hint « Oracle « JPA Q&A

1. Patch to support Oracle Hints in Hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

2. Oracle Optimizer Hints and Hibernate?    forum.hibernate.org

3. Oracle hints    forum.hibernate.org

4. Hibernate and Oracle Hints    forum.hibernate.org

How does one use Oracle hints with Hibernate? For example: SELECT /*+ use_nl (ct ec du) */ ct.CNTCT_TYPE_CD, ct.CNTCT_ID, ct.LOC_CD, ct.PARTY_ID, ct.PROF_TYPE_CD, ct.DEV_SEQ_ID, ec.CNTCT_ID, ec.EMAIL_ADR FROM DEV_USER du, EMAIL_CNTCT ec, CNTCT ct WHERE ct.DEV_SEQ_ID = du.DEV_SEQ_ID) AND du.AD_DOMAIN_USER_ID IN ('usr1', 'usr2', 'usr3', 'usr4', 'usr5', 'usr6', 'usr7') AND ct.CNTCT_ID = ec.CNTCT_ID AND ct.CNTCT_TYPE_CD IN ('E'); The /*+ use_nl (ct ec du) */ ...

5. Oracle Hints and Hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

6. Using Oracle HINT in HQL    forum.hibernate.org

7. How to use oracle hints in hibernate    forum.hibernate.org