override « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Override of an hibernate validator annotation?    stackoverflow.com

I would like to override a constraint in hibernate validator. Here is my base class:

@Table(name = "Value")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
@DiscriminatorColumn(name = "valueType", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public abstract class Value extends CommonTable

2. JpaInspector cannot override inspectProperty()    stackoverflow.com

I want to use JpaInspector class that is written for Metawidget. However when I insert this class into my Java project in Netbeans 6.8, It gives an error for inspectProperty() method ...

3. Is it possible to override Hibernate's 'like' operator in HQL?    stackoverflow.com

I'm wondering if the following is feasible in Hibernate ; when writing an HQL query, you can say things like

select foo from Foo where foo.barString like "%baz%"
This works assuming that ...

4. Override Hibernate Annotations    stackoverflow.com

I am developing a Java Application that uses Hibernate and is connected to an Oracle instance. Another client is looking to use the same application, but requires it run on MS ...

5. Can I override generated IDs?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using JPA 1, Hibernate and Oracle 10.2.0 and my entities are defined like this:

public class Term implements Serializable {
    @GenericGenerator(name = "generator", strategy ...

6. hibernate ImprovedNamingStrategy overrides Table name in entity    stackoverflow.com

I am using org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy, But for a table I have specified the table name explicitly

@Table(name="EventLog",schema = "eventlogs")
But hibernate seems to be looking for event_log. Shouldn't explicit naming override the one ...

7. How to override AccessType on a single field    stackoverflow.com

I have a class which contains a number of fields, and all are annotated by property. For one of those fields, though, I want to present a double to the ...

8. Hibernate: overriding xml config file with another file    stackoverflow.com

I have a source tree composed of source and test classes. When I run the tests, I'd like to use <property name="hbm2ddl.auto">create</property> while when running the code I'd like to use ...

9. Hibernate: new insert always overrides previous data    coderanch.com

Hey guys I'm new to using Hibernate. My application is trying to INSERT data into my "Country" database table. Each time I execute the application, the insert is successful. However, the new data overrides the previous data and I'm wondering why a new record is not created each time I do an insert. I'll appreciate your insight. Here's my code: ############################## ...

11. How do I override the targetEntity    forum.hibernate.org

12. Do Hibernate mapping files override annotations?    forum.hibernate.org

To ease the migration process from hbm files to annotations, the configuration mechanism detects the mapping duplication between annotations and hbm files. HBM files are then prioritized over annotated metadata on a class to class basis. You can change the priority using hibernate.mapping.precedence property. The default is hbm, class, changing it to class, hbm will prioritize the annotated classes over hbm ...

13. Overriding the @Id annotation    forum.hibernate.org

I have two classes, A and B. Class A is a mapped superclass that contains a particular property marked with the @Id annotation. In Class B I want to specify a different property as the primary key. From what I have seen of the JPA API the @AttributeOverride only applies to the @Column annotation. So is it possible to override primary ...

14. Override IgnoreCase function    forum.hibernate.org

Hi there, We use hibernate to support 2 database types - one is case sensitive (oracle) and one is not (sql server). Changing oracle to support case insensitive searches (vice versa with mssql) is not an option. Ok - so we use the ignoreCase function in our SQL queries - works fine on everything except we get lower() in sql server, ...

15. Overriding SQL Function in Named Query    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have been working with Hibernate for little while but I don't know a whole lot about how it works internally. My application has a bunch of named query definitions in the mapping XMLs that I would like to change. I would like to substitute my own implementation of the COALESCE function into these named queries without actually having to ...

16. Overriding the cascading behavior    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I have an abstract class that serves as a superclass for a couple of other classes. The abstract class is implementing the composite pattern and has an many-to-many association to itself (the class has a list of entities of type abstract class). In the concrete implementations of this class should have a different cascading behavior. How can that be achieved? ...

17. Overriding Annotation    forum.hibernate.org

Hello folks, I'm wondering if there is how to override the annotations in a class like this public class Country { List stateList; ... ... @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinColumn(name="country_id") public List getStateList() { return stateList; } } public class Address { Country country; * I want to override the property stateList in the Class Country. The stateList is ...

18. Override parent class table mapping annotations    forum.hibernate.org

Hello! I do not know if this is possible but I have two database tables (lets call them "parent" and "children") that have the same structure except that one "children" table has an extra field. Now I can have two classes (Parent.java and Children.java) mapped to each of these tables that will contain the same fields and setter/getter methods except that ...

