inverse 1 « Map « JPA Q&A

1. how to define an inverse cascade delete on a many-to-one mapping in hibernate

I have two classes A and B. Many B's can have association with a single A, hence a many-to-one relationship from B to A. I've mapped the relationship like:

<class name="A" table="tbl_A">

2. many-to-many mapping not working, one side is set to inverse

A many-to-many relationship. The tables:

Product (productId, ...)
Category (categoryId, ...)
Product_Category(productId, categoryId)
I setup the relationship so all updates will be done via the Product entity. Product Entity:
 private Set<Category> categories = new HashSet<Category>();

public ...

3. How do I get the Hibernate reverse engineering tools to generate or for inverse associations?

I want to add elements to a collection that ends up getting mapped like this:

<set name="others" inverse="true" lazy="true" table="other" fetch="select">
    <column name="otherId" not-null="true" />

4. Hibernate Second Level Caching inverse collection

Is it possible to second level cache an inverse collection? Whenever I add objects to the other end (and also to the inverse end, although not really sure what the point is ...

5. hibernate bidirectional one-to-many inserts duplicates

I'm having issues with a parent-child relationship here. When I persist from the collection side (child side) I get 2 new children instead of one. Here is are the ...

6. Hibernate inverse one to many mapping does not seem to properly handle item removal from Java list

Two classes:

 <class name="SpreadsheetImportTemplate" table="spreadsheetimport_template">
   <id name="id" type="int" column="id" unsaved-value="0">
     <generator class="native" />
   <property name="name" type="java.lang.String" column="name" not-null="true" length="100" />

7. What is the difference between cascade & inverse in hibernate, what is the use of them?

how to use cascade and inverse in hibernate, what is the procedure/tag to define them? is they relate to each other? how they are useful in hibernate...

8. is there an "inverse" cascade in grails like there is in hibernate?

I have the following sql database that grails set up for me automatically. see picture for diagram Whenever I try to delete all projects from an employee, I am getting ...

9. Hibernate 'Inverse' in mapping file

Can someone explain the use of inverse in the xml mapping file, I am reading the tutorial but failing to understand its use in the mapping file?? Thanks

10. one-to-many relationshipt with database constrain and inverse=true

There are two classes A and B and hibernate mappings

<hibernate-mapping  default-lazy="false">
        <class name="A" table="A">

11. Hibernate Inverse attribute

I am creating a one-to-many relationship. so, i have a parent and a child. The cascade attribute is set to all. I was wondering, if we consider the following piece of code:

Parent ...

12. Polymorphic CriteriaQuery without inverse relationship

I have the following EJB structure. Don't wonder about Animal and Inventory, these classes are only here to demonstrate the structure in a simplified way (Update: I have revised the class ...

13. Hibernate Inverse

Consider the following piece of code:

Parent p = (Parent) session.load(Parent.class, pid); 
Child c = new Child("child element");
Suppose the child is responsible for the relation, will the foreign key in teh child ...

14. cascade vs inverse

Am I correct in assuming that a cascade can cancel the effect of inverse. For example, if I specify inverse="true" in the parent mapping file (on a child collection), this implies ...

15. JPA deleting inverse relationship

I have been trying to delete the inverse relationship on a JPA entity, however this have not been working well. What I'm trying right now is to set the ManyToOne property ...

17. JPA "inverse" annotation

Hi John, In JPA we define relationships as having an "owning" side and an "inverse" side where the table of the owning entity contains the foreign key. Inverse means pretty much the same as how Hibernate users use it. The difference is that in JPA the inverse side specifies it through a "mappedBy" attribute in the mapping annotation.

18. What is inverse in hibernate

This is for bi-directional associations. In the database world, there is no such thing as a bi-directional. You can have a FK field in one table referring to another table. So if you have a bi-directional assocation in Java like Order { List items } OrderItem { Order order } Hibernate won't know that your mapping both sides represents the single ...

