duplicate « Property « JPA Q&A

1. How to extract actual entity and property name that is a duplicate from Hibernate ConstraintViolationException    stackoverflow.com

I would like to be able to extract the entity and property from the ConstraintViolationException message in a rdbms neutral way... Can this be done ? if so how ? ...

2. Duplicate property exception during buildSessionFactory()    forum.hibernate.org

I'm having a problem any time that I have more than a single one-to-many not-null relationship to an entity. In this case, 'Instructor' and 'Classroom' have mandatory one-to-many relationships to 'Course'. I recently changed my mapping file to add a not-null restraint on the foreign keys in the Course table, and since doing that, Hibernate will not create a SessionFactory. I ...

3. Duplicate property error    forum.hibernate.org