InitialContext « Property « JPA Q&A

1. Extra properties to JNDI InitialContext to look up datasrc

I am stuck using OC4J as an application container and need to pass in extra parameters to the JNDI InitialContext at the time of DataSource look up. in addition to java.naming.factory.initial and java.naming.provider.url I need to pass and I look at the way Hibernate looks up the InitialContext and it strips everythign out except for factory and url. Is ...

2. Execessive NamingHelper I JNDI InitialContext properties:

I am using hibenrate with Stateless Session bean and want to utilize websphere 6.0 data source. Previously my bean were assembled as CMT and therefore i was using CMT transaction factory but I was unable to get hold over transaction especially I was unable to give a tx.rollback() while using 'org.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup' I asked IBM guys they told me to assemble bean ...