1. JPA: persisting object, parent is ok but child not updated stackoverflow.comI have my domain object, |
2. How to delete child table records during the update of parent table using Hibernate stackoverflow.comI have a Parent Table A and child tables B,C with many to one relations. Lets say I have data like, for primary key 1 in parent table A I have 3 ... |
3. How can read-only collections be mapped in JPA / Hibernate that don't cause DB updates stackoverflow.comis it possible to create relations in hibernate / jpa that are fetched when the containing entity is fetched but will never ever result in any db updates, when the containing ... |
4. Why does hibernate permit the update of a parent table although update="false" is provided to the many-to-one relationship? stackoverflow.comI created a simple case for testing and I don't get the expected behavior. I am interested why hibernate chooses to update the parent table (Country) although I provide update="false" attribute ... |
5. Hibernate-Annotations- How to delete old child records when updating the Parent Entity stackoverflow.comIam currently working on a Bi-directional OneToMany Hibernate association using annotations. Iam stuck up with a problem. A Parent entity has many child entities. Whenever i update the Child set in ... |
6. Hibernate update table B after table A is updated stackoverflow.comI am complete new to Hibernate and I have a question in the following condition. User Class @Entity @Table (name="user_table") public class User implements Serializable{ /** * ... |
7. Hibernate update table stackoverflow.comI am new to Hibernate and following the tutorial at http://www.vaannila.com/hibernate/hibernate-example/hibernate-mapping-one-to-many-using-annotations-1.html, I have a question about the main class in that tutorial. I understand that Set phoneNumbers = new HashSet(); phoneNumbers.add(new ... |
8. Hibernate Inheritance Update problem stackoverflow.comi have the following Pojos:
9. Hibernate child tables are not updated stackoverflow.comI have 3 mysql database tables called "Invoice","Selling","Invoice".ER diagram is as following. This is a simple database for billing application.
10. hibernate child set didn't deleting the objects when updating coderanch.comHi, I have following script in parent hbm file for child as: |
11. Hibernate mapping: Update a set property coderanch.comYou need to add the cascading options in your mapping. Cascade options tell Hibernate what to do with the objects in the Collection. Without it Hibernate will only load it on reading, but not keep track of changes to the Collection for you. So you want cascade option all. And if you want the children to be deleted when the parent ... |
12. Mapping properties-Hibernate issuing updates coderanch.comHi All, I have a difeerent type of problem with hibernate. In my application, i am reading the data from the database using hibernate. But at the end of every read statement hibernate is issuing updates to the table.This is causing the lock escalation in our application which intern leading to the dead locks. I tried with all the properties like ... |
13. Hibernate child parent update coderanch.comYou just need to wipe out the object collection in the parent object that refereces the child class (and in turn the child table). You should be able to either instantiate a new collection, or just clear the contents of the existing collection. Then you'll add your new child objects to the collection. Once the transaction commits, it should wipe out ... |
14. JPA -- Question about Updating Mappings coderanch.comHi, I will make an analogy of the scenario we have... Imagine you have baskets of fruit: BasketEntity.java and FruitEntity.java, one basket having many fruit. The BasketEntity class has a Collection |
15. Repeated updates on EVENT table, in Hibernate one to many mapping coderanch.comHi All, I have an Event.hbm.xml |
16. hibernate update child records forum.hibernate.orgCode: |
17. Inheritance - convert/update to child class forum.hibernate.org |
18. Inheritance - convert/update to child class forum.hibernate.orgNote that in the object-oriented world it is not possible for an object to change from one class to another. My first approach would be to try to redesign the code to get rid of the superclass/subclass relationship. Each account could for example have an AccountType. If you can't do that and still want to use Hibernate cloning might be possible. ... |
19. Update parent while deleting a child forum.hibernate.org |
20. Preventing update to non-dirty children associations forum.hibernate.orgAuthor Message mcburton3 Post subject: Preventing update to non-dirty children associations Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:33 pm Beginner Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:29 pm Posts: 23 Hello all, I'm not a Hibernate expert and cannot seem to resolve this issue. Here is the problem. I have a three classes named Compdep, Empdep, and Funddep (mappings below) where ... |
22. newbie question-delete childs automatically on parent update forum.hibernate.orgHi, I have a parent child relationship. In parent.hbm.xml |
