join « Map « JPA Q&A

1. Question on jpa joined table inheritance

The 'DiscriminatorColumn' annotation isn't creating any column in my parent entity. Where am I going wrong ? Here's my code

@DiscriminatorColumn(name="TYPE", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING,length=20)
public class WorkUnit extends BaseEntityClass implements Serializable{

public class Group extends WorkUnit implements ...

2. Hibernate key from joined table

I wonder if it's possible to define Set in Hibernate mapping in a such way, that element would specify not column in original (FOO) table, but in joined one (BAR). ...

3. Hibernate Join Table with Child

I have two tables (folder and document) which have a many to many relationship with a join table in between, this join table then also has another one to many relationship ...

4. How to map join query to non-entity class in JPA?

In hibernate Join queries can be mapped with non-entity class . How to map a database query into an Object [in Java]?

<class name=... select="select A.field_a, B.field_b, ... from A, B, ...

5. jpa criteriabuilder join maps

I have the following criteria builder query

    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Object> critQuery = cb.createQuery();

    Root<Role> role = critQuery.from(Role.class);


6. Mixing Joined and Table per concrete class inheritance

I have classes A, B, C, D, E and F where B extends from A, C extends from B D extends from A, E extends from D F extends from A. I want to use ...

7. calling stored procedure by hibernate

I'm writing a java web-based application that stores its data in Microsoft SQL server 2008 and connect to database by hibernate. I have three tables and also three classes same as them ...

8. Hibernate mapping: Join inside a join

While writing my Hibernate .hbm.xml mapping file for a class/table, I was trying to execute a join inside a join, but this violates the syntax of the join tag. I'm trying ...

9. hibernate join table mapping

I want to map two entity classes:

Class A{    
 private long A_ID // primarykey    
 private long userID // not a  primarykey   ...

10. Using join in hibernate mapping

Thanks. I am also looking for code samples. My confusion is if I have one class representing 2 different tables, (eg) Employee and EmployeeDetails joined by emp_id, what will be setters/getters in the Employee class to persists details in both the tables? What if my employee details class has its own PK and emp_id is FK. How can this declaration be ...

11. hibernate mapping 3 entities to 1 join table

Hi all, I have 3 entities, let's say students, subjects and teachers in 3 different tables with 2columns each (id and name). The logic is: 1-. Every student can have many subjects 2-. Every subject for a particular student can only have 1 teacher 3-. Every teacher can have many subjects. I am new at hibernate and I have read lots ...

12. hibernate not use discriminatorValue for Joined Inheritance

My goals here are : 1. easy creation of entity classes, hibernate can recognize the discriminator values and use them instead of setting the values in the code. (using joined inheritance) 2. more importantly, I want to use joined inheritance but I also need to achieve better performance. By that I mean, when querying the root entity, I do NOT want ...

13. one-to-many with join table vs without join table mapping

Unidirectional(!) one-to-many association without join table is in my opinion not recommended, because it breaks UML-specification: Code: +-------+ 1 * +---------+ | A | ---------------------> | B | +-------+ ...

14. how to map hibernate joins

15. Mapping Join

Hi, there are many topics on this subject, but I did not found a solution yet. I have 2 tables: Product and OrderProduct. --------------------------- Product has columns: FI (PK) DI (PK) PR (PK) PRLV (PK) ARTNR NAME and some others... -------------------------- OrderProduct has columns: FI (PK) DI (PK) ORDERTYPE (PK) ASSORTMENT (PK) ARTNR (PK) SORT and some others... -------------------------- These two ...

16. Prevent JOINED inheritance to create unnecessary tables.

Hello all, I have the following question. I have a generic content model from which many content types inherit. The inheritance strategy defined through annotations is JOINED inheritance. The thing is, not all the subtypes have extra properties, but hibernate still generates extra tables, here's a sample: Code: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) public class Content { int ...

17. many to one mapping using join-table

19. Mixing Joined and Table per concrete class inheritance

Hi Everyone, I have classes A, B, C, D, E and F where B extends from A, C extends from B D extends from A, E extends from D F extends from A. I want to use Joined inheritance strategy at A and Table per concrete class inheritance strategy from B,D and F level. A,B and D are abstract classes and ...

