outer Join « Map « JPA Q&A

1. outer-join="false" in mapping file supported?    forum.hibernate.org

2. Inheritance and outer join revisited    forum.hibernate.org

I know there has been a lot of discussion about why Hibernate needs to outer join all tables in a joined subclass inheritance hierarchy if you query the base class. However, Hibernate also outer join queries the parent table if you retrieve the actual Object. E.g. public class Animal public class Cat extends Animal select max(id) from Cat results in select ...

4. parent-children relationship, tree, outer-join    forum.hibernate.org

Beginner Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:30 am Posts: 35 Location: Stockholm This is the mapping of my Category class: Code: ...

5. Outer Join without mapping    forum.hibernate.org

I need to execute an outerjoin but I cannot map the relation between my 2 tables, since the outer join is not on a primary key and not even on an equality. E.g. my query (translated in SQL) should be like this: select * from (person p left outer join city c on (p.id_city = c.hcod) and (p.born_date > c.start_date) and ...

6. outer-join mapping    forum.hibernate.org

7. How to do theta-style outer join or use mapped-SQL equiv    forum.hibernate.org

I seem to be stuck between a rock and hard place. I currently have two unrelated (as far as Hibernate is concerned) tables, users, and user_role, and am using the following HQL query for a theta-style join: select distinct user, ur.roleName from User user, UserRole ur where user.username=ur.username This works fine except it's an inner join, and I want to return ...

8. outer-join mapping question for HQL (not Criteria)    forum.hibernate.org


9. map with index-many-to-many doesn't use outer-join    forum.hibernate.org

Hello, using hibernate 2.1.8, with a mapping like this: Code: ...

12.  mapping and outer-join    forum.hibernate.org

Hi, I used a join type mapping to make a parent-child relation. Nevertheless, when I take a look to the generated requests, It looks like Hibernate is using outer join to link the two tables. And so, as if it is to make requests on a hierarchie, response time are too long (2s for TOAD's with inner join and 59s with ...

13. outer join two tables that don't have a mapped association    forum.hibernate.org

Hibernate version: 3.2 Name and version of the database you are using: Oracle 9i Hi team, In our application we need to fetch the data from two tables that don't have any constraints (primary key,foreign key). Also we need to use left outer join with them. We have "Hibernate in action" for reference. In which, I have read that "It's not ...

14. ManyToOne Outer Join    forum.hibernate.org

15. force outer-join with map collection index in where clause    forum.hibernate.org

I have a class mapped as follows... The map collection allows me to perform queries on the equipment as follows... from equipment where nameplate["TARIFF"] not in ('RU', 'BG') This works fine up until I want to do a query like ...