view « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Does JPA support mapping to sql views?

I'm currently using Eclipselink, but I know now days most JPA implementations have been pretty standardized. Is there a native way to map a JPA entity to a view? I am ...

2. How to use temporary table or view in Hibernate?

I would like to use temporary table in my HQL query, can I do it? P.S. I do know there are some hacks with creating your own dialect, but I don't want ...

3. Hibernate Entity Inheritance between Tables and Views

I have 2 tables and a view. TableA has certain fields. TableAHistory has the same fields as TableA. ViewAll is a union of TableA and TableAHistory, but additionally has a field ...

4. Hibernate -- Mapping a view with a single value to a read-only field

(Hibernate 3.6, Mysql 5) I have a mapped class called 'Program' (that is working correctly). I also have a view that is updated daily with aggregate statistics. The view schema is like so:

view ProgramSummary ...

5. do we need to an id always while creating a hibernate entity? even if I am creating an entity from a view?

I am using MySQL 5.5 and hibernate 3. I have created a view in my database and also created an entity corresponding to it using salto db generator. When I try ...

6. Hibernate object mapping for a view or multiple tables instead of a single table ?

views: not a problem, though for the typical non-updateable view you will want to mark things as read-only on the Hibernate side. mapping to multiple tables: not directly possible in Hibernate 2. Usually you can do the mapping some other fairly reasonable way, so it's not a showstopper. I think Hibernate 3 will have more direct support for this kind of ...

7. View mapping and query in Hibernate

Greetings, I have a mapping of a view similar to the following: ... I'm trying to run the following ...

8. hibernate mapping a view no primary key

I have a view which comprises of joining 4 table and it does not have a primary keys, this view is just used for display purpose. I want it to be managed by hibernate, I did some search and found that it is not able to have a view mapped to a pojo with out a primary key, one solution is ...

9. How to map database views in Hibernate annotation

Hi all, I am using hibernate annotation for my database table mapping and its work fine. The database guys has change couple of tables into views ( those are include many-to-one and many-to-many mapping), i mapped them as table as : @Entity @Table(name = "V_REPORT_TYPE") @Cache (usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_ONLY) public class ReportType implements Serializable { But its not working and throwing exception : ...

10. MySQL views and Hibernate Mappings

Hi all, I can successfully use MySQL views as Hibernate/JPA entities but the application will not deploy unless I disable the model validation upon deploy ( = validate). How can I use Views as Entities and still use the model validation? Thanks, Damian. ============ Entity based on View =========== package com.locuslive.odyssey.entity; // Generated Jan 7, 2010 5:08:02 PM by Hibernate Tools ...

11. Common practice, views or normal mapping on multiple joins

I have this rather complicated datamodel and i don't know what is common practice for moddeling it in hibernate... I'll explain the model: I'm working on an application for my girlfriend who is a teacher. She must be able to enter grades for her students for tests. This is the datamodel: Student (id, name) Class (id,name) student_classes(id,student_id,class_id) (a student can be ...

12. how to map a view as read-only entity

13. Mapping a database view

14. Entity mapped to a view shows wrong Information

@Entity @Table(name = "confdependencias") @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Confdependencias.findAll", query = "SELECT c FROM Confdependencias c"), @NamedQuery(name = "Confdependencias.findByConfiguracion", query = "SELECT c FROM Confdependencias c WHERE c.configuracion = :configuracion"), @NamedQuery(name = "Confdependencias.findByDependencia", query = "SELECT c FROM Confdependencias c WHERE c.dependencia = :dependencia"), @NamedQuery(name = ...


16. Mapping a view with a single value to a read-only field

(Hibernate 3.6, Mysql 5) I have a mapped class called 'Program' (that is working correctly). I also have a view that is updated daily with aggregate statistics. The view schema is like so: view ProgramSummary { long program_id long value } program_id is unique, but there is no row-id. What I want is to just pull the value out, but I ...

17. Hibernate annotation mapping to Oracle Views

18. Mapping View or table without a Primary Key

Hi, When I looked at the documentation for the mapping file, it says "Mapped classes must declare the primary key column of the database table ". So my question is can I map a View with no primary key? The view in question will only be passed to the presentation layer. No update, insert, or delete will be done on the ...

