Named Query « Query « JPA Q&A

1. Table Name Troubles With Hibernate Named Query

I've got the following named query in Hibernate:

<sql-query name="CreateLogTable">
    `url` ...

2. How to obtain CURDATE() / NOW() on a JPA named query?

I want to do a select from table where date = TODAY, on mysql that would be "where date > CURDATE()", how do I do this on a JPA named query? ...

3. trying to run a named query

I’m doing the following:

            fields = {

4. How to call Named Query

I wrote a named query in the entity class Voter NamedQuery(name = "Voter.findvoter", query = "SELECT count(*) FROM Voter v WHERE v.voterID = :voterID" and where v.password= : password), I want to call ...

5. Joining named queries in JPA

I want to know whether I can join 2 named queries in JPA. As an example I have two following named queries 1 - Get all the active users 2 - get all ...

6. Hibernate Named Query Order By partameter

Hi can anyone point me to how we can pass an order by clause as named paramter to hql Ex: Works:

select tb from TransportBooking as tb

and TIMESTAMP(tb.bookingDate, tb.bookingTime) >= current_timestamp() order by tb.bookingDate
Does ...

7. Adding OrderBy clause to a named query

Is it possible to add an OrderBy clause in to JPA Named query at runtime? regards. Josh.

8. named queries in hibernate 3 only?

I have read in a book saying that named queries are introduced in version 3 of hibernate only. However I remember using them in Hibernate 2. Can someone validate which is ...

9. hibernate named queries

In hibernate, when we do, session.getNamedQuery(QUERY_NAME), we do not need to pass in the name of the hbm.xml file where the named query is stored. The name of the hbm.xml is ...

10. Hibernate Named Query copy-pasting

In my .hbm.xml there are two queries. The first one retrieves number of records in the table:

<query name="Airframe.SearchCount"><![CDATA[

11. Hibernate Named Query scenario approach

I have a scenario,where i am getting data from 15 tables to pupulate the data in JSP page. Here i decided to using Hibernate Named SQL query to join all the tables ...

12. How to work with Hibernate Named query and Criteria object together

I defined Hibernate named query,So i am getting this query using criteria.getNamedQuery(), Here i want to integrate this with criteria object,so that i will put extra constraints. Any hints please. Regards, Raju

13. When to add a scalar to a named query

When is it necessary to add a scalar to a named query?e.g:

<return-scalar column="colName" type="java.lang.String" /> 
Sometimes they seem to be not needed, while sometimes, without the scalar, the query will throw ...

14. Problem While using Hibernate named Query

While trying to use Hibernate's Named Query functionality i am struck in a case where i am unable to use this feature and i am not sure if there any equivalent ...

15. Named Queries Pros and Cons

Is there any significant advantage of having queries as NamedQueries over the Entities? If not we could have it in the DAO itself. Kindly throw some ideas in this regard.

16. JPA named queries

I have a java class that implements serializable and the class begins with :

@NamedQueries( {
My question is at what stage these queries are going to be executed because i see no ...

17. Advantages of Named queries in hibernate?

I am using hibernate and wanted to use named queries. but i dont know whether it is good solution or not? please provide me the advantages of named queries. When named queries ...

18. JPA Named Queries check before deployment, is there one ?

What is the best practice to verify Named Queries (JPA) before deploying the application to Glassfish ? I mean, verify it before glassfish loader or even during run time gets an ...

19. JPA Named Queries check before deployment, is there one ?

Write a set of Junit tests for your named queries which you can execute outside of Glassfish. -----Original Message----- From: tpfeiffer [mailto:address-removed] Sent: Tuesday, 15 September 2009 8:43 PM To: address-removed ...

20. named query problem in hibernate

I am using the hibernate for persistence object store. While retrieving the records from database, i am using sql-query named "retrieveObject" from ret.hbm.xml file, This query returning the object named "Reference". This object "Reference" contains key, value and sort. while retrieving value the key also returning along with key, there is some mismatch happening. But this same named query is used ...

