validation « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Getting column length from Hibernate mappings?

To validate data I am receiving I need to make sure that the length is not going to exceeded a database column length. Now all the length information is stored in ...

2. How to validate Hibernate mapping against database

How to check that Hibernate mapping configuration matches database? I'd like know if I am using wrong version of hibernate mapping before I start executing update and queries, which then would ...

3. Framework with functionality like Hibernate Validator, OVal, etc. that works with ad-hoc maps?

So here's my problem: I'm looking for a way to validate ad-hoc (and possibly nested) maps similar to the way one might validate a java bean by using an annotation-based framework. ...

4. Validation (JSR 303) and persistence for a Map

Hi, I am trying to save a validated (Validator 4.0.1.GA) entity (hibernate-core 3.5.0-Beta-2) that holds a Map of other persisted entities. I have written a custom ConstraintValidator that handles the validation of such a Map (just checking wether the map holds some predefined values). I can validate the map "by hand" using validator.validate() in my unit tests and the ...

5. Hibernate Mapping parsing - validation not supported!

Hi, I have an application running in Oracle Application Server on Oracle 10g. It has no problems in the in-house environment but on the client's production environment I'm getting the error below. Any help in resolving this will be greatly appreciated. I have to note that the application is able to create another hibernate session factory without a problem using a ...

6. Too retrictive mapping validation?

Hibernate version: 2 I got a problem with mapping two classes with the same name from two different libraries in Hibernate. com.inceptor.somelib.Account com.inceptor.someotherlib.Account I get "duplicate import: Account" These are mapped in hibernate.cfg.xml However, it works fine if, I rename my com.inceptor.somelib.Account class to com.inceptor.somelib.SomeLibAccount. Could it be the below change, has been made too restrictive? Changes ...

7. using hibernate mapping files and validator together

I have hibernate mapping files for mapping my domain objects with the database. I am planning on adding constraints such as length and not-null to my domain objects using Hibernate validator. Can I use both the mappings and the validator together for handling db mappings and validations? I have tried this scenario, but it doesn't seem to work. I was not ...

8. Validating mapping file with and el

Using Hibernate 3 I have a problem validating a mapping file that contains and elements. Java classes: Code: public class Agent { private Long id; private lastName; private firstName; private String agentNumber; private Date startDate; ...

9. Validation on child collection

I'm using Validator 3.1.0GA. Can a custom validator work with a child collection? I'm having problems with the child collection being empty when the validator on the parent entity runs during a .merge(). It is an empty PersistentBag. I have an Entity with a custom validation on it, which in certain conditions checks that a child collection has exactly one item ...

10. validation from parent table to child,which is very tedious

Author Message lkanth Post subject: validation from parent table to child,which is very tedious Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:35 am Newbie Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:23 am Posts: 2 Hi , I have problem with Master--Child tables. Whenever I search for something every time hibernate validate from master table whether records exists or not. What is procedure ...