Author Message saadnabs Post subject: How to write custom HQL for joined-subclasses? Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:16 pm Newbie Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:03 pm Posts: 1 Location: United Kingdom Hello, I've been trying to figure this out, so any help would be much appreciated... I've got a World Item: Code:
I have two tables that were originally mapped as a one-to-one relationship, but subsequently re-mapped using Hibernate's inheritance capabilities. Here's the quirk: as these tables were originally mapped as a one-to-one relationship, each table has a version number (mapped using Hibernates
Is there any way to apply versioning concepts to a subclass. We have 3rd party application that uses hibernate which I can extend from but cannot modify (mapping files are hidden away in a jar file). In order to extend I've created the below mapping file: Code:
hi! searched the web but didn't find anything that could help me. here's the story (see xml on bottom): i get many objects (for instance MegaSpeise) through a webservice, but the functionality is not enough so i have to extend these objects to gain my new objects (f.i. SpecialSpeise). because i do not want to map all these files to my ...
Hi I have a class: A{ string name; byte[] document; } and I want to load A with lazy "document" property. As far as I know, lazy attribute is permitted only in case of collections, so I decided to extend class A.. B: A{ } now.. how to map it? A mapping shouldn't have document property... B mapping should have it... ...
@Entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) @IdClass(ExoticKey.class) @Table(name="CONFIGURABLE_OBJECT_VW") @DiscriminatorColumn(name="DISCRIMINATOR") public abstract class PropertyTarget { @Id @Column(name="CLIENT_ID") private Long clientId; @Id @Column(name="SKILL_ID") private Long skillId; // this is for convenience... public ExoticKey getId() { ...
Hi, I have a class A and class B B : A A has normall class mapping B has joined-sublcass mapping.. Everything goes OK - I can create A, create B, update A, update B ... The urgent problem is when I load A and I create B basing on it for example making B something = (B)A; When I want ...
Newbie Joined: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:11 am Posts: 4 Location: Pune Hi, I am facing an issue with mixed inheritance. Table per subclass with table per class hierarchy is being used. Code: ...
I have an interesting mapping case that is causing me some very odd low-level errors. In this particular case, I'm working with a table that contains multiple objects and I can use a DiscriminatorColumn to differentiate. To do this, I created a base class, gave it the DiscriminatorColumn annotation, and then extended it with my various types. I do this simply ...
Hibernate version: 3.2.4sp1 Mapping documents: Mixing table per class hierarchy with table per subclass Note: I have changed the class names, table names and column names from the original scenario. Code:
I have an folloving problem: I have two classes Father and Son, that extends Father. I also have an interface Interface, that is implemented by the Son. Some getters and setters in the Father and Son manipulate with the Interface (they are typed to the Interface, but the object are instances of Son of course). I have created an xml description ...
Author Message dotteben Post subject:
Hi! I've been trying to do the following, without success until now, and I am wondering whether that is possible at all. Here is my idea: I want to develop a library, let's say to manage a zoo :o) In that library, I have a class called Animal that can be persisted with hibernate: @Entity public class Animal { @Id String ...
Hi, I am facing subclass integration issue. Plz guide me. My hmb.xml mapping
When using the table per subclass using a discriminator inheritance mapping, I could not figure out how to tell Hibernate to lazy load the subclass, despite having "polymorphism=explicit" on the class mapping and "lazy=true" on both class and subclass mappings. All of this and wanting for Hibernate to return the correct subclass of course. Hence, I am now opting for a ...
Hi, We have an hierarchy of entities: Parent => A,B,C Class A is potentially very large and dynamic population. Caching it would be very memory consuming and un-efficient. On the other hand, B and C are really good candidates for caching as they are rarely modified and are recently read. The mappings of A,B,C are defined as joined-subclasses of Parent. How ...
We use a couple of cutom UserType objects in our system. At the moment, we register them globally with Hibernate by subclassing a particular Dialect (say, OracleDialect, for example) and then calling the registerColumnType(int code, String name) method during construction. But, now we want to make our app run on two different databases. Is there any way to register our custom ...
I have a superclass that models an existing table called person that already contains data. There is also a subclass Employee. Now I want to be able to convert an existing person to an employee. When saving an employee, Hibernate should check to see if there is a row in both the person and the employee table and then do a ...
Hi, i am trying to use in inheritance mapping. So, i have a Super Class Artikel and one child class FremdArtikel. Furthermore i have a link from FremdArtikel to Artikel. So, how can i do that? My Mapping looks like that: Code:
Hi all, I have a structure as follow: class A is my superclass and class B extends A. I'm using InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE strategy for mapping this inheritance, so need I declare class B in my hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file too? I declared the supreclass in my config file, but when i put the B class in it, an exception was thrown. Thanks in ...