20. Using join to map many-to-one

21. Hibernate mapping with stored proc and table join

I am rewriting an app for a legacy system that has already created many stored procedures. I have gotten a "fetch" to work calling an existing stored procedure initially created in Oracle defined with a SYS_REFCURSOR as an OUT parameter. Issue is that the stored procedure contains a query with a few table joins. I am trying to figure out the ...

22. Loop while mapping using joined-class

I'm trying to build an application where i have two subclasses extending one parent class and these two subclasses map to joined-classes. In the XML-snippet down there, "document" and "brief" are subclasses from "protocol", if there's an entry of "ideprotocol" in the "document" table the "protocol" is a document, otherwise it's a "brief"... With this mapping the application enters an infinite ...

23. Tricky!!! Joined Inheritance!

This is tricky. Please read. I have 2 classes: Person which is actually mapped on a view in the database (PERSONS_VIEW) and Patient which is mapped on a table (PATIENTS) Patient extends Person. I need to be able to make(and save) a Person instance first, then make a new Patient for that person and save it to the database. This should ...

24. mapping and joins

Can anyone spot what's wrong with this? Three tables:

25. hibernate maps "joins"??

Hi, I am stucked in generating a mapping file for joins and need urgent help. create table X ( ID .... NAME... Y_ID.... ); create table Y ( ID ..... LOCATION ... ); ( there is one - to - many relation between X and Y) How can I tell hibernate in the mapping file that Y_ID is the ID field ...

26. mapping with multiple join

hi everybody I have 28 tables "for my exemple I'll take juste 4" table1( table1_id table2_id table10_id table11_id ....................... proprety_A property_B ..................) table2(table2_id table3_id C D) table3(table3_id propetyE .............) table4(table4_id table3_id propertyG ................) I have table per class but I need to import several data (property_A, B, C,D,E,G) so i creat a new class myclass{ A B C D E G ...

27. Joining two tables using an existing mapping


28. Mapping questions related to discriminators and joins...

Regular Joined: Thu Sep 09, 2004 6:46 pm Posts: 96 I have a legacy (badly modelled) table structure where tables are aranged as in mapping below. My problem is as follows. Assuming that you have identified a row in SERVICE_BENEFIT_HIERARCHY and I want to return the children of this row from the same table, then to do this, I select from ...

29. keywords,one-to-many,join,bi-directional mapping, efficiency

Consider the following query : from Branch branch where branch.state='AZ' and branch.branchId in (select office.Branch from Office office where office.division='MN') Background : Branch and Office have a one to many relactionship. Suppose a Branch object has a set of Offices and - because of the bi-directional hbm mapping - an Office has a Branch object. The HQL statement selects Branch objects ...

30. How to join 2 tables mapped to 2 objects

Hi, I'm trying to join tables mapped to persistant object Story and Plant. My query looks like this: Query q=session.createQuery("from Story s join s.Plant p where is null"); This code drivers me crazy!. The error I get is: "could not resolve property: Plant of com.delphi.hibernate.Story [from com.delphi.hibernate.Story s left join s.Plant]. What is wrong with this query. It doesn't matter ...

31. Mapping for One Object to Multiple tables without using join

Dear Technical Staff, I need your help. I have an Object, it has firstName,LastName,age,sex and so on.. I want to map this Object to 4 or 5 tables. The tables may or may not have relationships. Using join we can do it, but all the relational tables will have relationship. It means that other table will refer the primary key of ...

32. Joining tables, mapping

Hibernate 3.0 I am involved in a project where the database, tables are already created. The tables I am dealing with currently include simple joins between two or three tables to gather data. I cannot change this fact. Since I have existing data, which approach do I use? I have read and cannot figure this out: Table per concrete class? Table ...

33. Mapping a join table

I think that before you work on mapping your tables to classes, you need to fix up your tables. First, it is my understanding that a foreign key must reference a primary key column. So your Role.roleName and Role.userName columns should be changed to the corresponding ID values. But I would further suggest that you re-read what you have written where ...

