eclipselink « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. EclipseLink generates cartesian plan instead of (inner) joins in SQL. Why?

In the projects where Hibernate is my persistence provider, I can issue queries with 'join fetch' expressions, and Hibernate will generate SQL that mirrors that: SQL containing join expressions using valid ...

2. Under what conditions would SELECT by PRIMARY KEY be slow?

Chasing down some DB performance issues in a fairly typical EclipseLink/JPA application. I am seeing frequent queries that are taking 25-100ms. These are simple queries, just selecting all columns from a table ...

3. Hibernate/EclipseLink? Which is best with Weblogic,Oracle DB?

In my company, we are using Oracle DB and Weblogic application server. So in the process to upgrade or switch to new ORM, we shortlisted two options - Hibernate and EclipseLink. I ...

4. JPA EclipseLink 2 query performance

APPLICATION and ENVIRONMENT JEE / JSF2.0 / JPA enterprise application, which contains a web and an ejb module. I am generating PDF documents which contains evaluated data queried via JPA. I am using ...