19. @Any overriding in XML or Ejb3Configuration object    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I am developing a utility (something that will be packaged in a JAR to be used by third-party applications). That utility defines entities for item recommendations and tagging, without knowing exactly what entity is being recommended or tagged. So we have something like this: Code: @Entity public class Tag { @Id @GeneratedValue ...

20. Override column prefix for DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrateg    forum.hibernate.org

Hi all, Is there any way to override the default (property name) prefix for an embedded class when using DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy? It is clear that DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy is a huge advantage when compared to EJB3NamingStrategy but still it may give huge column identifiers. I see that a possible workaround is to have properties accessed directly from the field, define a short field name ...

22. Override org.hibernate.mapping.Column.getSqlType()    forum.hibernate.org

Does anybody know a way to override the method getSqlType(...) in Column class from a Dialect class. I have implmented a Dialect class for HSQLDB and I have a column defined like this: @Column(columnDefinition = "nvarchar(max)") private String code; When Hibernate goes through this method it returns nvarchar and this data type is not supported by HSQLDB. public String getSqlType(Dialect dialect, ...

23. Re: How do I override a column name with xml mapping?    forum.hibernate.org

I know about the @OverrideAnnotation to set a new column name in JPA, but how do you do this in xml? I see an mentioned in viewtopic.php?t=982330, but can't find it in the DTD. My problem is that I have a join table which joins object A to object C, the join table containing a property of object C; and ...

24. How to override String mapping in JPA environment?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi everyone, We're trying to register a custom mapping for Strings / VARCHARs (i.e. extends org.hibernate.type.StringType) in a JPA environment. There doesn't seem to be a way to call org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#registerTypeOverride as the configuration instance is never visible outside of HibernatePersistence. Is there a way to achieve this? Environment: Hibernate 3.6.0.Final JPA 2.0 Thanks for any hints! Philipp

25.  override in runtim    forum.hibernate.org

I would like to have a property specified update="false" in almost every case. But there is exactly one business method where I want to update this value in the database. Why do I want to do that? Well, my persistent object is a User-object and the property is the user password. I'd like to set the password on user creation/insert - ...

26. problem with overriding configuration properties    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 2.1.6 I have a "hibernate.cfg.xml" file with some default connection properties. But if I try to override them in my application the changes will not take effect. Excerpt from the configuration file: [...] rxot [...] Try to override: [...] Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure(); configuration.setProperty("hibernate.connection.username", "root"); hibernateSessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); [...] If I try to connect hibernate raises a ...

27. Need a DB TIMEDATE stamps overriding object    forum.hibernate.org

28. Overriding generated SQL    forum.hibernate.org

29. How to override CGLIBLazyInitializer.getProxyFactory?    forum.hibernate.org


30. Is hibernate's problem with method overriding fundamental ?    forum.hibernate.org

The ability to override methods is a fundamental feature of object orientation. Proxies are a fundamental feature of hibernate. Using both with hibernate poses some problems. Proxies that are build as subclasses of mapped pojo classes suffer from the known problems coming from java's single inheritance model (leading to ClassCastExceptions when initializing proxies). A remedy to this are proxies build from ...

31. Overriding org.hibernate.criterion.Order    forum.hibernate.org

32. how to force join (overriding MaxFetchDepth=0)    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.03 Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5.0.11 This isn't relating to an error but a configuration question: Given a database with many foreign key constraints, Ive set the fetch depth to 0 (0). This was done to shorten the length of some extraordinarily long SQL queries (and subsequently the load times) when most ...

33. Question about overriding BigDecimalType    forum.hibernate.org

I have a hibernate mapping file that maps my column to a big_decimal type. This is fine in our MySQL database. However, we have to connect to a legacy database as well which does not store it in the proper manner. It stores all numbers as integers basically and we have to apply the scale afterwards. So for example in MySQL ...

34. overriding mapping definitions    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.1.2 hi, i am in a situation, where it would be helpful , if the following was possible: i specify two directory locations as locations for mapping file resources. the first one contains the standard mappings, the second one customer-specific mappings, which should override the mappings from the first location . After checking the source it seems this could ...

35. Can we override the fetching methods of hibernate    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All, I need help in hibernate related issue. I need to override the method which used by hibernate api to fetch children records. Scenario: I have declared set in hibernate xml file. Parent : Topic Child set : Messages. Hibernate version:[3.0] While fetching messages through lazy loading, I need to ...

