select « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Hibernate set mapped to a 'sql select' table

Good day, I have a hibernate mapping which goes something like this

<class name="Person">
  <id name="id" type="long" column="person_id" unsaved-value="null">
        <generator class="sequence">

2. Hibernate Parent/Child SELECT N+1 issue

I jave the following mapped superclass that provides a basic implementation for a parent/child self relationship to create a parent/child list for unlimited nesting of items (i.e. Categories)

public abstract class ParentChildPathEntity<N ...

3. select in NHibernate

I have Person. All Person have many addresses (one-to-many). I need to do select from Person data, that contains List of Addresses. I use ICriteria ,because I use the projection. How can I ...

4. Selecting value using HQL based on a key of a Map

Suppose I have following JPA mapping.

    @Table(name = "transaction")
    public class Transaction {

        @ElementCollection(targetClass ...

5. Why is Hibernate selecting same columns 4 times? Help with Mapping?

My classes look like these. Why does the same column get selected 4 times? What is problem with the mapping?

@Entity @Table(name="CLIENTS")
public class Client implements Serializable {

  @Id @GeneratedValue   ...

6. Hibernate selecting from multiple mapped entities?

I'm trying to figure out how Hibernate handles the following situation: Say I have entities A, and B properly mapped in an hbm file. If I write an HQL query the selects ...

7. Hibernate one-to-many, one-to-one association not selecting records without children

I have 3 tables: table1 table2 table3 table1 to table2 is one-to-many table2 to table3 is one-to-one I created following query: getHibernateTemplate().find("select DISTINCT master From Master as master Left join fetch master.caseatts atts inner join fetch atts.attribs order by master.caseid"); and DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Master.class).add(Restrictions.eq("active", true)).createCriteria("caseatts") .setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY).addOrder(Order.asc("caseid")); return getHibernateTemplate().findByCriteria(criteria); If records in table1 has children(in table2), records are selected, but if ...

8. Why extra select on one to many mapping in hibernate ?

Hi All, First of all, I apologize for a vague subject line as I could not think of anything better. Coming to my problem, I'm trying to understand the inverse = "true/false" attribute being used in bidirectional 1-M and M-M associations as given in the link with a slight modifications. I have Stock.hbm.xml as below ...

9. Selectively avoid JOIN for particular inheritance scenario

Consider a concrete parent class (Employee) and an inherited class (ContractEmployee) that roughly mirrors my specific issue (Ideally, Employee should be abstract, ..but using Employee as a concrete parent class mirrors my situation more closely). The annotations follow (using a mixed inheritance strategy) Code: @Entity @Table(name = "EMPLOYEE") @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) public class Employee { @Id @Column(name ...

10. Select Specific property from child in mapping files

Hello, I want to make a relationship between two tables and select specific property from childs for example, Employer and Employees .. Employer contains List How to make this list contains Ids only not all object and how to extend this to sub of sub elements. I need to make this in hbm.xml files not using HQL Thanks Mohamed

11. Stored procedure multiple selects mapping

12. Before Inserting child record , its' parent class select

I am new to hibernate and i am using Hibernate Annotation. I have the following tables LOOKUP_A CDE_A PARENT_CLASS PARENT_ID CHILD_CLASS CHILD_ID PARENT_NUM foreig key to PARENT_CLASS CDE_A foreign key to -- LOOKUP-A my problems is I am inserting a recond into PARENT_CLASS table and the same time it will insert child record based on parent id. It is inserting proper. ...

13. How can I select all columns in map

for(int i=0;i

14. save method always executes select of child object

Newbie Joined: Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:17 am Posts: 9 Code: package; import java.util.Date; /** * Company generated by hbm2java */ public class Company implements { private String id; private CompanyType companyType; private String name; public Company() { ...

15. Why Does Hibernate Select Each Child Collection After Insert

select ... from db.childType1 childType10_ where childType10_.parent_id=? select ... from db.childType2 childType20_ where ...

