1. Grammar Exception with Oracle Dialect using left outer join forum.hibernate.orgselect company0_.id as id0_0_, employees1_.id as id1_1_, company0_.companyName as companyN2_0_0_, employees1_.name as name1_1_, employees1_.birthday as birthday1_1_, ... |
2. Hibernate with Oracle xdb grammar error forum.hibernate.orgHello, I would like to ask whether it is possible for Hibernate to run on Oracle xdb query like: select extractValue(value(h), '/a/b) as {pb.x}, extractValue(value(h), '/a/c') as {pb.y} from xtable pb, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(pb), '/a'))) h The DAO code is as below return session.createSQLQuery("select " + "extractValue(value(h), '/a/b) as {pb.x}, " + "extractValue(value(h), '/a/c') as {pb.y} " + "from xtable pb, " + ... |