element « Property « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate 3.5.2 and formulas on property element    forum.hibernate.org

select this_.ACCR_BILL_ID as ACCR1_30_18_, this_.ARMS_RCVB_ID as ARMS2_30_18_, this_.RCVB_BILL_SRC as RCVB3_30_18_, this_.BILL_NBR as BILL4_30_18_, this_.BILL_ACCT_NBR as BILL5_30_18_, this_.EQMT_INIT as EQMT6_30_18_, ...

2.  element causes exception in interface cla    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.0.3 I am using the element to map some legacy data. It appears that Hibernate is trying to create a component POJO for the element with the type of the enclosing class, which is an interface. Is this expected behavior? true ...

3.  element in Hibernate.    forum.hibernate.org