In our legacy system we have 4 level hierarchy of objects with dozen of entities. In root entity we generate id and use hierarchically organized integer discriminator. Application level based on Oracle editable view with instead-of triggers. The question is how applicable joined subclass approach without discriminator for our data. I think joining altogether underlying tables as in your Animal example ...
jboss-seam-2.1.0.SP1 Hibernate version:3.3.2 Project is generated with seam-gen. Following setup works fine but I am confused with the generated SQL. I have the following tables. ------------------------------- User Patient Doctor Supervisor Respective hibernate objects --------------------------------- @Entity @Table(name = "user") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) User @Entity @Table(name = "patient") Patient extends User // id is not defined here. @Entity @Table(name = "doctor") Doctor extends ...
Hi there, I have Cat, Dog, Tiger entities, and Animal entity as base class. Mapping to this is "table per subclass". Also, Person class has many Animals, using "bag" xml-element (bidirectional relation). Each Cat and Tiger has property as ClawSize. But this property (assuming it is not significant to Dog nor Animal) will NOT belong to Animal nor Dog. I want ...
Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.3.1-GA Mapping documents:
Hi, I want to map a simple class hierarchy that consists of two classes at the moment: Person and Lodger. Lodger is inherited from Person. I want to use table per subclass with mapping files. Do I need a own mapping file for the class Lodger? My mapping file for Person looks like this: Code:
Hello, While doing a refactoring where we changed the inheritence strategy we discovered that the generated SQL does not return the same results as before (unit test). The mapping: Code:
Hello, I have some issues with multi-level hierarchy mapping using the "Table per subclass" strategy. Here is the list of the db tables I am trying to map using the "Table per Subclass" strategy: 4 Tables: USER (Abstract Superclass) EMPLOYEE (USER Subclass) CUSTOMER (USER Subclass) MANAGER (EMPLOYEE Subclass) Following the principles of ERM, I should have this approach since I will ...
Hello, I have a problem using Hibernate with NetBeans 6.5; I have three tables table1, table2, table3; table2 and table3 are defined joined-subcalss of table1 in mapping file of table1; when I try to cancel table1 Hibernate should cancel before table2 and table3 but when try to cancel table2 for example I have verified that Hibernate try to cancel immediatly table1, ...
Newbie Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:41 pm Posts: 18 It seems that Hibernate is unable to load two objects with the same base class (using the table per subclass strategy) at once. I have the following structure: Code: @Entity @Table(name = "person") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public class Person implements Serializable { private String id; ...
Hi, I need to write a HQL query. The HQL query mainly contains OUTER JOIN between superclass and subclass. Because we want to get property belonging to both superclass as well subclass. The superclass and subclass relation have been implemented as "table per hierarchy". The relationship between objects are something like this: Object1 => a separate class/table
We are using Joined subclass strategy using @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) as below. @entity @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) class A { //some general properties private String detail; @transient public String getDetail() { return detail; } @transient public void setDetail(String detail) { this.detail = detail; } } @entity class B extends A { //some specific properties @Column(name = "Detail") public String getDetail() { super.getdetail(); } public void setDetail(String ...
Newbie Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:24 am Posts: 2 Hi there, I'm going through the Java Persistence with Hibernate book. I know there is a forum for that, but IMO this is more to do with general hibernate usage. Please note this is not a critical issue for me: rather I am just curious to know if this is a ...
Hi, I'm trying to solve such a problem: 2 tables, 3 classes (one abstract, 2 concrete classes). Like form documentation example:
Newbie Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:35 am Posts: 6 Hello I'm trying to use subclasses and a map (see the bold part of mapping), but it gives an error validating the XML (The content of element type "join" must match "(subselect?,comment?,key,(property|many-to-one|component| dynamic-component|any)*,sql-insert?,sql-update?,sql-delete?)".) And gives the follow exception, I know the XML is invalid, but I wanna know the right way ...
I have this abstract Answer class that has subclasses like AnswerDate,AnswerNumber and AnswerOption depending on the type of the answers. The Answer class has an id (QuestionnaireId, QuestionId) All tables except for AnswerOption can be uniquely identified by this id. AnswerOption needs a primary key of (QuestionnaireId, QuestionId, OptionId) as there could multiple options selected as an Answer. I am having ...
Hello, I'm attempting to do a joined-suclass and I get the following error: ERROR: relation "software" does not exist generated sql is - select as id0_, as name0_0_, this_.description as descript3_0_0_, this_.price as price0_0_, this_.supplierId as supplierId0_0_, this_1_.version as version1_0_, case when this_1_.productId is not null then 1 when is not null then 0 end as clazz_0_ from ...
Beginner Joined: Mon May 26, 2008 3:34 am Posts: 31 Hello everyone, I am getting an error while getting several lists of categories. This si my (UserCategory, ArticleCategory, ResourceCategory and ProfileCategory extends from it): Code: /** Serial version ID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -9093525414764126719L; ...
