LEFT join « Query « JPA Q&A

1. How to implement paging in NHibernate with a left join query    stackoverflow.com

I have an NHibernate query that looks like this:

        var query = Session.CreateQuery(@"

2. JPA left join query    stackoverflow.com

Given the following two tables:

  `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name_hash` char(32) NOT NULL,
  `access_time` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,

3. JPA left join to find unused entries    stackoverflow.com

I'm sure I'm being stupid but I can't seem to figure this one out... I have two tables: department( did, name ) employee( eid, first, last, did ) they have corresponding entities JPA managed entites ...

4. HQL: left outer join on subquery    stackoverflow.com

Let's assume I have 2 mysql tables:

create table tableA (
   id bigint not null auto_increment,
   name varchar(255), 
   primary key (id)

create table tableB (

5. NHibernate HQL: left outer join with "with" clause does not work    stackoverflow.com

In an EAV system, I have a mapping that looks like this:

<class name="Record">
   <map name="Values" table="RecordFieldValue">
      <key column="RecordFK">
      <index ...

6. How to make a JPA query with LEFT OUTER JOIN    stackoverflow.com

Based on these two tables (and their corresponding entities) :

profiles(id, email, name)
items(id, profile_id, rank, price)

Profile(email, name)
Item(profile, rank, price)
I have to list all the profiles, ordered by the best rank of their ...

7. why does hibernate hql distinct cause an sql distinct on left join?    stackoverflow.com

I've got this test HQL:

select distinct o from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems
and it does generate an SQL distinct without an obvious reason:
select distinct order0_.id as id61_0_, orderline1_.order_id as order1_62_1_...
The ...

8. Hibernate : CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN adding an order by clause    stackoverflow.com

I am defining a criteria: cr.createAlias("someTable", "someTable",CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN). The Query the hibernate is generating: SELECT * FROM (SELECT this_.ID AS y0_, this_.NAME AS y1_ FROM PROJECT this_,


9. hibernate - HQL joins on many clauses    stackoverflow.com

I've been reading Hibernate documentation, but I haven't found anything that would explain how to do the following. I have the following SQL code that I'm trying to convert to HQL:

SELECT {msg.*}, ...

10. Why cannot Hibernate find secondary table in an Entity?    stackoverflow.com

Two related database tables with a left join

I found no answers to this question which is also asked on many other forums. Although I have the tables IAS_FORM_BKT_BAYI and ...

11. NHibernate HQL Query with left outer join    stackoverflow.com

I would like to retrieve some data from 2 different tables. They are named 'A' and 'B'. There is also another table called 'C'. Both A and B have a reference to 'C', ...

12. struggling with a left join in a nHibernate query    stackoverflow.com

I'm struggling to replicate a simple sql left join in a nHibernate query. Other answers on SO have led me to be more confused as to what is the smartest way ...

14. HQL query required with left outer join    coderanch.com

I have two tables namely deliverydetails and supplybilldetails with following SQL create statements DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `labinv4`.`deliverydetails`; CREATE TABLE `labinv4`.`deliverydetails` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `deliveryid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `qty` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, `LotNo` varchar(20) default NULL, `Expiry` date default NULL, `ManDate` date default NULL, `billdetailid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `FK_delivery_details` (`deliveryid`), KEY ...

15. Left Outer Join Query - new user    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have been using native SQL and have a requirement to use Hibernate. I could not get the right syntax for left outer join for two tables having a common column. Could any one help me on this please? My native query is below: select Id from Action a, Document d where a.docId = d.docId(+) and d.docId is null

16. Criteria left join subquery    forum.hibernate.org

How can I use the Criteria class to create a query like this. select this_.ID_UTENTE as y0_, this_.NOME as y1_, this_.COGNOME as y2_, this_.MAIL as y3_, tamicisfor1_.STATO as y4_ , from sporg.t_a_utenti this_ left outer join (select * from sporg.t_amici where ( t_amici.ID_UTENTE_AMICO=?) )tamicisfor1_ on this_.ID_UTENTE=tamicisfor1_.ID_UTENTE the problem is join with subquery. TNX a LOT

17. Collection incorrectly populated after LEFT_JOIN query    forum.hibernate.org

Let's say you have table T1 and T2 with 1-* relationship. Hence the C1 (class that maps T1) has a collection of T2, named "c2s". If you do Code: session.createCriteria(C1.class) .createCriteria("c2s", Criteria.LEFT_JOIN) .add(Restrictions.eq("PK", 2L)) then the "c2s" collection always contains only single item - the one ...

