primary key « MySQL « JPA Q&A

1. NetBeans 6.7 Beta - Why does it think certain tables have no primary key?

I am using NetBeans 6.7 Beta to create entity classes from a MySQL (version '5.0.45-log') database. NetBeans accepts most tables, but rejects certain ones consistently (I can't see a pattern), saying ...

2. How to get the auto-increment primary key value in MySQL using Hibernate?

I'm using Hibernate to access MySQL, and I got a table with auto-increment primary key. Everytime I insert new row to the table I don't need to specify the primary key. ...

3. MySQL: Problem with AUTO_INCREMENTed primary keys

MySQL: How do you get the next auto_incremented number when merging? If I set it to the correct value it works but how are you supposed to know which number that is? I get exceptions when trying to merge objects which have the auto_incremented primary key set to null. I don't want to set it. I want it to be auto_incremented. ...

4. MySQL and tinyblob primary keys

5. Hibernate Mysql primary Key generation