plsql « Oracle « JPA Q&A

1. ORM for Oracle pl/sql

I am developing a enterprise software for a big company using Oracle. Major processing unit is planned to be developed in PL/SQL. I am wondered if there is any ORM like ...

2. a really basic implementation for hibernate calls plsql function

i really need a basic hibernate implementation calls oracle plsql function. it must include configurations, dao and test class. is there any example for that?

3. Pass varargs from Java code to SQL or PL/SQL

I need to bind at maximum 8 variables. Each one of them could be null. Is there any recommended way to achieve this? I know that I could simply check for null, ...

4. hibernate and PL/SQL

Hibernate gives you three choices for writing queries. There is the Criteria Object which is building queries with Java objects. HQL is like writing SQL but instead of tables and fields, you use objects and object attributes. And the third is straight SQL, you can do any combination of them, so for one use case you might find it easiest to ...

5. Hibernate PL/SQL

Could someone please give me a hibernate statement that contains a PL/SQL statement that stops counting records if one is found? i.e. int i = 0; count records; if i++, stop counting; return boolean Thanks. I've been wracking my brains all day and time is short. I would really appreciate the help.

6. PL/SQL with Result

I have a PL/SQL procedure like so: PROCEDURE p_slct ( resultset IN OUT rec_cur ,p_search_name_addr_id IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_name_line1 IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_tel_area_code IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_tel_local_num IN VARCHAR2 ,p_search_postal_code IN lms_name_addr.postal_code%TYPE ,P_SEARCH_TYPE_ID IN lms_name_addr_type.lms_name_addr_type_id%TYPE ,p_sort_by IN NUMBER); I can get a resultset using something llike: // register the type of the out param - an Oracle specific type stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR); Is there a ...


8. Calling PLSQL function

Version 3.1.3 My DBA created a "PLSQL Function that I am supposed to call". This function accepts 2 varchars and returns nothing. ("BEGIN yx.packagename.handle_file(??); END;") Mapping file inside a class element. { call yx.packagename.handle_file(?, ?) } BO that extends HibernateTemplate ... Query foo = this.getSession().getNamedQuery(""); foo.setString(0, "one"); foo.setString(1, "two"); foo.list(); Error: Hibernate: { dw.alm_file_transfer.push_a_file(?, ?) } 2007-08-31 ...

9. Calling PLSQL function

Version 3.1.3 My DBA created a "PLSQL Function that I am supposed to call". This function accepts 2 varchars and returns nothing. ("BEGIN yx.packagename.handle_file(??); END;") Mapping file inside a class element. { call yx.packagename.handle_file(?, ?) } BO that extends HibernateTemplate ... Query foo = this.getSession().getNamedQuery(""); foo.setString(0, "one"); foo.setString(1, "two"); foo.list(); Error: Hibernate: { dw.alm_file_transfer.push_a_file(?, ?) } 2007-08-31 ...