util « Map « JPA Q&A

1. How to get java.util.Map from hibernate query?    stackoverflow.com

I am wondering what is the best way to get map array from hibernate query. Google says to iterate query.list(), and create/put objects into empty map array.
I guess there would be ...

3. Mapping UUID fields to java.util.UUID    forum.hibernate.org

I have a simple example working with postgres 8.4 & Hibernate 3 (driven by integration with a third party application). I can read limited records (not including uuid fields), but when I add the mapping for the uuid field (Id below), my code generates the following exception: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could not deserialize ... Caused by: java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header ... The records ...

4. Hibernate 3.3.1 throwing ClassCstException for java.util.Map    forum.hibernate.org

Newbie Joined: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:03 pm Posts: 4 hi, I have just migrated my Hibernate code from 3.1.3 to 3.3.1 (one that comes default with Jboss 5.1.0 GA). I have a simple class, Mapping and execution code, this code works fine with earlier version but in latter, it throws exception. I have changed dialect from Oracle9Dialect to Oracle9iDialect (still ...

5. Hibernate and java.util.map    forum.hibernate.org

I am new to hibernate. I am using hibernate-core and hibernate-annotation 3.5.1. I have a java class event that has an id within a Spring MVC application that is stored in the database using Hibernate. Code: @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private Integer id; This generated id is passed back to originating user in an HTTP response. I would therefore ...

6. Mapping java.util.Map with non-entity key    forum.hibernate.org

@Entity @Table(name = "BASE_OBJECT") class BaseObject { @Id @Column(name = "BASE_OBJECT_ID") private Integer objectID; // How can i do this? // Keys are Attribute.name, joined by AttributeValue.baseObject private Map attributes; // ...

7. ClassCast Exception to java.util.Map    forum.hibernate.org

Hey! I`ve got the error, if I try to save a JAVA Object into my EmbeddedDerby database. For further information, i`ll try to make an employee (className = Mitarbeiter) persistent who have one or more qualification (className = Typ [abstract] -> Uebersetzer [extended]). Mitarbeiter.hbm.xml Code:

10. Does a dyamic-class assume java.util.Map?    forum.hibernate.org

Author Message mveitas Post subject: Does a dyamic-class assume java.util.Map? Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:34 am Regular Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2004 10:42 pm Posts: 102 Location: Washington DC When declaring a dynamic-class in the mapping file, is it assumed that the underlying storage mechanism is a java.util.Map? It almost seems as if there should be a call ...

11. Please Help! java.util.Map with Object as element    forum.hibernate.org

Hey all, I've RTFM, RTFAQ, and googled like crazy. I can't seem to solve my problem. Here goes. Using Hibernate 3.0.5 I have an object like this: Code: public class ActionDefinition { ... private Map inputDefns = new HashMap(); private Map outputDefns = new HashMap(); ... } Each of the maps have a string key, and ...

12. no oracle date mapping to java.util.Date?    forum.hibernate.org

That doesn't work because a dba is creating the ddl for us. I'm the one pushing us to use hibernate on this project. I don't want to push back and say, "we need to change to db structure because hibernate won't work as it currently is". If I have to go this route I will, but I figured I'd check and ...

13. Using java.util.Map    forum.hibernate.org

I'm trying to do what seems like it should be very simple. Please disregard the inappropriteness of the class names since I hacked my helloHibernate and simply added a list of speakers to my message class so that I could isolate this into a simple example. What I want is java.util.Map style collection in which I can use the String speakerId ...

14. Help with map-key-many-to-many for java.util.Map property    forum.hibernate.org

class Category { private Long id; private String name; public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { Category c = (Category) o; return c.name.equals(this.name); ...

15. org.hibernate.util.IdentityMap doesn't implement Map fully?    forum.hibernate.org

I have no problems persisting and reading the Class below that contains a Map of addresses. The problem i'm having is that when I load it from the database and then pass it to our XML Serializer (Castor), I get an exception when Castor expects to be able to issue a Code: Set keySet(); It appears that Hibernate which slips it's ...

16. hibernate mapping - key for java.util.Map    forum.hibernate.org

Kind time of day! There was a question if is there is in bean a field extentions type Map and in it some objects will be added and it is necessary, that they were accessible on the known key certain beforehand, for example, that bean UserGroupBean were accessible on a key "UserGroup", etc. In mapping I specify:

17. Mapping integer field to java.util.Date?    forum.hibernate.org

18. referencing java.util.map key in hql    forum.hibernate.org

19. mapping name/value pair into java.util.Properties    forum.hibernate.org

i have a case want to map building name/value pair, here is the mapping xml, sql and class(simplified). i make 2 class for the mapping, but hibernate does map the name/vale pair in the properties. how can i make hibernate map the buildingproperties in building hibernate version:hibernate-3.2.2.ga Code: create table building ( id ...

20. Using a java.util.Map    forum.hibernate.org

21. session.save(xxx) => Xxx cannot be cast to java.util.Map    forum.hibernate.org

Hello. I haven't practised Hibernate a lot last years. I may have done something stupid... I tried on SQL server and Mysql. Thank you for your help... On a save, saveOrUpdate or merge function, I have an exception : Hibernate: select max(ID) from Chantier java.lang.ClassCastException: com.r.c.suiviChantier.metier.objets.Chantier cannot be cast to java.util.Map On the database, id field is numeric. Here is the ...

22. Mapping a java.util.Queue    forum.hibernate.org

23. Mapping java.util.Date to Oracle 10g date field    forum.hibernate.org

Hi. I am using Hibernate 3,2. I have seen some commentary about this issue, but in my case I am trying to build a composite key to use with the findById() method. One of the key's columns is a java.util.Date. I am trying to create the composite key object, and then do a findById() with my DAO, passing the composite key. ...

24. Query a java.util.Map with a value    forum.hibernate.org

25. problem in mapping java.util.TreeMap    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, Can any one figure out y this error is being thrown when i am mapping java.util.TreeMap? my attribute entries is of type java.util.TreeMap. public void setEntries(TreeMap entries) { this.entries = entries; } and mapping is ----- ERROR o.h.property.BasicPropertyAccessor expected type: java.util.TreeMap, actual value: org.hibernate.collection.PersistentSortedMap 12:01:15.277 [AnonymousIoService-13] ERROR errors Exception caught! java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at ...