21. JPA, Named Queries and ReverseEngeneering

Hi, i have used a reverseengeneeringstrategy to generate ejb3 entity beans from my database model and added after that some named queries to some of the entity beans. Now i've to change some parts of the model so that the whole generation process must be repeated again (and maybe later again). But now i have to copy&paste all named queries from ...

22. Problem Named Queries In Hibernate

Hi Every one, I have a simple named query like this from ProductGroup pb where pb.firstProductCode IN (?)in my mapping file. I get the named query like this. final Query query = session.getNamedQuery("getSecondProducts") .setString(0, sb.toString()); Where sb is a string buffer that i convert to a string to added to the ...

23. Named Queries in hibernate

Hi, below is my SQL query SELECT vendor.Description AS VendorDescription, products.ProductNumber AS ProductNumber, racks.VendorItemNumber AS VendorItemNumber, products.Description AS Description, ISNULL(inventory.InventoryAmount, 0) AS InventoryAmount FROM tbProducts products JOIN tbRacks racks ON products.ProductNumber = racks.ProductNumber JOIN tbRacksVendors vendor ON racks.VendorID = vendor.VendorID LEFT JOIN tbInventory inventory ON products.ProductNumber = inventory.ProductNumber Join tbBrands brands ON products.brandid=brands.brandid order by vendor.Description asc here below is mapping ...

24. "JOIN" not working in JPA - Named Query

Could any one kindly let me know how to use JOIN in "JPA - Named Query". The DB am using is Informix. Below is the query , "select la.internet_ord_nbr,c.cust_first_name,c.cust_last_name, c.primary_phone_nbr,ac.cust_first_name,ac.cust_last_name from account la inner join cust:cust c on la.customer_nbr = c.customer_nbr left outer join cust:cust ac on la.alt_customer_nbr = ac.customer_nbr where upper(c.cust_first_name) like upper(?1)" Following are my doubts, 1. Do we ...

26. addScalar() doesn't work on named sql queries

A google search on Transformer usage shows several sites that explain how to use it. For example: which nicely fill in some gaps in documentation. However all these examples use inline SQL (Session.createSQLQuery()) rather than named SQL queries (session.getNamedQuery()). Even after casting the result of the latter to a SQLQuery (the cast succeeds), if addScalar() is called on the ...

27. Order by on a Named Query

28. Named query gets recompiled

I want to optimize an application which performs extensive fetching of a single rows inside a result list. I use Hibernate 3.2.5 with Derby I want to reduce the number of network operations for this query by using a named query: @NamedQuery( name="TraceValue_get", query="SELECT v.traceValue FROM TraceValue v " + "WHERE v.traceDescription = :traceDescription") I then create a query once ...

29. Named Queries


30. Force Reload of Named Query

I have a log in process that locks user accounts if security questions are not answered properly. If a user account gets locked , I update the db ( outside of the application ) to unlock the user. If the user tries to log back in before their session has timed out....Hibernate fetches the stale user Object via a named query. ...

31. Named Query problem

Hi, I have a problem with named query and hashMap and I couldn't find info in doc. I'm interested in create named query with "custom" select and map it to hashmap in my entityClass. For example, query like this: select one as key_one, two as key_two..... and entity: class MyEntity{ HashMap map; ... } and I want create resultSet which will ...

32. How to disable named query checking

Hi, My env is NetBeans 7.0.1 + GlassFish 3.1 + JSF 2 + builtin library Hibernate 3.2.5. I would to know how to disable named query checking when deploying the webapp in GlassFish. I saw this message: "Named query checking : enabled". Then, I want to disable this, but I didn't find searching the internet about how to do this. Thanks ...

33. HibernateSystemException: Named query not known

I am new to Hibernate and am trying to execute a database function/stored procedure and am getting a HibernateSystemException (Named query not known). From the postings that I have read, it seems that the steps are all completed but this is definitely not working. I'm running it on an Oracle 9i with JDK 6. How I've configured hibernate and Spring: 1. ...

