Roll « POJO « JPA Q&A

1. rolling back a pojo after update/save failed

I was wondering for some advice from the pros out here. I have hibernate managed pojos in memory that are updated as needed. the process, naturally, is: i retrieve an appropriate pojo from memory, start transaction, mutate it, change some fields, etc. and then commit the transaction. however, if hibernate throws some error of some kind, the pojo ends up having ...

2. error handling - rolling back changes in pojos

Hibernate version:2 I have a pojo with a Set in it (an association). When I add an entry X to the Set and the transaction commit()s, everything is fine. But when an exception occurs (application exception, not db-exception) and the transaction is rollback()ed, my pojo stil has the new entry in it (as expected). When the pojo is updated later, this ...

3. Rolling Back POJOs...