collection « Property « JPA Q&A

1. Persisting and retrieving a collection property

Pro Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:10 am Posts: 213 Hello, I have a Form object containing several FormItem objects in a property. Here is the model: Code: public class Form implements { private Integer id; private int version; private String name; private Set formItems = new HashSet(0); ...

2. Persisting and retrieving a collection property

Pro Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:10 am Posts: 213 Hello, I have a Form object containing several FormItem objects in a property. Here is the model: Code: public class Form implements { private Integer id; private int version; private String name; private Set formItems = new HashSet(0); ...

3. Persisting and retrieving a collection property

Pro Joined: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:10 am Posts: 213 Hello, I have a Form object containing several FormItem objects in a property. Here is the model: Code: public class Form implements { private Integer id; private int version; private String name; private Set formItems = new HashSet(0); ...

5. HQL on a collection property defined on a pivot table

Hi Guys, I am trying to write HQL on entities linked in a ternary relationship. I have tables Team, Attribute and a pivot table TeamAttributeMap. But along with the relationship the pivot table also stores a value that is related to the mapping team and attribute mapping. After a lot digging around. I could establish this relationship as follows: Team - ...

6. Collection Property refers to join

Hi all, I have the problem that I need to access a collection property (in a one-to-many relationship) of another table and this one-to-many relationship refers to a join within the other property. To make it clear, here is the code: Modul.hbm.xml: Code: ... ...

7. Guideline: When not to have a collection property ?

Hello, I'm currently coding a Dao layer with quite a few tables / classes. Some of them have properties that are collections. My own design guideline regarding when not to have such a property collection, is when the size of the collection is likely to grow big, into the hundreds of items if not thousands. Is that a sensible guideline ? ...