16. use set childs inserted but while selecting indefinite loop

hi, I am using hibernate 2.1 and sybase.this is my scenario MovieLibrary ============= ProgramID int clientID int composite key is (clientID,ProgramID) mapping snippet for MovieLibrary is --- Movie ======== episodeID int effectiveStartDate ...

18. HQL: Selecting Children w/out a Parent?

19. select only parts of related child table/collection

Hi! I have a 2 tables: Questions and Answers. They are mapped in a one-many relationship. In the Questions class I therefor have a Set that will hold all answers. What I am trying to do, is to select a few fields from Question,and a few fields from Answer, since I do not need all of them. Now, I try something ...

20. SELECT on a ONE-TO-ONE mapping doesn't work as expected

lSession.find("from Left as lft where lft.right is not null"); -> select left0_.ID_LEFT as ID_LEFT from EN2DBETA.LEFT left0_ where (left0_.ID_LEFT is not null) -> This select does the where on the primary key of Left instead of Foreign Key of Right. I would have expected a join and a WHERE right.FK_LEFT is not null.

21. Query q: how to select parents based on child's value

Thanks, I just reviewed it again. Yes, it is clear that if multiple items are selected, they must be returned via an array mechanism. What I a wondering is if the query can be reformulated to only return the Parent (i.e. User) objects. It would seem that some sort of sub-query should work. I tried figuring out a sub-query for this ...

22. Select query correct but wrong mapping

Regular Joined: Tue May 04, 2004 6:15 am Posts: 51 Hi there, Hibernate 2.1.3 Mapping document Code: ...

23. querying map using [] semantics doesn't work in inner select

net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: unexpected [ [select distinct doc from collective.mb.asset.Document doc where doc in (select d from collective.mb.asset.Document d, collective.asset.AbstractMetadataValue amv where['description'] = amv and amv.persistableData like '%desc%')] net.sf.hibernate.QueryException: unexpected [ [select distinct doc from collective.mb.asset.Document doc where doc in (select d from collective.mb.asset.Document d, collective.asset.AbstractMetadataValue amv where['description'] = amv and amv.persistableData like '%desc%')] at net.sf.hibernate.hql.WhereParser.token( at net.sf.hibernate.hql.ClauseParser.token( at net.sf.hibernate.hql.PreprocessingParser.token( at ...

24. Collection Mapping: Selecting the Appropriate Subtype

Hibernate version: 2.1.4 I have several situations where I use the table-per-class-heirarchy mapping. I have found that when I map collections to a specific subtype in this heirarchy it is necessary to provide a where clause to the discriminator column. This is fine for one-to-many mappings, because the discriminator column is on the child table. I have had a problem with ...

25. Incorrect sql select formed with wrong mapping, help!!

Author Message gkrishna Post subject: Incorrect sql select formed with wrong mapping, help!! Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:15 am Newbie Joined: Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:34 am Posts: 4 Hi, I just upgraded to hibernate3 and for one of the mapping file the generated select sql is wrong so the values are mapped wrong in the class. The ...

26. Mapping Problem: redundant sub-selects

Author Message jvinson Post subject: Mapping Problem: redundant sub-selects Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:18 am Beginner Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:30 pm Posts: 21 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Mapping documents: Code:

27. map column selected multiple times while fetchin

28. Error if map property is not included in the select query

as stated in the documentation you need to return all properties for the class and the superclass since an entity can by definition not be incomplete. You could experiment with having lazy properties, but I don't think that will help you completely. Use scalar selects or HQL select new syntax to get partial value objects.

29. map-key-many-to-many: 1+N select problem

Hibernate version: 3.1 Hello, I use a with a key, that is the key of the map is another entity. Now I try to accomplish that the map is eagerly loaded, not only the "id's" of the map (I do see that that is what's happening) but also the entity used as the key. ...

30. Parent child and extra selects

Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate 3.1.2 Mapping documents: Code: ...

