon' OR o.firstname='john') AND (o.lastname = 'smith' OR o.lastname='smithe') With ...