20. Hibernate :Usage of inverse attribute on a Collection Property

Hi , I did a One to Many example in Hibernate . I took a Student Pojo , and a Address POJO . Assuming the scenario as (A Student can have many Addresses) If i use the option as inverse = true on to the Set tag of my Student hbm file , it works fine But if i dont use ...

21. inverse attribute in hibernate

22. cryptic note In the topic "Inside explanation of inverse=tru

In the topic "Inside explanation of inverse=true" I have found rather cryptic note in the "update" section: Quote: Will do the following SQL queries Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 1 Hibernate: select as id from parent parent0_ where //get parent 2 Hibernate: select as id, child0_.parent_id as parent_id from child child0_ ...

23. How to: Inverse OneToOne-mapping

25. many-to-many can I bypass inverse='true'

26. Finding an inverse relation in the Hibernate metadata

Hi, Hibernate exposes its data model through the Configuration object, where I can access PersistentClass and Property objects. Some of the Property objects describe a relation between two PersistentClass instances. For example, if I have a one-to-many relation between Person and Address in my model, and a many-to-one inverse relation between Address and Person, how can I find out that the ...

27. one-to-many (with inverse=false)

Newbie Joined: Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:09 am Posts: 11 i am trying to make a one-to-many relation (one way that is inverse="false") heres the mapping file Code: ...

28. inverse="true" when parent/child are the same object.


29. REG: inverse

30. Inverse OneToOne and JoinTable problem

Newbie Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:15 am Posts: 2 I have come across a problem in JBoss 4.2.2 (hibernate 3.2.4) where I cannot insert into or select from an entity (CompanyCar) that is the inverse-side of a @OneToOne join to a second entity (Employee), when the second entity has a @ManyToOne join that uses a @JoinTable. This is also a ...

31. Trouble with inverse mapping.

Hello, I am having trouble with hibernate annotation. I can't get the TaskProp set in this Task object to populate. @Entity @Table(name = "Task", uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"type_id","name"})}) public class Task implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "task_id") private long task_id; @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade=CascadeType.ALL ) //,mappedBy = "task" private Set taskprops = new HashSet(); //more code... } and here is ...

32. Trouble with inverse mapping.

Hello, I am having trouble with hibernate annotation. I can't get the TaskProp set in this Task object to populate. @Entity @Table(name = "Task", uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"type_id","name"})}) public class Task implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "task_id") private long task_id; @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade=CascadeType.ALL ) //,mappedBy = "task" private Set taskprops = new HashSet(); //more code... } and here is ...

33. Programmatically getting the inverse join column/property

Ultimately, I'm trying to get the inverse join property for a bidirectional association from the class metadata for an entity class and I haven't been able to figure out how to get this or, failing that, the inverse join column, which I can then use to match against properties for the other entity class. Does anyone have an idea how to ...

34. inverse = false , lazy = true ?

35. inverse attribute in one-to-one relationships

Hi all. I understand well the concept of inverse attribute, but i have one doubt. In the book Beggining with Hibernate, chapter 4, the authors give a full explanation about the purpose of owning a relationship. They give an example with a one to one relationship. That's clear. What puzzles me is that actually, in hibernate, the only moments you can ...

36. Parent / child relation ship with inverse attribute

Newbie Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:59 am Posts: 4 I am working on the part of learning Parent Child / relationship with hibernate , (Please refer my code below for reference) When i am saving my parent object with attribute inverse="false" (Stock.hbml.xml) , appropriate records are created in the parent and child as shown below in the queries , ...

37. List and inverse="true" (again)

Note that an *almost* correct implementation of the index() property is: Code: public void setIndex(int ind) { index = ind; } public int getIndex() { if ( Hibernate.isInitialized( parent.getChildren() ) ) { index = parent.getChildren().indexOf(this); } return ...