31. Too many selects after saving child

Author Message elitefunky2000 Post subject: Too many selects after saving child Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:11 pm Newbie Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:29 pm Posts: 16 Object 1: I retrieve an object which is both the parent to a child that I am inserting, and a child of a parent higher up in the hierarchy.... Object 2: ...

32. select new map() vs select new CustomRow()?

Hi, It is possible to query data into maps or custom value objects with use of HQL, to return only subset of information rather than to load whole entity(ies). I wonder, if I use 'select new map(..)' - does it really slower than 'select new SomeValueObject(...)' ? With use of maps I have flexibility in returing dynamic number of fields, while ...

33. select['key'] from EntityContainingMap entity ...

An alternative is to use a collection-filter. Map the i18n map normally, but require (in your own DAO logic) that the collection-filter be enabled. The filter would be on locale (= map-key), and seeing as the map already has the key specified (in the mapping from the containing object), you'll end up with a persistent map with only one item in ...

34. using "select new map" with Criteria

Is there a way to use the "select new map" when using Criteria to execute a query? The "select new map" is perfect for what I want to do. I just need a few fields returned some of which may be nested deeply in the tables, and I don't have classes for the underlying tables. "select new map" works fine when ...

35. Sequential Selects for Association

a bunch of properties

36. Is there something like select new for returnign a map of va

I was wondering if there is anything built into hibernate to return a query and specific a key/value and have a map returned similar to creating an obejct with select new? Is my only option to create a *transformer* for the results and populate my own map (which I think I have done in the past).

37. select from 2 classes that the one inherits from the other

Hi! I am i newbie and i have a problem with this (which honestly seems quite simple, but still...!): Concerning the reference's example of the Cat and the DomesticCat subclass, I want to retrieve with one query (for training purposes) all of the Cats (including the Domestic). But i want to have in the results the "name" property of the Domestic ...

38. select - inheritance problem

Hi! I am i newbie and i have a problem with this (which honestly seems quite simple, but still...!): Concerning the reference's example of the Cat and the DomesticCat subclass, I want to retrieve with one query (for training purposes) all of the Cats (including the Domestic). But i want to have in the results the "name" property of the Domestic ...

41. HQL : Selecting the Map from a class

Hi, I have a class - public class LocalizedString extends BaseEntity{ @CollectionOfElements @MapKey(columns = { @Column(name = "locale", nullable = false)}) private Map values; ............................ more code } BaseEntity has field (id ). (1) Currently, 3 locales (english,french,spanish) exists for each LocalizedString. Is the relation, OneToMany? If not, what it is and why? (2) And, values is getting stored in ...

42. Select in the fresh parent child insert

43. HQL select collections in a new map

Hello, I've a question selecting collections in a new map hql statement what doesn't work, in opposite to select a collection without the new map option. I'm using Hibernate 3.2.6 . I've 2 simple classes: ... ...

44. Select partial columns from a table and map it to a class

I have a question I have a class with 20 attributes that is mapped to a table in the hbm file. When doing select I am doing a custom sql and only want to retrieve 5 attributes and map it to the class? I am using a named query with custom sql.

45. Possible to use joined inheritance w/ sequential select?

Hey all. First let me say I'm only posting as a last resort; I've spent hours googling, searching the forums, searching through the hibernate source, and methodically trying stuff out in my own project. So I've got a class hierarchy mapped w/ @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceType.JOINED) which really does make sense as a hierarchy; one of the main requirements is that I need to ...

46. Tables mapping in SQL select query

Hi, does one have to map all tables appearing in a query ... Consider the following SQL query ... Code: SELECT m.force, m.surname, m.init,, NVL(a.qualification_name_not_found, b.qualification_name) qual_name, q.qualcode, m.app_cde, r.description AS rank FROM locnavy.MEMBERS m, nlrd.QUALIFICATION_ENROLMENT a, nlrd.MASTER_QUALIFICATION b, JOB_QUAL_LNK c, ...