value « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. JPA/Hibernate query optimization with null values

I'm using Hibernate's implementation of JPA and am seeing poor performance as multiple SQL queries are issued for each entity that is fetched. If I use a joined JPA query it ...

2. saveOrUpdate with unsaved-value=undefined performance

Hibernate version: 3 I use assigned ids in my mappings and if I want to use saveOrUpdate I have to add unsaved-value=undefined The result seems to be that Hibernate generates an SQL select statement to determine if the dataset exists and then to perform either an update or an insert depending on the select statement. Wouldn't it be better to make ...

3. Performance of Tables with key value pair in Hibernate

Dear all, I have a requirement to design table which should support multiple fields. The number of fields are not fixed as in the normal case. The user is given an option to choose the data that he needs which keep varying based on templates. I have identified various solutions and would like to know how will the performance be while ...