34. named query: select new xxx(a,b) problem

I have a named query that looks like this: select new PiSimilarity(p.pi,n.similarity) from Neighbours as n join as s join s.proteins as p where and n.similarity>=:similarity When running it i get: net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: could not find constructor for: PiSimilarity: If i replace "new PiSimilarity(p.pi,n.similarity)" with "p.pi,n.similarity" it works ok... the ctor for PiSimilarity is "public PiSimilarity(Integer pi, Float similarity)" ...

35. Named Queries / XDoclet best practice

I have a number of hibernate queries used in a service layer which I would like to externalize into named queries in the mapping xml, and refactor the usages to the form: Query q = getNamedQuery(String query); I use XDoclet to generate all the mappings, using a single mapping doc per class. My questions are: 1) Given that the mappings are ...

36. Caching named queries

37. Named Query

Hi, Is the following named query workable in a mapping document? Code: I am using Hibernate 2.1.2. I got the error: Code: [junit] Testcase: testAddDomainData(com.xesgc.domain.DomainTest): Caused an ERROR [junit] 0 ...

38. Named Query Lookups fail

Author Message destr0 Post subject: Named Query Lookups fail Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:18 pm Beginner Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:56 am Posts: 35 I'm deploying my hibernate beans using the JBoss-hibernate integration code, and so far I have not been able to get named queries to work. These quires worked fine outside of JBoss, but since ...

39. net.sf.hibernate.MappingException: Named query not known:

Details follow below. I have other named queries that work... I'm a bit suspicious this map isn't being loaded. All of my hibernate maps are in the WEB-INF/classes directory, and I've verified there is only one query with this name. Is there anyway to view all the loaded mapping information? Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks! Hibernate version: Hibernate 2.1.6 Mapping ...

40. XDoclet and named queries

41. problem with named query

Hi, Using a named query (w/ 2.1.8) which looks as follows: SELECT {q}.QUERY_ID AS {q.queryID}, {q}.QUERY_NAME AS {} FROM PHX_QUERIES {q} WHERE upper({q}.QUERY_NAME) LIKE :criteria Its gets executed and fails with the error below... can anyone help me? 2005-03-17 16:34:43 DEBUG net.sf.hibernate.loader.Loader - processing result set 2005-03-17 16:34:43 DEBUG net.sf.hibernate.type.IntegerType - returning '1' as column: ...

42. named query with order by

43. MappingException: Duplicate query named: fetchAllLocations

Read the rules before posting! ... AskForHelp Hi, I am getting MappingException for Duplicate named query . I have "named queries" only in Employee and Location mapping files. And all "named query" names are different. Both mapping files and exception is listed below. Please advise. Thanks JP Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: =============== Location.hbm.xml ====================

44. console 2.1 how to add named queries???

45. named sql-query with join

Hello I am trying to use a named sql query that is a table join. How do I do this? Do I need a mapping for each of the tables used in the query? Ideally, I'd just like to have a java class that holds the 4 columns that are returned. I read the docs on this topic, but there aren't ...

46. count() in named query

47. comments in named queries?

48. criteria query and named query

49. Simple count(*) in named query

I want to do a simple count query to make sure I am not adding a new object with a duplicate name. So before my insert ot update I want to run a simple count(*) type query to see what's out there. However when I run this, I get Hibernate complaining about the mapping. I am using this via a SpringFrameWork ...

50. Problem with named sql query

51. StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when using named HQL query

Hello. I have a problem when trying to use a named HQL query. I get a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to list the query. The error (only in the browser btw, not in the console) is: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 My java code is: Query q = session.getNamedQuery("findMessageByMailboxIdAndStatus"); q.setParameter("mailboxId", mailboxId+""); q.setParameterList("statuses", params); q.setMaxResults(pageSize); q.setFirstResult(pageSize * pageNr); List messages = ...

52. Hibernate + named SQL query

Hi, I am using Spring 1.2.3 and Hibernate 3.0.5 I am trying to call a named sql query, following the example in the official hibernate docs: ... medqueries However I can't even get the simplest example to work. Here is the part in the mapping file: SELECT STYLE as {} FROM t_survey And this ...