23. Bidirectionnal mapping: collections are not updated forum.hibernate.orgNewbie Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:43 am Posts: 1 With hibernate 3, using annotation and the Spring HibernateDaoSupport I'm trying to set up a many to many mapping and I stumble upon some update problems. When I add items a a collection, updating then entity did not update the mapping in database. (Its working when I setup the mapping to ... |
24. How to update child records for parent? forum.hibernate.orgI have two tables in parent-children relation. On update, I have to update the relation between those meaning new children of parent may be added or one of the child record can be deleted. I know I can use update to update value of the children but in this case I have to acutally update the relationship of childen to parent. ... |
25. Parent/Child Update forum.hibernate.orgpublic class Article { ... @OneToMany(mappedBy = "article") private Set |
26. Many to Many Mapping: Link table not getting updated forum.hibernate.orgI am trying to learn hibernate and faced this issue en route. I am trying out a many to many mapping. To do so i have created a Category and a Book table. The link table that i have created in cat_books_xref table which simply contains the primary keys of both the tables. My Mapping are as below: Category.hbm.xml Code: ... |
27. updating child in 1-to-many forum.hibernate.orgI have one-to-many relationship Department-has-Employees. See details in http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?p=2177261#2177261 I am trying to increase the salaries of all the employees for a department like this Code: public void increaseSalaryForLocation(Integer id, double raise) { Session session = null; try { session = sf.openSession(); ... |
28. Many-to-one mapping question on updates forum.hibernate.orgI have a 1-1 relation between two classes, ManageableEvent and Location, with ManageableEvent containing Location. The mapping is like this. Code: |
29. Update a parent from a child forum.hibernate.orgI have a one-to-many relation. I have instantiated a child and from hit I get parent. If I alter the parent can i save the changes when I save the child? 1. Parent p = child.getParent(); 2. p.setLastChildTouched(child.getId()); 3. session.save(child); It's possible? And it's possible implement the 1 and 2 instructions in a onUpdate method of a lifecycle in the child ... |
30. one-to-one mapping will only do update forum.hibernate.orgI have been trying unsuccessfully to get a cascading insert to work with one to one mapping. Error: The system always does an update on the child object.. I need it to create the object. I am obviously missing something on the foreign key Hibernate: insert into TelcomNumber (formattedNumber, TelcomNumberId) values (?, ?) Hibernate: update TelcomNumberGroup set areaCityCode=?, extension=?, internationalCountryCode=?, nationalNumber=?, ... |
31. Problems with updating map forum.hibernate.orgHi, I've modelled a map containing user objects as value and their id's as map keys in a class named Project. The mapping therefore in class Project looks like this (no bidirectional association): Searching in the forum and the FAQs, I found no similar ... |
32. update of parent/child semantics problem. example code Pls. forum.hibernate.orgHi, I ran across a problem and tried different solutions without any luck. I dont think there's a bug in hibernate but probably a lack of similar kind of example and my understanding of hibernate, I am not able to sovle it yet. So, now I am trying to figure out how other people are solving this problem as I BELIEVE ... |
33. update query and parent - child objects forum.hibernate.orgThere is actually no need to do a session.update() if you modify an object inside of session scope (dirty checking will do that). You have to use update() if you modified a detatched object, in which case you will get an update for every object associated with cascading update (Hibernate can't know if your detatched objects changed or not) |
34. Not updating child id with parents forum.hibernate.orgNewbie Joined: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:43 pm Posts: 1 I hope this is a simple issue. I have a parent (Summary) and a child (Result) Hibernate inserts the records into the tables except it doesn't put the parent id in the child's "parent id" column. if I'm not mistaken, hibernate should put the parent's (Summary) id into the childs (Result) ... |
35. Problem updating an object which has a one-to-many mapping.. forum.hibernate.orgAuthor Message Scorlg Post subject: Problem updating an object which has a one-to-many mapping.. Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:26 am Beginner Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:38 am Posts: 38 Hi, I'm having a problem updating a parent object which has a one-to-many mapping with a child object. If the partent has no children it updates fine however, ... |
36. how to update the child Set in one-to-many relationship forum.hibernate.orgMy environment is WebWork 2.1.7 + hibernate 3.0.2 A page will show the parent properties and its childs, user also can delete/add child(s), when use clicking the 'Save' button, in WW action, I will get a new childs Set including some old childs and some new childs, so if I want update the Parent and Childs, how to do it? In ... |