19. Mapping Many-to-many to a read only view

I have objects A, B, and C. Currently in the database, A is linked to B with a many-to-many relationship using table ABLINK. B is linked to C with a many-to-many relationship using table BCLINK. I tried to create a read only view in the database, ACVIEW, which JOINs the ABLINK and BCLINK tables to dynamically create the view. I put ...

20. mapping two foreign key cols to same table; view objects

Newbie Joined: Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:14 am Posts: 1 Location: New York City I have a few general questions about using Hibernate to persist objects, or more accurately to re-create persisted objects that are related in complex ways and to retrieve data from the database to place in objects representing views--a subset of information from one or more tables. In ...

21. View mapping

22. OR-Mapping of View -> automatic table creation

23. Tables and/or view without any mapped Java classes

Hi all, I am trying to use hibernate to run the following query. I have mapped Gene, Reporter and BIO_Pathways to their respective Java classes. Gene_Reporter, Pathway_Gene_Object and Array_Reporter_Map_V do not have any mapped Java classes, and it would be ideal if they do not. When I run the following query using hibernate I do not get any results back. If ...

24. Mapping a database view using Hibernate

I need to map a view in the DB to a Hibernate object. Everything seems as straightforward as mapping a normal table. However I want to prevent updates to this Bean class. The attribute "usage=read-only" talks about caches. There seems to nothing at the property level of the Bean that says read-only. All my bean access is though a Session facade. ...

25. Insert into Oracle View - how to map the primary key?

I want to insert a record into an Oracle view (belonging to some schema A). The table into which data are actually inserted belongs to another schema B. The primary key for the record is generated by a sequence in this schema B. Therefore I cannot use the sequence-generator (because I use schema A an do not have access to the ...

26. How can i map a DB VIEW on hibernate????

27. how can i map a DB view on hibernate??

28. Error mapping Oracle view

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hello, I have tried to figure this out on my own and have not been successful. (obviously) I am modelling a view in Oracle. I used middlegen to create the mapping file. I tweaked it a bit. Basically renaming things. I then used hbmtojava to generate the class. The issue that ...

29. How to map to a database view that has no Primary Key

Hi, I have an existing database view that has no primary key. Since is a manadatory element for in the mapping file, I am not sure of how to map this view. I know that as far as Hibernate is concerned view is mapped in the same way that a table is. Is there a way to map a ...

30. How to map views?

I am trying to map some classes to views which do not have any primary key columns. This makes reporting easier. However, eventhough the documentation says that if you leave out the name attribute of the id tag if the class has no identifier property I still get an SQLGrammarException warning about an invalid column name 'id' This is with hibernate ...

31. Views and userdefined sql types- OR mapping

I am developing a hibernate project plase help me how to implement in the following senario 1. i have table1 say " USER" with some columns 2. Table2 say "USER_DETAILS" with some columns and this table has reference to first table (USER). 3. Then i have created a user defined SQl type object say(T_USER_DETAILS) which have some of the columns like ...

32. Hibernate2 mapping database view, how to?

I am using hibernate2.1.8 and DB2, and there are a lot of views in my database, I can generate the hbm by hibernate-extensions-2.1.3 like below:

33. How to map to Database Views

Hi Everybody, I am trying to map my objects to Database Views instead of tables. And when I use view name at the place of table name in my mapping file, it gives me "Missing Table" error. Mapping File:

34. Mapping View from database table

Hi! Can anyone explain me or post here an example code of a .hbm.xml file that maps a table view from a DB table, plz? It would be quite helpful. Thank you! P.S: I have created one with Hibernate Tools and I got a mapping file the looks like this. (I don't like the idea of all fields being a ...

35. Mapped View problem

Hi, I'm using Hibernate 3.1+Spring1.2.6 with an Oracle v9.2 database. When retrieving object from a mapped database view, Hibernate returns a list of size 1 but with null element inside... Here is the debug trace : 14:41:10,977 DEBUG Loader:1742 - bindNamedParameters() ALMG1S6 -> codElp [1] 14:41:10,992 DEBUG StringType:79 - binding 'ALMG1S6' to parameter: 1 14:41:11,008 DEBUG AbstractBatcher:327 - about to open ...

36. Multiple view dynamic mapping over one table

Our application uses database views for specific tables. The view is created depending on user privilages, when user is created (or modified). Only the original table is mapped in the hibernate, the restricted views, as they are created dinamically (names also), are not. We are using Criteria to perform selects on the original table, however we would like to restrict them ...

