OJB « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. Performance of Hibernate vs OJB    coderanch.com

All performance benchmarks are flawed, so its hard to say. Hibernate do make the bold claim that they have the fastest ORM tool around - and they seem to be offering a cash prize to anyone who can beat their Hibernate figures with another tool. What I can tell you is Hibernate is fast enough for the applications I've used it ...

2. Advise on Hibernate Performance coming from OJB    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, we have finally moved to Hibernate, but performance is pretty poor. We tried: - no fk pointing to non-existing records We have quite a large object graph with 100+ Classes, no inheritance but quite a few relations. All numbers timed on server start: Using standard fetch and occasional fetch=join: 4 times slower than ojb Using fetch=join throughout: 7 times slower ...