53. hibernate named queries

54. checking n named queries

Checking 749 named queries takes 4-5 secs every time. I know it is not too much but now that I have reduced my app load time from 25 secs to 15 using addCacheableFile in Configuration and applying patch to LazyInitializer, it really is... Besides, I think it is really a waste of time to check every time I enter my app ...

55. Named Query Not Known

Hello! I am a non-hibernate user, really, just learning it for the first time. It's version is 3.0.5 and it's running on JBoss 3.2.7. I'm having problems with some code I'm trying to run. The project is to create a login servlet, which runs a SQL query on Oracle 9i via Hibernate, to cross-reference whether the login information exists. Only I'm ...

56. Checking 0 named queries failed?

Hi, all I am using hibernate3.0.5 with tomcat 5.0 and I have some problems when I trying to startup the tomcat 18/11/2005 11:29:06 org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl checkNamedQueries INFO: Checking 0 named queries And then the process halt. I didn't write any query in hibernate configuration file and I do not have any stored procedure, any one knows how this happens? Thank you.

57. Named SQL query..

58. Named Query Problem

Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:49 am Posts: 4 Hi all, I'm working on hibernate (version 3.1) on oracle. I have a problem using a named query. I am creating my hibernate mapping files by hand. The problem is as follows: I have an object named DataPoint. It has it's own hibernate mapping as follows: Code:

59. Named Query - Execute query only

60. Is it possible to parametrize named sql queries?

I have to make changes to a table which is not mapped. In order to centralize sql statements, I want to use named sql queries. I know how to get values from them, but is there also a possiblity to include a parameter in the query and assign a value to it upon creation of the query? Thanks in advance. Martin ...

61. Problem with using named queries

Newbie Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:13 pm Posts: 4 Location: Alpharetta, GA Hello, I am trying to use a named query to specify rows to return from a table. I get an error that implies that the result set was returned, 1 row was read, then the resultset was closed. It apparently tries to read from the closed result set ...

62. Need some guidance for Hibernate Named Queries...

Hi there! I am working on a project to upgrade it to hibernate 3.1 from hibernate 2.1. I am not basically a Java person. So, might not be able to provide u the exact information u might be looking for... I have managed to fix other problems apart from the one I am having with the following queries in my hibernate ...

63. passing empty collections param to externalized named query

version 3.1.1 Database is DB2 v7 I have an externalized named query as shown below --> When I run this now, I get an 6/20/06 10:28:38:734 PDT] 1c491c49 SystemErr R org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: ...

64. named query NullPointer in Loader.handleEmptyCollection

Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:50 am Posts: 5 I'm trying named query for loading a collection, but i have a NullPointerException in org.hibernate.loader.Loader.handleEmptyCollections as you can see in Exception trace. I have tested query ad it is correct. What's wrong? Hibernate version:3.1.3 Mapping documents: Code:

65. named query NullPointer in Loader.handleEmptyCollection

Newbie Joined: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:50 am Posts: 5 I'm trying named query for loading a collection, but i have a NullPointerException in org.hibernate.loader.Loader.handleEmptyCollections as you can see in Exception trace. I have tested query ad it is correct. What's wrong? Hibernate version:3.1.3 Mapping documents: Code:

66. org.hibernate.MappingException: Named query not known

Hi all... I am pretty new to hibernate but I have made a sincere endeavour to find the source of my problem and have looked up in the FAQ's and the said documentation and did a search on previous postings but couldnt find any answers. I am getting this exception org.hibernate.MappingException: Named query not known: I have my named query in ...

67. Named query with join

I have a super class, AbstractPerson, that defines a bunch of properties and joins two tables, Person_appearance, and Person_App_Relationship. The subclass, Appearance, has a couple named queries that get instances of the subclass. There's nothing special that has to be done in the named query because of the join. You just use the class name and hibernate handles the join under ...

