limit « Oracle « JPA Q&A

1. SQL argument limit in Oracle

It appears that there is a limit of 1000 arguments in an Oracle SQL. I ran into this when generating queries such as....

select * from orders where user_id IN(large list ...

2. Oracle 30 character limit

Hello, I'm running into an issue where the DDL that hibernate generates is generating constraints with names that exceed the 30 character name limit that Oracle imposes. The foreign key name itself isn't the issue, but it seems that an identifier is being tacked on to the end of the foreign key constraint name. So for example I have this mapping: ...

3. Oracle dialect and character limit

Hibernate version: 3.2.4 I am using Oracle 10g as my database server, so I use org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect - declared in my hibernate.cfg.xml. Oracle has a 30 character restriction on object names which is pretty standard so far. As far as I can see, the existing dialect implementation, does not support this, leaving any names that exceed this length cause a database error. ...