value « Map « JPA Q&A

1. How do I map a Map from an Entity to a Value with hibernate annotations?

I have Shipment and Product entities. Each shipment consists of any amount of any numbers of products. I.e. a shipment has a field named products which is a java.util.Map where they ...

2. How to query distinct values from map with given key in Hibernate?

I have following Hibernate 3 mapping for User class:

<class name="org.test.User" table="users">

... some other mapping...

    <map name="metadata" table="user_metadata">
        <cache usage="transactional"/>

3. Value object or entity object in my Hibernate mapping?

I'm trying to design a pretty simple app and am getting myself a bit confused with Hibernate's definition of entity and value objects (as defined in Chapter 4 of Java Persistence ...

4. Join map and refer to its key/value in HQL

Suppose I have a map:

    <map name="externalIds" table="album_external_ids">
        <key column="album_id" not-null="true"/>
        <map-key-many-to-many class="Major" column="major_id"/>

5. Return Map with condition in Hibernate Annotation

I have a table with the following columns:

id, target (string), audience_group_id, rating (Integer), job_id
target column is a string representation of one of the following values: predicted, actual, updated I thought to add method ...

6. hibernate map>

I have the following tables:

@Table(name = "events")    

@Table(name = "state")    

7. How to map many value type collections to one single table in Hibernate?

I am tring to map many value-type sets in hibernate to one table for performance reasons. First I did put them all in their own table which led to too many ...

8. Hibernate many-to-many mapping with existing values

Using JPA2 and Hibernate I have two classes that are interrelated in the source data, Person class:

public class Person {
    @Id @Column("PERSON_ID")
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

9. Hibernate Mapping Optional Value

I have two classes which need to be XML mapped (eventually they will all be modified to Annotations, but currently we need to support the XML mappings). I have a User object ...

10. How to get SingularAttribute mapped value of a persistent object?

I have a persistent object (Action) and auto generated data model (Action_). By having an object of Action class and an instance of SingularAttribute, is it possible to get the field ...

11. storing key value pairs in hibernate | can we use map?

I have a xml file and within which i have some key value pairs.I want to store them in form of key value pairs

  <key1> value </1key>
  <key1> value ...

12. Mapping value in junction table to Entity

I have a USER table and a COURSE table. A USER can have many COURSES, and a COURSE many USERS. The junction table contains a ROLE value that determines ...

13. how to return Map with HQL

i have a table Permission:

  • id
  • name
  • desc
what i am doing right now is to make a query that returns a permission object then put the values in the map programmatically 1- But i was wondering ...

14. [Hibernate] How do you map value objects?

I have a customer object and a customer table. The customer table contains address information. I have chosen to seperate this information in the customer object into a value object named address. How would I map the address value object? I have included a example mapping of the customer object below. Regards, Joshua

15. Hibernate: independent key value pair mapping

I am using hibernate and would like to make an independent key value pair mapping. To give you an idea, it is a mapping for config values stored in a database, e.g. key="timeout", value="30", etc. All examples I find on the internet are of the following type: .....

16. Converting join-table to Map

Hello, I've got 2 types of databags in my Java-code. One represents a 'Class' (a bunch of students) and the other represents a 'Test' (something the students have to do). I want to link all the Tests they may do, to a particular Class. I want to use a collection (Map) for this. I have therefore 3 tables in my database: ...

17. Using HQL to access value in map for specific key

Hey Folks, I have a relation mapped as follows: @OneToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE }, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) private Map properties; I'm trying to access an attribute of the FPropertyValue in that properties map with key 'receivingDate'. I've tried something like the following: select distinct actentry from FActivityEntry actentry join property where index(property)='receivingDate' I get this error: "index() function ...

19. Map of embeddables, the key being a property of the value

I am mapping a Map of embeddable objects, where the (compound) map key constitutes a property of the corresponding value Here is the mapping: Map owner Code: @Entity @Access(value = AccessType.FIELD) @Table(name = "map_owner") public class MapOwner implements Identifiable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; ...

20. Specifying values in mapping

Just wondering if you can specify a column value in the mapping file for a class. For example, say class A has a property class B. B has 2 columns for mapping - realm - itemKey realm groups any mapping items so class A can be realm 'a', class C might be realm 'c' So anyway to put the 'a' into ...

21. Persisting a Map with interface as value

22. Key Value Mapping

Is there any way to map the fields of my java object to db table in key- value format. For ex, in my table table1, I have just two fields. Name Value and I have two rows as Name Value name1 value1 name2 value2 In my java object I have getter and setter methods like getName1() and getName2().. How do I ...