37. Updating a parent with child records forum.hibernate.orgIm looking for a proper or elegant way to handle updating/deleting/inserting child records when modifying the parent object. For example, I have an employee object that has a list of phone number objects. When a user goes to say an employee edit screen, I need to be able to allow the user to update/delete/save new phone numbers by presenting them a ... |
38. Updating Objects with a many-to-many mapping forum.hibernate.orghi to all, HELP 1. Example code on how to update a many-to-many mapping. 2. How to retrieve the HashSet() that is contained on an Object. I am able to insert and delete object, even with many-to-many mapping, into the datebase however what I cannot figure out is how to retrieve them and then update them. I looked at the Hibernate ... |
39. Delete Child gives me UPDATE sql - why forum.hibernate.orgHi All, I have Parent, child relationsip and I load only child with following way and issue delete child. I am getting update child SQL - Why Here is the code session = HibernateSessionFactory.currentSession(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); log = LogFactory.getLog("selectCaseClm()"); Child cc = (Child)session.get(Child.class, childid); log.info("*** Got Child"+ cc.toString()+ " ***"); session.delete(cc); session.flush(); tx.commit(); session.close(); update CHILD set parentkey=? where childkey=? ... |
40. One-To-Many Updating Map (LinkedHashMap) forum.hibernate.org |
41. Is it normal for Hibernate to update all children? forum.hibernate.orgThis is 3.0.5. If I have a parent that has a set of children, and the one-to-many is mapped with cascade=save-update, is it normal for Hibernate to issue a SQL update for all the children in the set when performing an update on the parent, even though none of them have actually changed? I used to think that was just the ... |
42. Unnecessary updates when adding a new Child to a Parent forum.hibernate.orgMy problem is the following: I have a parent/child relationship between a List and an Entry: a List may contain multiple entries. Each time I had a new Entry to the list, Hibernate issues an update statement for each and every other entry in the list, whic is a performance kill (some lists may have thousands of entries). Any idea what's ... |
43. Fine control on children classes updates in one-to-many ... forum.hibernate.orgThe major business object of my application has a few of one-to-many chirldren relationships. Those parent-children one-to-many relationships can be classified into two types. The first type, let's call it type A, is the object self attributes such as the colours of a cat. A cat can be a white-black colours' one, for instance. The second type, let's call it type ... |
44. Update old parent entity when child moves to new parent? forum.hibernate.orgHi All, I have a situation where i have a child object attached to a parent object (via a many to one relationship). The child object can be uniquely identified with a business key. I have situations where the child object can 'move' to a different parent. Currently, I'm doing this by executing a delete statement that deletes the child before ... |
45. Update parent-child records forum.hibernate.orgHi I'm having a problem trying to update a parent-child relationship using a composit-id object, the old records are not removed from the table and they are left without parent's reference, though there is a cascade="all-delete-orphan" on the association. This is the situation, the parent Table is called Offer and the child RateCode, I save a previous existing Offer adding 2 ... |
46. One-to-many mapping issue - unable to update child table forum.hibernate.org |
47. Updating parent updates all children though unchanged forum.hibernate.org |
48. Mapping a collection with |
49. Cannot UPDATE the object with |
50. How to avoid needless sql updates for child collection forum.hibernate.orgAuthor Message ukchucktown Post subject: How to avoid needless sql updates for child collection Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:56 pm Beginner Joined: Tue May 23, 2006 4:10 pm Posts: 38 Location: Charleston, SC I'm trying to determine the best way to avoid needless SQL updates being issued by Hibernate for collections when I update a detached parent object ... |
51. Unnecessary update on parent when map is updated forum.hibernate.orgHi all. Here's one weird bit I am trying to solve. Hibernate seems to generate one unnecessary UPDATE statement on my UserSession mapping. The mapping and the update statement are below. The only thing that changes during transaction are the context properties (name/value pairs) but not the user nor user session. Yet hibernate updates the version of UserSession. Since the whole ... |
52. Could not update a column in Database( probl. in mapping fil forum.hibernate.orgwhen i am trying to update the red coloured column it is going to exception after executeUpate(). what is the problem behind this ? Expecting immediate reply files are given below shinoy.v.v. Hibernate 3.1.2 |
53. @Many-to-Many mapping update problem and sources problem forum.hibernate.orgNeed help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2.0 GA Mapping documents: First Code: @Entity @Table(name = "CATALOG") public class CatalogDBO { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) private Set |