37. Mapping of view or table without primary key

38. Can I map an object, select view but update table?

Currently I have a table and columns mapped to class objects After mapping an object I lookup all the reference ids in a hashmap and populate the object. What I would like, on retrieving the data is to use a view or otherwise join to the reference ...

39. How do we map view in hibernate mapping file?

You could map it like any other entity. However the catch is that data in a view is really not a "persistent" entity. There are some approaches to solve your problem: 1. Declare the query for the viewas HQL and use it in your application. However if the view is being used for other JOINs this might not work out. 2. ...

40. How do we map view in hibernate mapping file?

sorry, i dont understand. what select query? you create your view in the db, using sql db client of your choice. no hibernate here. once your view is created, hibernate treats it as a normal table, so create a pojo with the properties you want to map to db columns and thats all. bellow is my example mapping to one of ...

41. is it possible to map into DB View

I just learn to write my mapping file. It seems that when a new persistable object was saved a new record will be inserted into its mapped table. In my case, the sample structure of my EMF model list below: Model |____Network | |____OptimizedResult There is a table called T_Model which will store all the attribute in Model,Netwrok and OptimizedResult. So ...

42. mapping join table with a view (tries to delete from view)

Hibernate version: 3.2.3 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5 I have a 'document' table that is hierarchical: Code: document { document_id PK, parent_id FK(document), ... } The way our document tree is set up is with a single 'root' document, with document_id = 1. ...

43. How to map a view like this?

public ViewCourse getViewCourseByName(String name) { Object result = null; Session session = null; try { session = HibernateUtils.currentSession(); ...

44. Hibernate mapping and db views

Hi, I have mapped my object to a db view by specifying view name as a table name: .... But Hibernate throws an exception: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Missing table: HOLDING_V Has anyone encountered that before? Is there anything different that I have to do for mapping views vs regular tables? ...

45. Exception while saving a table with mapping to view.

I have a table say "TABLE" and view say "VIEW". The id for the table is the id for thre view. The relationship is one-to-one both ways. The hibernate mappings look like this.

46. Many Views maps to one Object/Class

47. Enum mapping - entity mapped to a database view

Hi, I'm trying to map an EJB3 entity to a view in my MySQL database. The only way I found was to create a .hbm.xml mapping file in which I put . This seems to work but I need to map enums and I can't use the @Enumerated as I use a mapping file. Is there another strategy to map ...

48. Mapping a view with no unique key

I need to map, read-only, a legacy view that does not have a unique id. If I pick an arbitrary column as the id, Hibernate only returns me one row per id value for that column (where many might have that value). Is there a way to tell Hibernate: a) Return me all of the rows even if the "id" is ...

49. Problems with mapping a view

Newbie Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:55 pm Posts: 3 Location: Germany Hi, I'm trying to map a Oracle 10 View with Hibernate 3.2.6. I've created an Entity class with the same name as the View in Oracle - but while starting the JBoss App Server Hibernate still trys to create a table. Probably i'm using the wrong datatypes in my ...

50. hibernate mapping to view and table problem

Hi, Is there a way for using Hibernate to map a class to a view for query and to a table if doing update, delete and insert? I tried to create two mappings and set the entity-name, however everytime I do a query based on the class it execute the same SQL twice. I cannot simply using entity-name in the Criteria ...

51. Mapping lazy many-to-one view


52. How to Map a View?

public List findAll() { try { String queryString = "select model from Countview model order by postkorb desc"; EntityManager em = getEntityManager(); List ln = ...

53. Mapping property with view

I have a view created to display a calculated mapping of one key to another key. I want to annotate this in hibernate to make it accessible from my entity. Being a view, I want this property to be read-only. The specifics of the situation are as follows: I have an OrderLineItem. Every OrderLineItem has a list of OrderStatuses. This gives ...

54. map class to view

If you're not updating or creating new rows in the view, you can simply map an entity to the db2 view or oracle view. That's usually the easiest thing to do when mapping db views. And while views don't have primary keys it is very easy to define a view that has a surrogate key. I'd recommend this to easy the ...

