1. How do I use a EJBQL between query with two identical dates?

I have a JPA named query that takes two dates in order to return records with a date column entry between the two dates. If I enter the same date for both ...

2. Difference between HQL and Criteria Query in Hibernate

Possible Duplicate:
Hibernate: Criteria vs. HQL
There are HQL Query and Criteria Query in Hibernate. I just wanna that which will be used in which scenario? ...

3. hibernate criteria query count distinct between x tables

I have X tables who each have a authorId field. I'd like to count the number of different authors between those X tables. Example if one author has made : - 2 comments ...

4. Difference between and .ilike in Hibernate Criteria API

Hibernate's Criteria API has Restrictions.ilike function which has the following contract:

A case-insensitive "like", similar to Postgres ilike operator
That's cool. But the same class also has like function, having much ...

5. BETWEEN query with JPA and Metamodel

I am trying to write a between query with JPA 2.

Integer zipCode = 50000;
CriteriaBuilder builder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Territory> query = builder.createQuery(Territory.class);
Metamodel m = getEntityManager().getMetamodel();

Root<Territory> root = query.from(Territory.class);

// zipCode between startZipCodeRange and ...

6. Find Hibernate entities where date is between start and end dates that can be null

I'd like to find all Event entities that that are active at a certain date. For instance:

from Event where startDate <= :specifiedDate and endDate > :specifiedDate
However, Event.startDate and Event.endDate can be ...

7. JPQL SELECT between date statement

I would like to convert this SQL statement to a JPQL equivalent. "SELECT * FROM events WHERE events_date BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2011-03-31'"; This correctly retrieves the information from the table events. In my Events ...

8. Difference between HQL delete query and session.delete()

I'm quite new to Hibernate and have a question. What is the difference between deleting an object by using a HQL query and deleting an object by using the delete(...) Method ...

9. I would like to know the difference between castor and hibernate Mapppings

Hi Mayur I'll leave it for someone with direct experience of Castor to answer your question (I have none), but I did want to point out that Castor (even though it's called Castor JDO) does not implement the JDO specification, and the package "org.exolab.castor.jdo" bears no relationship whatsoever to the JDO standard "javax.jdo". Cheers, Robin.

13. What's the difference between createQuery() and find() ?

I'm evaluating hibernate and trying to figure out is it suitable for me or not. I've tried to execute "select bean from table_name as bean" query using session.createQuery() and session.find() methods and i've found that createQuery() method executes 1 select for all PKs and then N selects to pupulate beans but find() method calls DB only one time for the same ...

14. Oracle sysdate and between where clause

Hi, suppose we have an Oracle table create table test ( named_interval varchar2(20), begindate date, enddate date ); selecting all the record which are currently 'actif' would be select named_interval from test where sysdate between begindate and enddate how can I do this in hibernate ? I looked at the Criteria.between clause but this does the opposite and sysdate will not ...

15. Easy way to select between two dates?

The JDBC "Standard SQL Extensions" (those embedded {fn ...} thingies) also supoort the formatting of dates in a standard way (which the drivers then handle in a db-specific fashion behind the scenes). And they can be used in HQL. That way you don't lose the portability. And the default date formatting is different on most databases.

16. What is difference between sort and order-by?

17. between clause using date

cnet.Log ---------------------------- Field Type id varchar(32) contentId ...

18. Query between data ranges

I am using the Query interface to find objects between a given data range, "from ObjectA oa where oa.lastModifiedDate >= ? and oa.lastModifiedDatae <=? Where I am dynamically binding the date values. It works fine except when both the start and end date or the same date but different times. I looked at the query and it has the 00:00:000 ( ...

19. howto migrate selected objects between databases

Suppose an application wants to migrate certain persistent objects from one database to the next, e.g. there is a persistent object on a development server and either no object or an old version of an object on a production server, and you want to update the production server to contain the new object/data with the same ids. Seems like you'd be ...