36. Overriding Generated Ids in Import / Export    forum.hibernate.org

We're writing some import / export code in Hibernate 2. We've written out the entities as XML with the primary key ids in the XML as well. Is it possible to import (I guess insert) and preserve the original ID fields? Is there a keys table that I would also need to update? I guess if I can suppress generation of ...

37. Using sql-insert to override hibernate generated one    forum.hibernate.org

My problem is this... I've got a mapping that uses: Code: insert into payment_subscriber_account_fund (fund_id, subscriber_id, account_number, account_holder_name, expiry_date, is_active, full_account_number) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, aes_encrypt(?, '&key;')) This was working fine in hibernate 3.0 but I've upgraded ...

38. How to override a base class annotation for Id generation?    forum.hibernate.org

I'm not too strong with annotations, and have very little experience with them in Hibernate although they are used extensively in my current project. I have a situation where I need to change the Id Generator in a subclass. All our persistent classes extend PersistentClass which has an id property defined thusly: Code: @EmbeddableSuperclass(access = AccessType.FIELD) public abstract class PersistentObject implements ...

39. override cascade style    forum.hibernate.org

40. Override uuid.hex during import of data    forum.hibernate.org

Hi All I have a spring/hibernate website. Most of my objects have id's mapped to the uuid.hex generator. This works perfectly uptil the point when I want to import data. The import data contains uuid's that where created on a different machine. Therefore during import I want to disable the uuid.hex and I want the ability to set my own uuid. ...

42. Is it possible to override the type?    forum.hibernate.org

Hi! I'm working with the newest hibernate release. Consider the following class: Code: @Embeddable public class MyClass { @Type(type="one_of_my_user_types") @Colum(colum = "my_column") private String aField; ...

43. Programmatically override settings specified in config    forum.hibernate.org

Hello. I need to programmatically override "default" settings, specified in hibernate.cfg.xml. For example, I have: ... com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost/db1 user pass yes utf8 ... I want to set in runtime another connection.url. I do next: Configuration configuration = new Configuration() .configure() .setProperty("connection.url", "jdbc:mysql://"); sessions = configuration.buildSessionFactory(); But hibernate uses values from hibernate.cfg.xml. How can I solve ...

44. Overriding StaleStateException    forum.hibernate.org

Hi. I have a JPA (backed by hibernate) application which does an insert into a postgresql database. The insert is caught by a postgresql trigger and redirected to another table, but as no insert actually happens in the target table the return value from the INSERT query is 0. Same happens with UPDATE queries. At this point hibernate complains that the ...

45. Override Where Clause annotation in query    forum.hibernate.org

46. Overriding whole mapping of a map (or collection)    forum.hibernate.org

I am trying to migrate an application from Kodo JDO to Hibernate JPA. I do have a given Table structure and object model. My problem is that our jdo configuration allows to override the name of a join table used for a map in a super class. The following code shows the superclass with the collection to be overridden(The Inheritance strategy ...

47. Override Collection Mapping in JPA    forum.hibernate.org

49. overriding/customizing the table name for an entity.    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, I'm using JPA + Hibernate entity manager. Is it possible to configure/customize/override the table name of an entity after the EntityManagerFactory is created? and how? If not, how can I do that, for a JPA annotated class, before I build the EntityManagerFactory? This is the code i'm using to build an EntityManagerFactory: Code: Ejb3Configuration ...

50. Overriding SessionImpl ...    forum.hibernate.org

51. Override for Wildcard in count()    forum.hibernate.org

52. overriding accesors in entity need tranisent declaration    forum.hibernate.org

This seems to be similar behavior as OpenJPA but a shade better in Hibernate. The problem is, EclipseLink will not work with property defined as transient and returns null for such properties for the entity. So at this time, my application only works with EclipseLink but with neither Hibernate nor OpenJPA. The orm.xml looks like this, PROPERTY

53. Overriding Mapping of Child Collection    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate Verstion: 3.3.2.GA I have an Organization class, containing a @ManyToOne mapping with parent and a @OneToMany with its children (pretty standard). However, in order to improve performance, I've added nested set fields to the Organization objects. Now, theoretically, to load child Organization's, I just need to get everything between the Left and Right fields (hql query would like like this: ...

54. Override hibernate.connection.url    forum.hibernate.org

Hi community, I have a question that concerns the url to the database. Usually it is configured in hibernate.cfg.xml and I need it there because it is used by the hibernate tools building the database schema. When my application creates a hibernate session I want to get the connection url from another source. I tried to set the property directly after ...