55. Mapping DB view (w/o primary key) urgent...

hi guys... i am trying to map a DB view. as the DTD requires the id/composit ID as a amndatory in the mapping file.. i am totally confused as to how to use the view as the view do not hav any primary key. i am not getting how to use the composite id. can sombody suggest me how to do ...

56. Mapping entities to views?

Hi, i have no much experience with Hibernate. I'm working on a booking system. I have a table with reservations and another one containing the reservations operations, so if somebody cancel a reservation there will be a new row in the reservation_operations table with an action 'cancel' and the reservation_id (which is a foreign key -> reservations table). I guess it ...

57. Can a Oracle View be mapped using Hibernate 3?

if it is possible then i understand the ID columns can be any single column or composite columns. I have a problem when trying to establish a relationship between a view and a table. I am pasting the code, 1 . Lecture View @Entity @Table(name="NCE_EPF_LPA") public class LecturerPartics { private String deptCode; private String staffNo; private String facultyCode; private Department department; ...

58. One-To-Many mapping problem in use of Oracle View

@ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumns({ @JoinColumn(name="STUDENT_PARTY_ID", referencedColumnName="PARTYID"), @JoinColumn(name="EDU_INST_ID", referencedColumnName="EDUINSTID"), @JoinColumn(name="PROGRAMME_ID", referencedColumnName="PROGRAMID"), @JoinColumn(name="INTAKE_ORG", referencedColumnName="INTAKEID") }) public StudentView getStudentView() { return studentView; }

59. HbBinder issuing binder while mapping Database Views

Hibernate version:3.0.5 I have mapped views with classes. During starting up of application on Websphere Applicaiton Server we are getting following warning from Hibernate HbmBinder [11/24/08 9:35:54:510 MET] 00000020 HbmBinder I org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues Mapping class: -> VSAMPLE_ADDR [11/24/08 9:35:54:555 MET] 00000020 HbmBinder W org.hibernate.cfg.HbmBinder bindCompositeId Could not perform validation checks for component as the class was not found Although, ...

60. Mapping a Table with a Materialized View without primary key

Hi for all. Like i have wrote in the title, i would map a table with a materialized View. The difficult for me is that i would use not the primary key but another arbitrary key in the Table. To explain in a better way i'll do an example. Suppose to have the Table User, with fields: userId(PK), firstname, secondname and ...

61. Problem with mapping for a view

Hibernate version: 3.3.0SP1 Name and version of the database you are using:H2DB Hi, I am having a view ROUTERLINK which is a join of different tables like: ROUTERID from ROUTER.ID (PK of ROUTER table) CUSTOMERID from COUSTOMER.ID (PK of CUSTOMER table) and SITEID from SITE.ID (PK of SITE table) In this view ROUTERID is going to be the unique column. ROUTERLINK ...

62. mapping a view in hibernate

I am trying to query a view using criteria command ... but it is showing error... org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute query at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.handledNonSpecificException( at org.hibernate.exception.SQLStateConverter.convert( at org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.listIgnoreQueryCache( at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.list( at org.hibernate.loader.criteria.CriteriaLoader.list( at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.list( at org.hibernate.impl.CriteriaImpl.list( at PMMO.Main.main( Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getLongValue( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSetImpl.getLong( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet.getLong( at org.hibernate.type.LongType.get( ...

63. Trying to map a MySQL view using hibernate

Hi, having a problem mapping my MySQL view below using Hibernate 3. I am new to Hibernate (from today) but finding limited information on mapping views - this view doesn't have a unique key as such so wondering if that is the problem. Any help appreciated! MySQL view: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `get_dashlets` (`d_id`, `d_title`, `d_description`, `d_scope`, `f_id`, `f_thumbnail`, `f_author`, `c_id`) ...

64. problem on delete beacuse of mapped view as collection

I have an entity , I mapped a view as a collection to this entity .Now when I call delete for this entity hibernate first tries to delete from view and I get this error ORA-01752: cannot delete from view without exactly one key-preserved table I am wondering If I can tell hibernate not to issue delete statement for this view ...

65. [Hibernate] - Mapping a view ?

ok, found something. Now, my mapping compilation IS WORKING with the id xml tag filled with a column that contains ONLY primary id, but this column isnt tag as Primary Key. Its not very clean, but at least its compiling.... Where I do a call over my script: String query = "SELECT * from anthony"; Query sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(query, "anthony", ...