1. Hibernate: Create Mysql InnoDB tables instead of MyISAM

How can I get Hibernate (using JPA) to create MySQL InnoDB tables (instead of MyISAM)? I have found solutions that will work when using Hibernate to generate an SQL file to ...

2. InnoDB JPA, keep forcing MyISAM

My school thought it would be nice to add another requirement to our exam 80% in the process. We now have to care about the database, not that I don't do ...

3. Using Hibernate with MySQL-forced to choose between InnoDB and MyISAM?

You could use two session factories. Or you could just try picking one dialiect and see if it works. I would imagine that the only differences in SQL would be if you let Hibernate generate DDL (but I'm no MySQL expert, so it might not work). However, I don't see why you would use the MyISAM database engine anyway, since it ...

5. mysql MYISAM hibernate!! plz help