34. Simple Mapping Two Table Join

mappingBean1 ...

35. hibernate mapping join key question

Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: Code: KODAAC_SEQ ...

38. Need mapping for a join table

Hi, This might sound as a newbie question, but I'll post it as I need help. I have the following tables in an Oracle 10g database and I need mapping for it but somehow can't get it right. I am using Hibernate 3.2. Order ------ Order_Id Name Billing ------- Billing_Id Billing_Name Version Order_Billing ------------- Order_Id Billing_Id Billing_Version An Order can have ...

40. Hi And Full Of Respect To EveryOne(Query For join Mapping)

Act The Links you have given are really very useful and it solves my one problem of writing Hql Query for requested Sql query.But there is nothing regarding The mapping files for any query which has join keyword. I request you to give me the exact mapping(.hbm.xml) file for asked query. Plz i will be very gratful to you. Thanks

41. Problems with Mapping and Joins

I think you have choosen the wrong mapping type, haven't you? You should have choosen many to many instead of one to many. If you use this mappingtype, it should work. Many to many is the right mappingtype because one dataset of table1 can have severall dataset of table 2. But one dataset of table 2 can have severall datasets of ...

42. Using JOIN Mappings

Newbie Joined: Tue May 15, 2007 11:24 pm Posts: 2 Hi. I have the following existing db layout which I wish to map (postgresql) using hibernate 3.2.1: Code: CREATE TABLE "public"."category"( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('category_id_seq'::regclass), "category" varchar(300) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ("id") ) WITH OIDS; CREATE TABLE "public"."news"( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('news_id_seq'::regclass), "title" varchar(300) NOT ...

43. Mapping join tables... impossible?

44. Map mapping with key in join table

Hi, I would like to use a 'map mapping' between two entities, but the key of the map is a string in the join table: AGT AGT_ADDR ADDR id agt_id,addr_id,key id With the 'standard' mapping, the key must be in 'ADDR' table, not in AGT_ADDR. Can Hibernate deal with this unusual case? BTW, I am using Hibernate annotations 3.3. Best regards, ...

45. Mapping with join of two tables

Trying to set up a joining of two tables. Using Hibernate 3.1.2 with the following signature: Code: I have a Hibernate mapping against a database table which is working. However I have another table which contains extra information. I've tried a join in the mapping file but somehow it ...

47. Mapping join table with a map

48. Problem with one-to-one mapping with join table

Newbie Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 1:47 am Posts: 9 Need help with Hibernate? Read this first: ... AskForHelp Hibernate version: 3.2 Mapping documents: userjoin.hbm.xml Code: ...

49. How to map: One table, two "one-to-one" joins

Hibernate version: 3.0.5 Alright, somewhat of an odd situation here. Let's say I've got a table, INFO. INFO has a "child" table, INFO_LOCK, which acts like a one-to-one (the PK for INFO is the PK for INFO_LOCK). We can fake it as a one-to-one relationship in Hibernate, and this works well. The INFO table gets too large and is then split ...

50. Mapping a table join

Hello. I have problems writing my mapping file. Here is my situation : a table T_CONTRACT and a table T_CLIENT. T_CONTRACT is containing an id of T_CLIENT (representing the subsriber). I would like to make a join between those 2 table so that i can get something like Code: Contract ct = ContractDAO.findById(1); Client cl = ct.getFkSubscriber(); so far, i get ...

51. Performing joins on related tables in a mapping?

Hi, We are working with a legacy framework that permits us to manipulate DB schema to a degree, but the incoming data relationships and the outgoing data relationships are generally fixed. Basically, I'd like to express a simple inner join in my mappings like this: Code: select tier2.*,tier1.tier1_desc from tier2, tier1 where tier2.tier1_id=tier1.tier1_id So the above is what I am really ...

