object « POJO « JPA Q&A

1. Mapping tables with other object than POJO    forum.hibernate.org

2. POJO and Value Object pattern    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, We're using Hibernate POJOs instead of Entity Beans in some places in our architecture. I was wondering, what would be the correct way to create Value Objects. Is it approapriate to extend a POJO and use that as the value object? For example, Code: // POJO public class User implements Serializable { // persistent fields ...

3. is that possible to have a single pojo object for two tables    forum.hibernate.org

Hi I need to know whether a single pojo can have reference to two tables .For example i have Occasion and OccasionProperty which has following structure Occasion ----------- guid Name lastupdateduser objectcreatedID ---- OccasionProperty -------------------- guid Name BBBB CCCCC objectcreatedID OccasionID -->Guid of Occasion I need to have this information in a single POJO which has reference to two tables .i ...

4. Hibernate POJO wrapper object    forum.hibernate.org

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version:2 Name and version of the database you are using:Oracle 8.1 Hi all, I am using Hibernate to access data from a Oracle DB in which some of the tables have been populated by a legacy system. The legacy system does not understand null (dont ask!) and all null fields ...