23. How to map maps with entities as values?

public class Parent { private Map childs = new HashMap(); private int id; ... public void setChilds(Map childs) { this.childs = childs; } public Map getChilds() { return this.childs; ...

24. Query by map key and value

Hello, I have a Person entity. Each Person can be part of several Organisations and in every Organisation the Person has a specific Role. I have this set up so that a Person has a (Sorted)Map with an Organisation as the key and a Role as the value. Organisation is another entity and Role is a PersistentEnum. It is mapped like ...

25. value iheritance (not class inheritance) possible?

For discussion sake, assume there is an object called Preferences that has 20 attributes. The way these attributes should be determined is to follow a value inheritance scheme whereby duplicate definitions for an attribute are won by the most specific definition. For instance, there may be 3 different data sets that must be considered to determine a Preference object's state, and ...

26. How to create map with set value type?

27. mapping collections as value types vs. entity types

What are the advantages/disadvantages of mapping collections as value types vs. entity types? In the past I've nearly always mapped collections as entity types because, for better or worse, that was the habit I was in. I think part of my thinking was that collections mapped as value types weren't queryable - but I believe that is no longer the case ...

28. mapping collections as value types vs. entity types

I apologize for the cross post, but I didn't get any response to this on the beginners forum. I thought I'd try here ..... What are the advantages/disadvantages of mapping collections as value types vs. entity types? In the past I've nearly always mapped collections as entity types because, for better or worse, that was the habit I was in. I ...

29. Use of 'meta-value's in 'any' mapping usertypes

30. mapping tables holding fixed values

31. retrieving child values from parent --one-to-many mapping

Dear All, I am working with parent child relationship. Regarding this i have mapped and everything is working fine. I am able to retrieve the values of the child table from parent with out any condition. But while retrieving the values from the child table i want to put where condition and in this i want to set the value of ...

32. check if a Map value exists

33. Strange HQL-behavior by retrieving map-value

Hallo, I have a quite strange problem with my HQL-Query. Within my DAO I would like to make use of a map to restrict my results. When I construct the query as below, I get no results: String queryString = "from Category c " + where c.description.titles[:code] = :title"; Query q = session.createQuery(queryString); q.setText("code", "de"); q.setText("title", title); But when I try ...

34. Mapping a Map where Key is AddressType and Value is Address?

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 4.1 Hi, I have a mapping that I can't seam to get right. I have a class User that shall have a Map with addresses, The keys for the adresses shall be defined in the database in the class AddressType, and the value (the address) is an other ...

35. Storing a hash map with multiple values types

I have an application using a local XML file for data storage using Castor. I am now adding database support (with hibernate) and have full control of Database design. However, I have a hash map with multiple primitive data types (such as "String" and "Double"). The volume of data I am passing is very high so efficiency is crucial. From what ...

36. Value - Based Mapping

Hibernate version: 2 or 3 Mapping documents: I have a unique system where there are not domain objects. all the objects are extended "xml-like-name-value objects" I have various value objects: Object1 Object2 Object3 My Object Model does not have Object1, 2, 3 but it has object and I store all the properties of the object in name and values for example ...

38. Mapping a class to key value pairs

Hello, I apologize if this has already been asked, but I haven't been able to find anything here or in the documentation. Here is my issue. I've got a SystemPreferences class which just has a bunch of getters and setters for the different preferences which can be set. I'd like to map this onto a two column database table: first column ...

39. Collection as value of a Map

40. many-to-one mapping doesnt return values

using hibernate 3.0.5, java 1.5, and mysql. i have a mapping and the query is from emailAddress where = :id i've checked the debug statements and it is binding the value for the parameter :id and i've also executed the query from debug stmts (show-sql=true) with the parameter value and ...

41. One-to-one value-type mapping across tables?

42. Transparent lookup table values as map keys

I'm trying to get hibernate to handle using a lookup table for may keys in a transparent manner. I keep getting close, but I haven't been able to get the exact behavior I need/want. It might not be possible, but it sure seems like it could be (or so I hope!). At a high level: I want map keys to be ...

43. Map a value from a Configuration table to other tables

I have a class called OutputClass that contains among other things a budget of type Money. This Money is an amount and a currency code. This scenario occurs in several tables in our system. An object contains a monetary value of a certain currency. It is assumed in our application that the currency code is the application default currency code. This ...

44. mapping collection of value types

Hibernate 3.0.5 I have a class List that has a collection of ListValue objects. Based upon all of my reading, I decided that it is reasonable to map this collection of ListValue objects as a value type, as follows, using an since the legacy database uses surrogate key for the ListValues table.

