subselect « Map « JPA Q&A

1. NHibernate HQL subselect left join?

I have the following issue and I would really appreciate your help: I have all my filtering done through the HQL and one of the filters is a left outer join which ...

2. Hibernate fetch subselect strategy for *-one mapping

Hibernate allows a 'subselect' fetch strategy for collection elements (e.g. 'set'), however if the element is singular (such as many-to-one or one-to-one), it doesn't allow 'subselect' for such an element. Any ...

3. use annotation complete subselect mapping

I have a problem with annotation . before I create a SQL query using the element to map to a single POJO type . select * from TestTable ... but now ,I must use annotation to complete the same function. ...

4. Criteria api with subselect mapped entity

Hello all, I have an Entity mapped to DB using @Subselect annotation. When I try to load using simple queries, in works fine. But if I want to create complicated queries using CriteriaApi with aliases and ordering, hibernate doesn't create aliases =((( What is correct way to map entity to subselect and use all functions from CriteriaApi? Thanks.

5. map and subselect

I am trying to write an hql query that uses subselects and dereferences a map collection. When I write Code: List patients=sess.find("select p.head " + ...

6. subselect mapping

First of all, I'm very new to Hibernate and I have been looking thru the various docs and examples to get a simple question answered without success. I have a very simple requirement. I want to be able to create a SQL query using the element (or its equalent atttibute) to map to a single POJO type (immutable and read-only). ...

7. how to map collection using subselect?

8. ManyToMany+FetchMode.SUBSELECT+2nd level cache= NPE

I'm using Hibernate 3.2.0, Annotations 3.2.0, and EM 3.2.0. I have a second level cache on a ManyToMany collection and it will occationally throw an NPE. I have not been able to narrow down exactly when it happens except it appears to be fairly close to after doing a merge that modifies the collection but in the next persistence context I ...

9.  mapping with dynamic table name?

Hibernate version: 3.1 Mapping documents: select distinct SESSION_ID from SESSION_CR If you look in the mapping above, in the , I am trying to find a way to ...

10. class mapped by subselect within a tranaction

Hibernate version: 3.1.3 I have a class, say Class1, mapped from "subselect". The "subselect" contains a SQL query that join two tables, say table1 and table2. I have another class, say Class1_1, mapped to table1. In a dao method, I update Class1_1 first and then do a get() for Class1 with Class1_1's id, the returned Class1 from the get() contains the ...

11. Native SQL issue with subselect mapping

Newbie Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:05 am Posts: 2 Location: Germany Hi everyone, I've an issue with a native sql named query and custom mapping I need due to missing object relations in the model. I'm stuck in debugging, searching the board, google, etc. The problem is that the subselects I've got in my select clause don't get injected into ...