glassfish « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. JPA/Toplink Performance

Are there any guidlines for performance optimizations on JPA? I have a scenario where I load objects from a XML file. Parsing the file and creating all java objects takes about five seconds. Persisting it to the MySQL takes about ten minutes. It seems that the time spent executing the database queries is around 20%. 70% are spent in the EntityTransactionImpl.commit(). ...

2. Performance problem with left join JPQL query in Toplink Essentials

Running the query with Toplink Essentials as JPA provider (in Glassfish v2-b24) it doesn't seem to scale very well when the number of rows in the order and orderline tables increases (my test data consists of 2 order lines per order). With 1000 orders in the database it takes approximately 5 seconds to run the query. With 10 000 orders it ...

3. Hibernate performance and Glassfish

I'm currently experimenting with using Hibernate as persistence provider for Glassfish. It was fairly easy to get Hibernate working, just copy the required jar files and change persistence provider in the persistence.xml. However, when I started testing I noticed that the performance was really bad compared to Toplink. I haven't done any thorough performance testing but I have a timer in ...

4. JPA Performance Issue