entity « POJO « JPA Q&A

1. how to associate single entity to multiple entities(pojo classes)    stackoverflow.com

does anyone here knows the correct way of associating a single entity(a pojo class) to multiple classes.. im currently working on a situation where mainClass has a one-to-many relationship to subClass ...

2. Mapping POJO to Entities    stackoverflow.com

In our project we have a constraint of not having the luxury to alter the table structure already in place. The tables are highly denormalized in nature. We have come up ...

3. Transforming Hibernate Entity to clean POJO for serialization    stackoverflow.com

I'm still new to using ORM stuff in Java, and here is one question I seem to be stuck on: I have a large number of Hibernate Entities and want to query ...

4. Using Entity-POJOs company-wide in different EE and SE Apps    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, we are planning to set up an environment where different developers can implement their applications or EJBs by using the same entities without any copy&paste or code duplication workarounds. Does it make sense to create one project that holds all entity-classes and put this project into the build path of all the new projects? May anybody has some hints (e.g. ...

5. Multiple @Entity - Multiple tables single pojo    forum.hibernate.org

Thanks Shynate! The solution provided in the link that u pointed to does not help me in providing multiple Entity names. Could someone please point me, how I could implement entity-name equivalent in annotations? Also, what is the equivalent for @SecondaryTable in xml notation? How do I acheive the @SecondaryTable's function in xml(hbm) implementation without annotation?

6. @Entity class returning non-entity POJO: hibernate complaint    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, I'm new to hibernate but already I get to run successfully my first queries. Now I'm adapting my existing POJOs to get support from hibernate. I added @Entity to my class but it has a member function that returns an object from a class that is not entity. class B { } @Entity class A { public B myFunction() ...