52. How do I map a join of 3 tables?

I'm using Hibernate version 3.2 I have a database with 3 tables: A, B and A_B Now I need to execute this query: select from A, B, A_B, where and I've created a class with all the fields, but don't know how to map the class. I've tried this

53. Theta style join: Mapped table to an unmapped table

Hello, I have a table that is mapped to a class and what I want to do is pull results from that mapped table based on results from an unmapped table. Heres an example of what Im trying to do: Table Rounds (this table is mapped in my hbm config and I can query off of it fine) Id round Table ...

54. Joining table mapping HOWTO

Hi, Lets say I have Users abd Products tables. UserOrders table is a joining table and has UserId and ProductId columns. In my User class I have a list of ordered products. How do I define mapping from Users to Products table through UserOrders table? Please give me an example of mapping xml. Thanks, Sharas

55. many-to-many mapping with join tables

hi all, i started hibernate some days b4. and trying to do many to many with join table mapping for two table. I want to tell you 1stly the specifiaction i'm using version : Hibernate 3.0 framework : spring2.0 data base : MySQL now here is what i'm doing. Table1 :-> Class Name - com.infotech.Table1. This Parent Table Column - > ...

56. problem with many-to-many mapping with join tables

hi all, i started hibernate some days b4. and trying to do many to many with join table mapping for two table. I want to tell you 1stly the specifiaction i'm using version : Hibernate 3.0 framework : spring2.0 data base : MySQL now here is what i'm doing. Table1 :-> Class Name - com.infotech.Table1. This Parent Table Column - > ...

57. mapping a join table with an intermediate entity

Author Message CarlSayres Post subject: mapping a join table with an intermediate entity Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:46 pm Newbie Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:15 pm Posts: 1 I am trying to follow the pattern in Chapter 7 of Java Persistence with Hibernate (Listing 7.1). This is being used to reverse engineer a legacy database running on ...

58. how can i do join inheritance mapping??/

hi, in hibernate, how can i do join inheritance mapping??/ Code: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "TYPE", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING) @org.hibernate.annotations.ForceDiscriminator @Table(name = "Components") public class Component implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "sequence") @GenericGenerator(name = "sequence", strategy = "sequence", parameters = { ...

59. Issue with join fetched entity keys of a map

Hi all, I am having an issue doing a HQL query with a map using entities as keys, when join fetching those keys : the returned map has only 1 entry while there are several !equals() keys in the persistence. A quick description of the example below : class Root has a Map. Key has a property on which the ...

60. Mapping of joining table to another joining table

Hibernate version:3.2.6 I'm a newbie in hibernate but i know the basic mapping like one-to-many and many-to-many. However, i was stuck on a certain scenario and I've been trying to solve this. I searched through the internet but unfortunately couldn't find any solution. Given the ERD below, user has a discriminator column where M is manager and D is developer. Manager ...

61. join table map

Hi I have two tables: [Person] id name adress phone [List] id l_name I need to create by hibernate join table Lists where I can have FK. [Lists] id fk_id_list fk_id_person for example: [Person] 1 | Andy | St. Joan St. | +48 00 000000 2 | Mark | Uknow | +46 00 000000 [List] 1 | Default 2 | Secret ...

62. Mapping three tables and a join table in hibernate

I have the following schema in the database. Table A --------- Field: a_id ...some more fields Table B ---------- Field: b_id ... some more fields Table C ---------- Field: c_id ....some more fields The relationship between the three tables is captured by the join_table Table join_a_b_c -------------------- Field: a_id Field: b_id Field: c_id I have created 3 classes to map A, ...

63. Trying to map an object with multiple joins/many-to-one

Hibernate version: 3.2.1 Hi all, I'm trying to map an Object to the following tables. I've changed the name in order to make it easier to understand. I can hardly change the DB schema (the tables map files that are directly loaded in no specific order) * Table1 * Table2 (simple 1 to 1 join with table 1) Table2.PK = Table1.a_Table1_column ...

65. Puzzled with a joined inheritance problem

Newbie Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:09 am Posts: 9 Hello. I have got 4 classes. One superclass and three subclasses. I use a JOINED strategy. The problem comes with one of the subclasses. If I don't use it or there is no data on the table which represents, all goes OK, but if I retrieve all the instances of the ...