function « Oracle « JPA Q&A

1. Calling an oracle function from JPA

I am trying to call a simple function from a JPA class that returns a number based on some calculations and has the following definition.

return ...

2. Oracle Analytics Functions, Oracle 11g, custom HSQL function

Hi, all. Can anyone out there give me some direction on using database-specific keywords and access to functions from HQL? Is that possible in the current version of Hibernate or do I have to create a native SQL Query? More specifically, I am interesting extending the HQL dialect in my app to use Oracle analytics functions such as dense_rank, lead, and ...

3. Oracle greatest() and least() function in hibernate.

Hi, Is there a way to use greatest() and least() function in hibernate select statement? eg select greatest(field1, field2, field3), field1, field2, field3 from xtable this function gives the greatest value per row from selected fields. I get the following error java.lang.IllegalStateException: No data type for node: org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.MethodNode +-[METHOD_CALL] MethodNode: '(' | +-[METHOD_NAME] IdentNode: 'greatest' {originalText=greatest} | \-[EXPR_LIST] SqlNode: 'exprList' | ...

4. size function produces invalid sql for oracle 10g

UPDATE Person SET version =version+1, groupsCount= (SELECT COUNT(followingg1_.followerId) FROM GroupFollower followingg1_ WHERE )-1 WHERE id IN (SELECT groupfollo2_.followerId FROM GroupFollower groupfollo2_ WHERE groupfollo2_.followingId=? )

5. oracle function

7. Oracle function not firing?

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hello Hibersmartfolk, I am having a major issue trying to get an oracle function to fire. The function is not getting executed, but I don't get any errors either...any ideas based on the following? Appreciation in advance! Graham Hibernate version: 3.1.3 Mapping documents:

8. calling oracle function using hibernate

I have the need to call a function running a query having multiple joins from various tables and returning a oralce cursor. The various files I have are: hibernate.cfg.xml having the entry : test.hbm.xml { ? = ...

9. How do i run any oracle function from Hibernet.

Nope, 'cause I've never done it lol. Have a look at the examples I posted! Lot's of people have already done this and there is plenty of information already out there about this. Let us know how you get on. And if I pointed you in the right direction don't forget to vote. >.>

10. Oracle function called dynamically by Hibernate

Hi, I have implemented hibernate and spring to successfully call my oracle function and return a resultset which hibernate maps to my java class. I followed the same approach as seen in the hibernate docs... ...

11. how to call oracle function with Hibernate JPA

Is it possible to call oracle function other than procedure with Hibernate JPA? How? I'm developing a web app with JBoss seam + Hibernate JPA, and I'd like to call an oracle function with JPA 's entityManager.createNativeQuery API But I failed. The code has follows: //===Java code with JPA entityManager.createNativeQuery("{call get_filelist(?)}") .setParameter(1, dirName) .getSingleResult(); The oracle function is defined as follows: ...

12. invalid sql stmt calling oracle stored function with annot

I'm having problems trying to call an Oracle 10g stored function that returns a result set (via sys_refcursor) from the NamedNativeQuery annotation. I get this error: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement Here's the annotation: @NamedNativeQuery(name = "MyQuery", callable = true, query = "{? = call MYSCHEMA.MY_FUNCTION(:purgeDate)}", readOnly = true, resultClass = QueryResultDTO.class) Here's the logging: DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - /* ...

13. executing functions from database oracle

Hello! I'm trying executing a function whichs returns me a boolean from my Oracle DB and i'm having some problems. My mapping definition is like this : {? = call MyPackage.myFunction (?,?) } and in my java code i'm doing like this : Session session = HibernateUtil.getSession(); List list = session.getNamedQuery("setTransactions") .setInteger(0, idTr) .setString(1, nroContenedor) .list(); session.close(); ...

14. How call a oracle function from Hibernate?

15. Oracle 10g analytic functions

Hi All, I'm able to achieve this by using sqlProjection projectionsList.add(Property.forName("column1")); projectionsList.add(Property.forName("column2")); projectionsList.add(Property.forName("column3")); projectionsList.add(Property.forName("column4")); projectionsList.add(Projections.sqlProjection("count(*) over (partition by 1) as totalCount", new String[]{"totalCount"},new Type[]{Hibernate.STRING})); crit.setProjection(projectionsList); List lst=crit.list(); Hibernate Generated SQL Query select * from ( select this_.column1 as y0_, this_.column2 as y1_, this_.column3 as y2_,this_.column4 as y3, count(*) over (partition by 1) as totalCount from table1 this_ where this_.GroupId in (?) ...