18. Query by example - left outer join    forum.hibernate.org

Hi Folks! I have an entity called Person, with a Phone relationship: @OneToMany(mappedBy="pessoa", cascade=CascadeType.ALL) private Set Phones; And I'm using a query by example feature, like this: Code: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override @Transactional(propagation=Propagation.SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) public List findByExample(T entity) { ...

19. Unable to create a "left join query"    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I've a problem with the way Hibernate retrievs objects from the DB. These are my Entities @Entity public class Company implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1730757624645582910L; private Integer id; private String name; @Id public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } ...

20. Problem with left outer join , multiple selects    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:17 am Posts: 1 Hello, I am starting with Hibernate and after reading many tutorials and making many samples, I have my first problem I cant solve. I am trying to make a left join, of two classes. Usuario, Pedido. The Pedido has an usuario_id. The relation is many to one. One usuario many Pedidos ...

22. Howto HQL query with sum in left outer join    forum.hibernate.org

Ive two tables namely deliverydetails and supplybilldetails with following SQL create statements Code: [color=#0000BF]DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `labinv4`.`deliverydetails`; CREATE TABLE `labinv4`.`deliverydetails` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `deliveryid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `qty` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, `LotNo` varchar(20) default NULL, `Expiry` date default NULL, `ManDate` date default ...

23. JPA-QL equivalent for a LEFT-JOIN criteria for ON clause    forum.hibernate.org

select departments.dept_id , finances.title , finances.month , finances.year , finances.revenue , finances.expenses from departments left join finances on departments.dept_id = finances.dept_id and finances.month = 2 ...

25. Many-to-many + left join + "with" clause    forum.hibernate.org

We have the objects "Role" and "SystemActionPermission" with a many-to-many relation between them. We need to retrieve all permissions for the role together with true / false (depending on whether there is a link between specific permission and this role). For this purpose we use the following HQL statement: Code: from systemActionPermission as main left join main.role as role with role.id ...

26. left outer joins and where clause    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I hope somebody can help me or point me in the right direction. I have the following query String findString = "select prov.province, " + " count(con) " + " from Province prov left outer join prov.addresss adr " + " left outer join adr.consumerBrand conb " + " left outer join conb.consumer con " + " group by prov.province" ...

27. How to write left join query with a where clause    forum.hibernate.org

public class Foo { .. private Foo1 foo1; // maybe List listOfFoo1; .. } public class Foo1 { ... private Foo2 foo2; // maybe List listOfFoo2; ... } public class Foo2 { ... private Foo2 foo3; //maybe ...

28. Multiple Left Joins in same HQL Query... Strange results...    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am trying to do multiple left joins in a single query with paging. I am getting everything back with 2 selects to the database just as I expected and the speed is great. The problem is that when i try to use the paging (setMaxResult and setFirstResult) i always get all of the results. When I had it with ...

29. Hibernate query different result in SQL studio (LEFT JOIN)    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.3 Name and version of the database you are using: SAP DB The generated SQL (show_sql=true): select patient0_.id as x0_0_, polissen3_.verzekeringsvorm as x1_0_, episoden2_.icpc_code as x2_0_, episoden2_.begindatum as x3_0_, uitslagen4_.datum as x4_0_, bepaling5_.memo as x5_0_, antwoord7_.antwoord as x6_0_ from patient patient0_, medischdossier medischdos1_, episode episoden2_, polis polissen3_, uitslag uitslagen4_, bepaling bepaling5_, uitslagantwoord antwoorden6_, antwoord antwoord7_ where patient0_.medischdossier_id=medischdos1_.id and medischdos1_.id=episoden2_.dossier_id ...