68. Named Queries in Hibernate

Hi Friends, I have a issue using named queries in hibernate. I have defined the followinf query in my mapping file (This mapping file just has SQL qureies) Code:

69. hwo to get named query metadata

Can u make it clear? How do u expect the return values? Here the return liust contains object arrays One object array for each row.What kind of data structure are u expecting ? U can change the query to get objects of Test. Regards Gokul PS : please don't forget to give credits below if you found this answer useful :) ...

70. Does hibernate precompile named queries?

71. is there a way to create criteria from the Named query?

yes I tried something like this... which works for the simple queries but not sure about the complex queries. I am looking for something that keep a filter at the session level that is applied for each query executed for that session. but still this discussion was helpful.. Thanks again... and let me know if have any further ideas...

72. Named Query Problem


73. MappingException: Named query not known :

Hello Mike, The output shown by the server when it loadsthe session factory is: [12:09:39.125] Compiling _jsp/_clzone/_reports/_erp/ [12:09:41.937] Hibernate 3.1.3 [12:09:42.015] not found [12:09:42.031] using CGLIB reflection optimizer [12:09:42.031] using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling Unable to create the InitialContext Session factory not found in JNDI. Creating new [12:09:43.203] configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml [12:09:43.203] Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml [12:09:44.140] Reading mappings from ...

74. Get sql (HQL) from named query

// Retrieve the JPA EntityManager using Spring EntityManager em = getJpaTemplate().getEntityManagerFactory().createEntityManager(); // Hibernate Session org.hibernate.Session session = (Session) em.getDelegate(); SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = (SessionFactoryImplementor) session.getSessionFactory(); // javax.persistence.Query vS org.hibernate.ejb.QueryImpl vS // org.hibernate.Query Query query = em .createNamedQuery(AclJpaDepartamentosDao.BUSCAR_PERSONAS_OCUPADAS); query.setParameter("date", new Date()); org.hibernate.ejb.QueryImpl queryImpl = (org.hibernate.ejb.QueryImpl) query; org.hibernate.Query hqlQuery = queryImpl.getHibernateQuery(); // Obtener la cadena de la HQL String hqlQueryString = hqlQuery.getQueryString(); // Obtener ...

75. NPE when using HSQLDialect and externalized named queries

Newbie Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:17 pm Posts: 2 Ok, so I've started to play with externalized named queries and Spring (please continue reading...and you'll find out why I don't think it's a Spring issue). I use both Oracle and HSQL dialects (the latter for when I test on my workstation), however when I load my named queries file (query.hbm.xml) ...

76. Any ideas for named queries?

We currently have some DAOs with MANY queries, all using private static final strings as the query text. We're trying to clean this up and make it easier to read, as well as more efficient. In doing so we've decided to use named queries. We are using hibernate 3.2 with annotations and Spring 2.0.2. It seems like our only option is ...

77. JPA Named query

78. Named Sql Query

Full stack trace of any exception that occurs: SEVERE: Error in named query: depts org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: com.test.hibernate.DeptDTO at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getEntityPersister( at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLQueryReturnProcessor.getSQLLoadable( at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLQueryReturnProcessor.processRootReturn( at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLQueryReturnProcessor.processReturn( at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLQueryReturnProcessor.process( at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLCustomQuery.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.NativeSQLQueryPlan.( at org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache.getNativeSQLQueryPlan( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.checkNamedQueries( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.( at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory( at com.test.hibernate.util.SessionFactoryUtil.( at Initial SessionFactory creation Errors in named queries: depts Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at

79. Order BY Clause in Named Queries...

Mapping documents:

80. Regarding named query

81. "not exists" in the hibernate named query

I use hibernate version I am trying to use "not exists" in the named query like that:

82. Named Query vs CriterBuilder

We currently are using named queries contained in the hbm.xml files. There has been discussion to rewrite the methods that call the named queries as CriteriaBuilders. I thought I read awhile ago that named queries had better performance. Is this true? Our named queries are single table lookups with a single (usually) where clause parameter. Do named queries on single tables ...