How to use a discrimator right? I have a stranger problem with using discriminators. I was reading that you have to additionaly set the where-clause to the right type (discriminator value). The problem is here that many-to-one does not provide the where-clause!!! I was searching on the internet and was reading this article: ... en_mapping Setting Forcing on true did ...
Author Message mystic Post subject: Please help with this Subclass problem Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:16 am Regular Joined: Tue May 12, 2009 6:08 am Posts: 92 Hi everyone. I'm trying to delete a row out of a table that has 3 sub-classes. It's just mapped to 1 table to keep it simple. However, I'm getting a weird ...
Hi I have two tables; Person and Address (a Person has only one Address and it owns it; Address does not know about Person). Person and Address share the same primary key. When I map Person and Address as follows: Code:
Hi, Sorry for my poor english its not my main langage I need the type of mapping inheritance "Table per subclass" like in Chapter 9.1.2 creating a table for the superclass and a table per subclass . My problem is that when the table of the superclass already contains a record (because of datas prior to mapping inheritance) and I try ...
@Entity @Table(name = "transaction") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) @DiscriminatorColumn( name = "type", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING ) public abstract class Transaction @Entity @DiscriminatorValue("A") public class TransactionA extends Transaction @Entity @DiscriminatorValue("B") public class TransactionB extends Transaction public abstract class TransactionD extends ...
Hi I want to define some temporal filters so that I can retrieve the state of my data at a point in time. With a parent object and child collection objects, this seems to mean defining a many-to-many mapping (instead of one-to-many) to describe the relationship. Then presumably I can create a new parent record every time the parent is updated ...
Hi, I have created mapping files for the below two files. For the sake of simplicity, assume the table names and column names match their Java counterparts class Prod{ Long id; Long wid; //In mapping file prmary key is id //Getters and Setters generated } class Stage extends Prod{ //In mapping file composite key is (id, wid) //Empty class } Here ...
Hi everyOne, I have googled for some hours without findig any answer if someone could point me in the right direction will be appreciated. I have the following: Code: @Entity @Table(name = "persona", catalog = "sime") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Persona implements Serializable { /** * ...
Hello, I'm trying to save an object of this class: Code: public class Profesor extends Persona { private Dedicacion dedicacion; private UnidadOrganizacional unidadOrganizacional; private Date fechaIngreso; .... } This is the class it extends: Code: public class Persona extends Entidad { private TipoDocumento tipoDocumento; private String ...
Urmech wrote: Hi, without the GroupInfo class, I can't tell you. But keep in mind that one2one and Many2one relations are fetched eager by default. If you don't want this behaviour, just force lazy. (E.g. with Code: @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) ) You can eliminate multiple results with: Code: q.setResultTransformer(CriteriaSpecification.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); Greetings Michael Thanks for your input. I, however, am unsure it is ...
I have an application which persists report parameters. Reports are mapped through a single table hierarchy (a wide table, but with relatively few rows). Problems arise when the same @ManyToMany mapping is used in multiple report subclasses. In this cases Hibernate schema export will generate multiple constraints for the same foreign key. This results in an error on Oracle, not allowing ...
Hi, I'm using Hibernate 3.2.5 and Hibernate Annotations 3.3.0. I have a problem with a class hierarchy defined with annotations using InheritanceType.JOINED . I have a bunch of common attributes in the parent abstract class (in T_RESOURCE table), and specific attributes in subclass tables (T_SQLQUERY_RESOURCE and T_FILE_RESOURCE for example). Code: @Entity(name="T_RESOURCE") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public abstract class AbstractLogLinesResource implements Cloneable { ...
Hi, Is there any way where we can have joined subclass with a different primary key than the super class. Eg: Person Table =========== Id -PK (ORACLE SEQ) fname - VARCHAR lname - VARCHAR Customer Table =========== Id - PK (ORACLE_SEQ) prop1 - VARCHAR prop2 - VARCHAR personId - FK - Person(Id) Having this kind of table structure, if we have ...
We have 2 tables in the database which represent animal and human patients. animal and human java objects extend patient interface I have written the mapping files for these so we can save and get animal or patient from database. However, I have a reciept object which needs a patient on it, which will need to be either human or animal ...
I my application, I use a table per concrete class hierarchy strategy. I didn't introduce a discriminant column into my tables as this information is useless for Hibernate with this mapping. My mapping file looks like:
Newbie Joined: Wed May 07, 2008 8:00 pm Posts: 3 I'm attempting a table-per-subclass mapping using a discriminator that is from a formula Basically if the group type of the carrier is 1, then I need to get the product codes from 'CFG_PRODUCT_CODE', if the carrier group type is 0, then I want to get the product codes from CFG_RELOAD_PROD_CODE. I ...
I need to create a row in my child table without creating a row in my parent table (since it already exists). Is there any way to do this? Here's a sample hbm file: Code:
Hi, i was wondering if it was possible/how to. restrict the results of a set, by both a subclass, and or daterange. currently i'm using a filter for the daterange, but if it is a recurring event, I want to ignore the filter.