Cursor « Oracle « JPA Q&A

1. Getting data as a Oracle cursor


Hi all, Been receiving the above open cursors exceeded error in our application. After initial investigation, we noticed that even afer the statement execution, the cursors are open in the database. Below is the sample application code, public void addAudit(String loginID) { Session session = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getSession(); Audit at = new Audit(); try { Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance(); Date dt = new ...

3. Hibernate with Oracle: too many open cursors

Hibernate version: 3.1.3 JBOSS version: 4.0.4 Oracle version: 10g I have read on hibernate site the article "After a while, Oracle throws this exception: too many open cursors". It simply says "The Oracle JDBC driver doesn't much like to have its prepared statements cached. Disable PreparedStatement caching for the connection pool." Could somebody explain why should I disable PreparedStatement caching for ...