slower « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. SQL IN clause slower than individual queries

I'm using Hibernate's JPA implementation with MySQL 5.0.67. MySQL is configured to use InnoDB. In performing a JPA query (which is translated to SQL), I've discovered that using the IN clause is ...

2. Performance in 3.5.0 much slower than in 3.3.2

QStorm, hibernate 3.5 is unusable for us the performance difference is so extreme. We had to revert back to the previous version we were using, 3.3.1. I don't know exactly where the issue lies. I would assume hibernate 3.5 has an enormous bug, but we're also managing it with Spring. Are you using Spring as well? The situation with us is ...

3. Performance problem: 15050% slower.

Hello. This difference appears on executing querys directly on database, getting the connection from a hibernate session. It takes 606 milliseconds in average to run every query through hibernate's connection. While running the same querys creating a new connection (without hibernate), the execution time is 4 milliseconds in average. Below is the code used to run the querys. There are about ...

4. Performance of ResultTransformer slower than iBatis

I use a ResultTransformer to get an array of DTO objects: Code: Session s = sf.openSession(); Query q = s.createSQLQuery("select id, text1, text2, text3, text4 from content where id > 20000"); q.setResultTransformer(new ContentResultTransformer()); ...