Parameterized « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Should I use multiple static queries or a single parameterized query?

Background: I have three views: approved.xhtml, rejected.xhtml and submitted.xhtml which shows questions that has been approved, rejected and are submitted (Surprise!). The paths are:
In addition to this you can add either: ...

2. usage of add_days SQL function in parameterized query

Hi, I'm firing the below parameterized hibernate query in db2. update com.manh.doms.selling.common.pricing.ItemPrice set effectiveEndDTTM = add_days(effectiveEndDTTM , ?) upon which, i'm getting and with SQLState 42610 corresponding to 'A parameter marker is not allowed' and 56098 corresponding to 'An error occurred during implicit rebind or prepare'. Please let me know the right way of doing it. Regards Archana

3. Display parameterized query values

Thanks. but then how does one debug something like this?: [4/23/10 10:59:01:460 EDT] 00000058 SystemOut O Hibernate: select portalreso0_.PRS_PORTAL_ID as PRS_PORT1_0_, portalreso0_.PRS_RESOURCE_ID as PRS_RESO2_0_, portalreso0_.PRS_RESOU_TYPE_CDE as PRS_RESO3_0_, portalreso0_.PRS_RESOURCE_DSC as PRS_RESO4_0_ from xxxxxxxx.dbxxxxxx portalreso0_ where portalreso0_.PRS_PORTAL_ID=? and portalreso0_.PRS_RESOURCE_ID=? [4/23/10 10:59:01:463 EDT] 00000058 PersistentCol E net.sf.hibernate.collection.PersistentCollection initialize Failed to lazily initialize a collection net.sf.hibernate.UnresolvableObjectException: No row with the given identifier exists: com.medco.framework.securitymngr.bizcomponents.portalsettings.internal.PortalResourceId@667f5266, of ...

4. How to use parameterized query not using named query

I have following problem: I have almost the same two reports created by sql view joing few tables together. This query looks like: SELECT sth_not_important, ARRAY(SELECT from scr2.schedule_dates sd WHERE sth_not_important AND>=now() ORDER BY as dates FROM public.users few not important INNER JOIN... The most important is the bolded part>=now() which is presented only in one report. ...

5. How do parameterized queries with mysql?

public Personal getPersonalId(String id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub session = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().openSession(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); Query query = getHibernateTemplate().getSessionFactory().openSession().createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM PERSONAL P WHERE P.ID = ?").addEntity(Personal.class).setInteger(0, Integer.valueOf(id)); System.out.println(query.toString()); ...

6. Are Parameterized query SLOWER?

I've found a very strange problem in my code using Hibernate. Parameterized query runs slower than a "plain" one. For example I write: Code: String sQuery = "SELECT {gn.*} FROM ...

7. Deletes with a parameterized where clause

I have recently come across a situation where I need to perform a delete with a where clause. I would like the where clause to be parameterized to take advantage of prepared statements. Looking through the API for Session I see a delete method, Session.delete(String), but I'm wondering if there is a way to do something like Session.delete(Query)? If so then ...

8. problems with parameterized queries

Author Message Principal Skinner Post subject: problems with parameterized queries Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:54 pm Beginner Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 6:17 pm Posts: 41 i have a problem with creating a parameterized query using a composite id as a parameter passed to the query Code: tx = sesija.beginTransaction(); ...

9. subquery and parameterized filter bug,parameter values mixed

We are having a problem with using subqueries on persistent objects, to which a parametrized filter is applied. We are observing a phenomena where values from the filter and values from the query are switched, so that I have a filter value A, and parameter value B, but in the actual SQL (observed w/ P6Spy) the value or the filter passed ...

10. Parameterized type as a query parameter

11. parameterized query exception

public List findPerson(String firstname, String lastname) { List result; Query q; q = manager.createQuery("FROM Person p WHERE LIKE '"+ firstname +"' and LIKE ':varname'"); q.setParameter("varname", lastname); // tried ?1 as well - same problem, // treating names as substrings - ...

12. Parameterized Query

Hi Fellow mates I have a req in which 2 list's are passed from the front end . ie List 1 contains ids and List 2 contains some Alpahbets followings are the Data base records 1000 A 1000 B 1001 A 1001 C we wants records which has the combinations of (1000,A) and (1001,C) issue here is if i use IN ...