Criteria « Performance « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate Query vs Criteria Performance

I recently had a rather strange phenomenon. Had to obtain a count that included joins over multiple tables with different WHERE conditions. I implemented the query first with the criteria API ...

2. Is there any difference in performance between these two instructions?

i have the following criteria specification and wanted to know if there is any difference in the performance or the memory usage of them. 1st way:

criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("case.estadoOperativo", Caso.EstadoOperativo.COMPLETADO))

3. Why is this hql so much faster than using criteria?

I'm using nhibernate as ORM. And one of my selections is incredible slow. The thing is, that it takes a long time to generate the sql. I'm sure it's not the ...

4. performance Criteria vs. HQL

5. SQL vs. HQL vs. Criteria performance

6. Criteria Performance vs. query performance in SQL Server

Newbie Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:53 pm Posts: 2 I have a Criteria that I am using to do an export of data. I can run the generated sql in query analyzer (I have a SQL Server 2005 db) and it returns in less than 20 seconds which is acceptable for my export data and expected because the query involves ...

7. Criteria queries performance

Newbie Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:44 am Posts: 12 Hi! I was a little confused when tow quite similar Criteria queries differed so much in performance. Simplifying my model is as follow: Element contain many PropertyValue (properties) PropertyValue contain an AbstractProperty representing the type (property) PropertyValue contain one Element representing the owner and one Element representing the value PropertyValue contain ...

8. Performance of criteria queries

Hello, is there any experience around or measurements of the performance of criteria expressions compared to "hand-coded". Depends on what you mean with "hand-coded" ... Ya, ya, ... I often hear in projects the argument that hibernate criteria expressions are slow and it is therefore better to code the query with plain JDBC. I have too little experience with criteria queries ...

9. Criteria performance

I have a question about criteria. In a webpage, I only need display first 20 rows. When we create a criteria for a class. Then we set first result and fetch size. Does the underlying JDBC fetchs all rows and criteria just iterator its and return the targeted rows. In this way, does JDBC result set consumes a lot of JVM ...