54. parent - child update forum.hibernate.orgI have an object with these properties: private Long idMenu; private String otherProperties; . . private Set roles = new LinkedHashSet(); And this mapping: |
55. update and delete: parent and child relationship forum.hibernate.orgBeginner Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:32 am Posts: 20 i have a parent table: tbl_document, child table: tbl_attachment. Problem 1: currently when i do delete, it only delete the data from parent table. My code as follow: Action class: Code: String id = request.getParameter("Id"); List rshPpr = docSrv.getRshPaperTitle(Long.parseLong(id)); ... |
56. Unnecesary updates to parent table on updating child record forum.hibernate.org |
57. parent/child Category Like Objects - wont update link table forum.hibernate.orgI have tried this a number of ways and most recently tried the mapping this way. The paradigm is so common that i know this has to be handled from the framework - but i am missing something from all the books i have bought, information browsed online, etc... I have a DomainBean which might contain optional one or more child ... |
58. Prevent Child to update its Parent forum.hibernate.orgHi there. I have a unidirectional many-to-one mapping. There is a requirement that child entity should not be able to update the parent entity. The mapping is following: Code: |
59. Updating one set of children only forum.hibernate.org |
60. How to update parent without deleting child collection? forum.hibernate.orgHi all! I'm writing web application using Hibernate 3.2 with Spring 2.5. My problem is that when I update parent object the child collection is deleted, because when I get new parameters for the parent from html form I create new instance of a parent which has empty collection. I use merge to update the object. I have class Book which ... |
61. Only update children, but not parent. forum.hibernate.orgHello, I've got a class with a collection in it and it's mapped in hibernate with a one-to-many relationship. Everything there is pretty standard. Code: |
62. Unwanted delete after update parent/childs forum.hibernate.orgHello, I have changed a lot in my mappings lately, to make Hibernate cascade the delete to the RegistrationEntries and HourEntries when a Registration gets deleted. I got that to work now, but it presented another problem. When I try to update a Registration, it deletes the Registration afterwards? Im pretty sure I'm not deleting it manually in my code so ... |
63. Deleting Child with other updates forum.hibernate.orgNeed help with Hibernate? Read this first: http://www.hibernate.org/ForumMailingli ... AskForHelp [b]Hibernate version:3.0 [b]Mapping documents: PARENT |
64. Hibernate child parent update forum.hibernate.org |
65. parent child relationship update issue forum.hibernate.orgI am facing some issues with updating the data for a parent child relationship. I have |
66. many-to-many not updating the mapping table forum.hibernate.orgHi, I have a many-to-many that is not working properly, the mapping table is not being updated I have three tables Locations LocationCourseTypes (mapping table) CourseTypes and two persistent classes (2 java and 2 hbm.xml files) Locations CourseTypes When I execute the following code, the CourseType and Locations table are updated with 1 row each but the LocationsCourseTypes (mapping table) is ... |
67. One -Many child not updated with Parent Update forum.hibernate.orgNewbie Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:51 am Posts: 4 Code: Code: Hello, I have 2 tables Company and Address with One Many relation Company(1) --> Address(*) When I insert a new Company, the Addresses associated with are also inserted into the Address Table. But when I update an existing Company, the changes in the Addresses are not updated. I used ... |
68. Add a Record in Parent Table and Update a Record in Child forum.hibernate.orgHi I am writing a program to where there is a Parent Child Relation between two Tables. Table A is Parent and Table B is child. Table B(Child) always will be updated, even if there is ADD / UPDATE On table A. I am persisting the Two Entities Master (Table A) and Child (Table B). The Object (POJO) of A contains ... |
69. table mapped to two classes - both not updating... forum.hibernate.org |
70. Relationship(child set) lost after parent is updated forum.hibernate.orgNewbie Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:48 am Posts: 1 Hi, I am working on an application using seam 2.1.2 , deployed on Apache Tomcat 6.0.2 and mySql 5.0.67. I have 2 models called Branch and Supplier , with a one-to-many relationship between Branch and Supplier . Code: public class Branch { ............................ private Set |
71. Update Map table forum.hibernate.orgNewbie Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:34 am Posts: 1 Hello Everyone, I have a class with a map inside, the primary key for the map table (Offering) is the issuerId and currency but when updating the offering table it first deletes the current record and then inserts a new one (Any way of forcing and update instead of delete and ... |