30. simple left outer join query    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: The table mappings are: item_itemid_seq I had a look and I couldn't find any clear, step by step documentation on how to do ...

31. left outer join inside a subquery : a bug ?    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 and 3.1beta2 Its seems that a left outer join query executed inside a subquery does not work. In fact, the sql query generated by hibernate for this example : " select o1 from table1 as o1 where o1.id in ( select o.id from table1 as o left outer join o.comps as comp where .... ) " will be ...

32. Querying for an empty set in a LEFT JOIN    forum.hibernate.org

Using Hibernate 3.0 on a Postgresql 8.0 db, I need to query for a list of objects that have an empty set in a nested association. Tables: tray rack sample Associations: tray contains 1 or more racks rack contains 0 or more samples I need a list of trays that have no samples in any of its racks. I have been ...

33. Left Join in the Hibernate Query    forum.hibernate.org

hi all , I have 2 tables, one is Package another is Product . Package not nescessary have product , so generally when we using sql , we will left join product with the package in order to view the record of package even though there are no product link with it. Question is , in the HQL , can we ...

34. Left join query    forum.hibernate.org

35. where clause and left join    forum.hibernate.org

36. HQL query: left outer join on subquery    forum.hibernate.org


37. Troubles with querying and left join    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, Here is a problem I just cannot seem to figure out. Maybe it is my approach altogether, but let me explain... I have essentially two tables: Groups Administrators Groups looks like this: id (PK) varchar name varchar ... Administrators looks like this: group_id user_id (User ids come from our ldap server, so there is no users table) Next, I have ...

39. How to create a query with multiple left join?    forum.hibernate.org

Hey, I have A that have List of B that have a list of C, I want to get all the levels in this graph (I have lazy loading here) , so I am using in specific query and I need to write left join twice , but I am getting an error . The List is ArrayList and hibernate map ...

40. express extra criteria on left outer join queries with jpaql    forum.hibernate.org

The following SQL query counts the number of users in specific percentage ranges by using criteria on the join clause. How do you express the query in JPAQL? You may use the table names as entity names...Ill get the picture. Code: select e.location_id, count(p1.*) AS p1, count(p2.*) AS p2, count(p3.*) AS p3, count(p4.*) AS p4, count(p5.*) AS p5, count(p6.*) AS p6 ...

41. Problem facing createQuery() Left Join    forum.hibernate.org

hi, i'm using createQuery("select...") for my project, i have a situation using left Outer join, compare with left table non primary key column and right table primary key column, Tables as follows Code: Table A Primary Key ->AA AA BB CC 1 xxx 9999 2 yyy 8888 3 ...

42. HQL Problem using a left join in a simple subquery    forum.hibernate.org

SELECT parent.parent_id, childAlias.parent_id FROM ParentTable parent, (SELECT * FROM ChildTable childTable, AnotherParent anotherParent WHERE childTable.anotherParent_id = anotherParent.anotherParent_id AND anotherParent.anotherParent_id != 1) childAlias WHERE parent.parent_id ...

44. left join supported by Criteria based queries?    forum.hibernate.org

45. how to execute the subqueries with left join using HQL.    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, i have an issue to execute the HQL query. the scenario is like this. select * from ( select x.abc, y1.def, z.ghi from X x left outer join (select id from X where date=?) x1 on x1.id = x.id left outer join (select id, def from Y where date=?) y1 on y1.id = x.id inner join Z z on x.id ...

46. how to execute the subqueries with left join using HQL.    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, i have an issue to execute the HQL query. the scenario is like this. select * from ( select x.abc, y1.def, z.ghi from X x left outer join (select id from X where date=?) x1 on x1.id = x.id left outer join (select id, def from Y where date=?) y1 on y1.id = x.id inner join Z z on x.id ...