order « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. hibernate query performance in order to delete an objcet    stackoverflow.com

im developping a simple webservice : void deleteCar(int idCar) Currently, what im doing in my code is :
1-to load the cardObjet by id :session.get(Car.class,idCar)
2-to remove it : session.delete(carLoaded) So for ...

2. Toplink JPA Poor Performance with Join/Order By    java.net

This post is quite old so you might already have found an answer, but I thought I'd add something if I could. The setMaxResults function in TopLink Essentials, as you've seen, might not help performance as much as you might expect from a database filter/clause such as limit. This is because LIMIT reduces the amount of records returned at the database, ...

3. eager fetching and postgresql join order performance    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.8 Name and version of the database you are using: Posgresql 7.3.2 Description of problem In postgresql, using an explicit join order can cause significant performance problems (in my case, 25 seconds instead of 0.2 seconds if the wrong join order is used). See http://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.4/stat ... joins.html An explicit join order is unfortunately enforced whenever you use standard inner ...

4. Performance problems in many-to-many based on execute order    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Fri May 12, 2006 3:13 pm Posts: 1 I have a bidirectional many-to-many (using join table) relationship between employee and location where employee can be associated with more than one location while a location have only one employee. In the code snippet below if I read the location count (readLocationCountDB) before loading locations (readLocationsDB) the entire process takes 4 ...