join « Property « JPA Q&A

1. Defining multiple Address properties in Person per AddressType by a triple join table

I've here a database with a PERSON - ADDRESS - ADDRESS_TYPE relationship maintained by a triple join table PERSON_ADDRESS. The PERSON-ADDRESS relationship is effectively one-to-many. PERSON

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1  John ...

3. If not , th

4. Set property on join table

Hibernate 3.1 Folks, I have mapped User<->Role, many-to-many, this way: ... Everything works as advertised. But there are attributes (properties) on the join table USER_ROLE ...

5. Grouping by a property in a joined table

Hi, I've got an application that builds a search query from a UI where users can choose to restrict by a given set of criteria and group by a given set of columns. Consider this database structure: Widget: widgetId, widgetName, widgetType, ... Category: categoryId, categoryName, ... WidgetCategoryMap: widgetId, categoryId Basically, there is a many-to-many relationship between widget and category, with the ...

6. need to get all properties of a class in joined crit Qry

Hi, I have a criteria query joining two table(each has more than 100 fields). List listOne = session.createCriteria(A.class,"classA") .createAlias("tblB","classB") .list(); When i run it, it will select all the fields from A & B. How i can change so that the query select the fields only from A. since, i have lot of fields, specifying all the properties in ProjectionList is ...

7. Using to distribute properties to multiple tabl

I have a class user that needs to map its properties to 2 legacy tables. This scenario is well documented and an example exists in the caveatemptor application. But I experience a problem with an invalid SQL statement generated for joining the 2 tables: The tables (Oracle - can't be modfied!!) are: BENUTZER (PERS_LOG:VARCHAR2, PERS_NO:NUMBER, PERS_PW:VARCHAR2) PERS_LOG primary key PERSON (PERS_NO:NUMBER, ...

8. join on joined property

9. AND join not working in set property

I have a complicated query which I'm building using Criteria/Restrictions etc The Hibernate object hierarchy is like... Code: Expert |--- ToolExpertise |--- ...