45. mapping a Map whose key is a domain object and values sets

Is there a way to map (ehm :-)) a Map whose keys are one of my domain objects and the values are Set(s) of other domain objects? I just can find examples of mapping hibernate types to hibernate types or elements (or composite elements) but I would like to map to association. Thanks

47. Persisting a map of key/value pairs

I'm fairly new to all this and am having a conceptual problem. I've been wading through documentation, but I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to be looking anymore :S I had an idea that if I use a base class as below, then users could subclass it for there own logic (storing all data in the map rather than instance ...

48. Trouble with changing values in from multiple th

Author Message lewisd Post subject: Trouble with changing values in from multiple th Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 7:33 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:27 pm Posts: 4 In trying to test out Hibernate performance before using it in an application, I'm running into trouble with one aspect of my testing. I'm trying to create a ...

49. how to map the value of a lookup table

Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.MappingException: Unable to find column with logical name: deal_status in org.hibernate.mapping.Table(deal) and its related supertables and secondary tables at org.hibernate.cfg.Ejb3JoinColumn.checkReferencedColumnsType( at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.TableBinder.bindFk( at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.EntityBinder.bindJoinToPersistentClass( at org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.EntityBinder.finalSecondaryTableBinding( at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationBinder.bindClass( at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.processArtifactsOfType( at org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration.secondPassCompile( at ...

51. Using interface for map key & value

52. Mapping collection value types all from the same table

Hi Guys, I've been given a large, heavily de-normalized table that details car models, their trims and the packages for their trims. A typical row looks like this: Code: modelid|modelname|modelprice|trimid|trimname|trimprice|pkgid|pkgname|pkgprice 001 | gallant | 26000 | 001 | es | 1500 | 001 | sun&surf | 2500 001 ...

53. asking on mapped values in hql

54. Store key value pair from table in a Map

55. Mapping: How to restrict values for a column

Hi. I am new to Hibernate and I would like to know how I can restrict the values for a column? One attribute in my class should only contain four types of values. Thx EDIT: It would be great if I could map a String from the Object to an Integer in the DB (1 -> HU, 2 -> AU, ...) ...

56. How do I map an aggregate value to a persistant object?

I need to have objects which have sum and avg of certain columns along with other column values as properties . The sql uses group by. Is there a way to have these aggregate values as part of the class? I really appreciate any help. In the docs, I read that this is possible in report queries which is outputted immediately ...

57. Mapping a Map with key and value from different tables

I have a one-to-many relationship between a Brand and BrandItem. There is also a one-to-many relationship between an Item and BrandItem. I want my Brand object to contain a Map of Item name (from the Item table) to BrandItem value (from the BrandItem table) - i.e. the key and value for the Map come from different tables. Is this possible in ...

58. To set values for mapping

Hi Can any one help me with this? I have a mapping in my hbm.xml like the following. and in the corresponding POJO, the above mapping has been ...

59. Read the value of a property length from mapping

Hi. I want to acces the value of my properties length from the mapping file to implement some prevalidation before persist my entities. The goal is to check input length before a call to save(...) or update(...) to avoid a Hibernate exception and give to the web app the max length for input fields. I try to have a look on ...

60. Many-to-one mapping, value not object reference

61. Hibernate deletes values in one-to-one mapping table


63. How to create mapping for a Key-Value kinda Table ?

I don't know if there is any direct way of doing what you want. Instead you could declare a Map in your mapping file. Using annotations this would be as follows - @CollectionOfElements(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) @JoinTable(name = "METADATA", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "EMP_ID")) @MapKey(columns={@Column(name="KEY", nullable = false)}) @Column(name = "VALUE", nullable = false) private Map getMetaData() { return _metaData; } After defining ...

64. Mapping a Map with multiple values

65. Parent/Child mapping of value type object

Hi, I am having difficulties understanding mapping parent/child relationships using embedded value type objects, i'll try to explain my situation: Parent parent_id -> PK . . . Child parent_id -> FK to Parent covid . . . In Child parent_id and covid is a composite PK, the child table has more columns, some of which are nullable. There is a one-to-many ...

66. jpa map where value is not an entity

Anyone have a OneToMany map working with JPA /hibernate annotations, where the map value is NOT an entity? I think this is NOT supported in JPA, but I'm wondering if with hibernate extensions that it might be possible, but I can't find a working example anywhere. This is how it was done in the pre-JPA days [url] [/url] Is this possible ...

67. Query using value

I have the following schema: Code: CREATE TABLE system ( system_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE module ( module_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE module_inst ( system_id INTEGER REFERENCES system(system_id), module_id INTEGER REFERENCES module(module_id), active BOOLEAN not ...