1. Problem with JPA Order By and swedish characters stackoverflow.comI am experiencing a problem with order by in a JPA-query. The query is trivial and behaves as expected in an sql-client. The problem is the swedish characters å, ä and ... |
2. Escaping the colon character ':' in JPA queries stackoverflow.comI'm trying to run a native query through JPA that uses a ':' character. The particular instance is using a MySQL user variable in the query:
3. hibernate query returns only first character of string stackoverflow.comWhen I run a query like this in oracle 10g using sqldeveloper, it runs fine.
Gives me the name and country.
When ... |
4. strange hibernate createSQLQuery returns a CHAR|Character but String stackoverflow.comI am using hibernate
I am using:
![]() |
6. match query in hibernate for two characters stackoverflow.comI am using Hibernate with mysql I have a keyword in my java for which i need to retrieve record from MySQL
when i ... |
7. Hibernate criteria query for Oracle special characters coderanch.comHi there, I have a Criteria query in Hibernate. In some cases the query column parameter data has actual Oracle substitution variable ampersand (&). eg) name= "AB&C" Due to this the query blows when interacting with an Oracle database. How can this be handled in the Hibernate layer. Let me know your thoughts. Regards, M |
8. Escape HQL Like special characters coderanch.com |
9. Like character escaping forum.hibernate.orgCan anyone please explain how to work with the 'escape' keyword in HQL? I am trying to escape the % character in LIKE clause, For example: String hql = from Cat where cat_name LIKE :param; query.setParam(param,%) ; I was unable to do this unless I rite specific code for each DB Thank you! |
10. createSQLQuery returns only first character forum.hibernate.orgDear all, I am new to hibernate and have only been working on this for 2 months or so. Recently I hit this problem which I feel really strange. The following is my code : Code: String queryStr = "SELECT a.assignmentID, a.assignmentName, a.assignmentStatus, b.accountCompany " + ... |
11. Hibernate does not support query using Chinese character? forum.hibernate.orgDatabase: oracle9. when I execute the following: from mvc_hibernate2.provinces.Provinces as cat where cat.province_name='A' it is ok. But if I change 'A' to a Chinese character (for example: '') or a Chinese string, it will complain as below: org.hibernate.QueryException: expecting ''', found 'a' [from mvc_hibernate2.provinces.Provinces as cat where cat.province_name=''] at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.doCompile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:165) at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:83) at org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl.getQuery(SessionFactoryImpl.java:414) at org.hib.... why? eager for help...(Chinese hibernate ... |
12. Special Characters errors when making queries dynamically forum.hibernate.orgHi, my problem is as follow : I create a query dynamically, for example String texto = "VW '97 (L/V)" String query = "from ar.com.csi.gestioncomercial.model.Producto producto"; query = query + " where producto.description >= '" + texto + "'" + "ORDER BY producto.description"; Then I call the method listByCriteria(String, int), showed below, with query and 50 as parameters. When the line ... |
13. Underscore character is ignored in query using criteria forum.hibernate.orgThe underscore character "_" is ignored in our search criteria. For example a search for "BANK_1" returns "BANK 1" ignoring the underscore. Search criteria: criteria.add(Restrictions.ilike("nameTx", searchName, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); searchName = "BANK_1" We are using hibernate 3. Can anyone provide any insight as to why the underscore is ignored ? Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you. |
14. Like clause and "%" characters in query forum.hibernate.org |
15. Unable to delimit special characters for named queries forum.hibernate.org |
16. Using Escape Character with "LIKE" Criteria Query forum.hibernate.orgList topicList = getSession().createCriteria(Topic.class) .add(Expression.like("topicShortName", topicShortName, MatchMode.START)) ... |
17. Cannot Execute Query containing Swedish Characters forum.hibernate.org |
18. Problem with SQL query returning CHAR(20) as Character forum.hibernate.orgHello, I'm having trouble with a simple SQL query run through Hibernate. It looks like this: List results = session.createSQLQuery("SELECT name FROM table").list(); "name" is a CHAR(20) column in a DB2 database. What Hibernate returns is a list of java.lang.Characters - the names are truncated and only the first character is returned. Right now I'm working around this by calling addScalar("name", ... |
19. Finding entities with ISO-8859-1 characters forum.hibernate.orgHi, I would like to query data without explicitly forcing the user to write special characters or caps. For example, querying in a varchar column for jose should retrieve JOSE, Jose, jos or jse I'm not sure how to achieve this. I'm using Hibernate as my JPA provider. Do I need Hibernate search? Regards, |
20. HQL Queries with unicode characters forum.hibernate.org |