20. Using rownum with between clause in hibernate

22. sqlQuery select dates between

24. Difference between named queries and source code queries?

In the following query, "key" is a variable in the class Cats. Why does this query work when embedded in a java class? Query q = session.createQuery("from Cats where " + key + " = :value"); But not in a named query like this? When I echo the HQL query that gets generated from ...

25. "between" query returns different result!

27. Diference between "select" and "subselect&quo

Hello Every Body: After readed the 19.1 Fetching Strategie of Chater 19 of Hibernate Reference Document, I dont undestand clearly for the diference between "select" and "subselect". It says: [quote] [u]Select fetching[/u] - a second SELECT is used to retrieve the associated entity or collection. [u]Subselect fetching [/u]- a second SELECT is used to retrieve the associated collections for all entities ...

28. Confused between first level,query ,second level cache

I am too confused after reading lot of articles on hibernate caching. Can anybody please help me in understanding the differences among the following: 1). First level cache 2). Query cache 3). Second level cache Please don't ask me to read any article. I have already read so many and now confused. Please help!!! I have to apply caching in my ...

29. Difference between createQuery and createSQLQuery?

CreateSQLQuery is typically for executing nativel DB SQL. In cases where HQL does not support the exact functionality that is requried, you will want to use a Native SQL. When using Query interface and setting the number of rows and the starting row, since the SQL is generated by Hiberate it in addition adds DB Specific SQLclauses that will help in ...

31. What is the difference between two queries?

32. Difference between CacheMode.PUT and REFRESH

33. How to find the number of days between two dates using hql?

Hi, I have one column last_updated_datetime(holds the last updated date, time values) in petitions table. I need to find out the number of days between the current date(java.util.Date) and last_updated_datetime column value? I wrote the code as follows: Date d = new Date(); List petitionList = session.createQuery("select '" + d + "'-p.lastUpdatedDatetime from Petition p"); In the list I got some ...

34. createCriteria problem for using date between clause

Newbie Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 4:41 pm Posts: 1 I have problem with execute createCriteria statement with add restriction.between date values. When I execute the following code, if (session != null) { try { results = session.createCriteria("polo.userprofile.Bill","bill").add( Restrictions.eq("bill.userprofile.userid",userid)).addOrder( Order.desc("orderDate")).list(); log.debug("find bills by contractorid, result size: "+ results.size()); ; } catch (RuntimeException re) { log.error("find bills by contractorid "+ userid+ "failed", ...

35. Cross queries between Hibernate and JPA/Hibernate: possible?

Hibernate version: 3.2.0 GA Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle9 The background: application uses JPA with Hibernate underneath it for persistence. Now we dropped in JBPM with its pure Hibernate persistence. The goal is to query a tasklist (TaskInstance is a JBPM entity) and join our JPA entities inside that query, something like this: Code: ...

36. Query record between fromDate and toDate - no record found

Date fr, to; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(2007, 8, 10, 0, 0); fr = cal.getTime(); cal.set(2007, 8, 11, 0, 0); to = cal.getTime(); Object[] parameters = { groupId, fr}; "from WebFile Wf where Wf.groupId = ? " + "and Wf.creationTimestamp >= ?"

37. MySQL, DateTime and between query

38. query between different datasources

Hi! How can Hibernate be properly configured to obtain the results on a query between 2 datasources in a reasonable time? It's taking about 1 second to generate the query and 1 second to display 10 results... and think that the whole table has about 11000 lines. If the query is made between tables from the same datasource, all the 11000 ...

40. Different results in a hql queries between Web App & JUn

Author Message OAguilar Post subject: Different results in a hql queries between Web App & JUn Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:11 pm Newbie Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:50 am Posts: 1 Hello, I have a problem using hibernate and spring in a web application. Firts I will tell you some information about my configuration: Hibernate-Version: Mapping ...

41. Differences between Native Query and Hibernate Native Query?

What is the differences between this two queries? as i was looking for native query. i saw hibernate native query... from what i've search through the internet, i know noted that hibernate query and native query is a totally different queries so is hibernate native query belongs to hibernate query? i m quite confuse 2 differentiate this with native query