read « Property « JPA Q&A

1. Java JPA implementation - how are properties read/set?

I am reading the Beginning Java EE6 Platform and Glassfish 3 book and I have some minor difficulties at understanding Access type on field/properties. What is the difference between the two ...

2. Hibernate don't read property annotations

Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:11 pm Posts: 4 Good day, I've reached a strange problem, after I updated my classes to extend another mappedsuperclass, hibernate annotation doesn't reads annotations on the properties, only when I move annotationsto the getters - it reads. Any idea? It appears with following error (for example): Quote: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Unable to create unique key constraint ...

3. When is read in a Java EE 6 container?

I'm using Hibernate 3.5.0-Final. (Yeah, yeah.) I want to use the hibernate.dialect_loaders property. Because of HHH-5306, it looks like the only way to set this property is in or as a System property. I want to set this property so that it is scoped to my .ear file. I'm beginning to think this is impossible. My question: when, in a ...

4. Allow password property to be saved but musnt be read

Hi All, I have a object called User and this object has a username and password property that have been mapped. For security reasons I want the username and password fields to be mapped but they must only be saved. They mustn't automatically be loaded with the object. I have already protected the password by encrypting it with MD5 in the ...

5. Read db password from non file

Hi All, I want to use sybase db for two different modules. Only one module will be using hibernate. Other module has its own property file which has username password driver etc . My problem is with hibernate.connection.password. I want: a) Password to be encrypted. b) Placed only in one location. Dont want 2 seprate properties file. Now can i make ...