38. SAXParseException: Attribute "inverse" for...type

Hibernate Community View topic - SAXParseException: Attribute "inverse" for...type Login Register FAQ Search View unanswered posts | View active topics Board index Hibernate & Java Persistence Hibernate Users All times are UTC - 5 hours [ DST ] SAXParseException: Attribute "inverse" for...type Page 1 of 1 [ ...

39. Who could explain the meaning of inverse ?

40. Array inverse attribute error

Hello folks, I am using xdoclet to generate an array mapping as such: /** * @hibernate.array role="agentcies" table="AGENTCY" * @hibernate.collection-key column="ADDRESS_ID" * @hibernate.collection-index column="ROW_NUM" * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="" */ which generates: All seems well. Now when I deploy to jboss (3.2.2RC3) and my mapping file is parsed I get ...

41. Does inverse=true only affect generated classes?

42. many-to-many inverse=true and delete

I have a many-to-many bidirectional mapping and am deleting an object from the inverse=true side of the equation. When I do that, the row in the join table is not deleted. In the documentation it says: "Changes made only to the inverse end of the association are not persisted." Does that hold true for join table info or is my mapping ...

43. Meaning of inverse=true

I have a class Utilisateur and class Evenement with a one-to-many association with the following code : Code: class Utilisateur { //... Set evenements; //... } class Evenement { //... Utilisateur ...

44. inverse="true" , index, and arrays

Hi there. Thanks in advance for looking at this problem. I was perusing some old posts and found a similar topic ( ) that is related to my problem,. I have a Java class (Application) that has a one-to-many with ActivityHistory (Application has an Array of ActivityHistory). Here are the mapping files: Application:

46. Inverse mapping of relationship

This syntax seems to be ok, but it doesn't do what I want. Fetching the quotas for a User returns all of the quota objects that have that are associated with an object with the same id as the user, no matter the type. e.g. if my user's id is 1, I get the quotas associated with all objects that have ...

47. cascade/inverse on one2many

hi, I really don't get it: Assume I want to model a simple parent/child one to many association on a single class. A Person can have multibe SubPersons and a single SuperPerson. Person.hbm: My problem is: hibSession = ...

48. need of an explanation of the 'inverse' attribute

hello everyone despite i've read the hibernate reference i still don't get the full meaning or implications of using the inverse attribute in some collection declaration. in particular, what this the main effect of declaring a one-to-many relation as inverse?? in addition to the change in the saving order. in birirectional one-to-many relation has the same effect? it makes sense to ...

49. Inverse end persitency

Hi, I am using hibernate 2.1.1 in my application and I'm having problems mapping my bidireccional associations. In the following example, I have a class user and a class group. Each user participates in a list of groups and each group has a list of users. I am mapping this association difining the group to user direction has the inverse side. ...

50. Why require inverse=true?

Hibernate is really good, no question. But shouldn't a OR-Tool abstract the java business object model (BOM) from the table model by means of of mapping java classes to tables? I think "inverse=true" breaks this law and causes the java classes to be changed only because the foreign key is in the "wrong table" and could cause DB constraint violations by ...

51. subclass, inverse many-to-one, one-table-per-hierarchy

Beginner Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:52 am Posts: 37 Location: Gothenburg, Sweden The table: Code: Table "public.networkcables" Column | ...

52. Complex relations with "inverse", "lazy"

I have 3 tables and 2 relations: 1. One to Many from T1 to T2 2. Many to One from T2 to T3 Actually T2 is like many-to-many relationship table with specified role field. So i have 3 java classes for each table with lazy and inverse realations between them. Next i tried this kind of code indise C1 class: Code: ...

53. Inverse is not supported for idbag in DTD

The 2.0 DTD does not support to have an inverse attribute on an idbag. ...

54. one-to-many with inverse="false" : many issues

Hello everybody, I've came across some issues while trying to use a one-to-many relationship with inverse="false". Let's have a look at my POJOs. First the POJO corresponding to the parent in the one-to-many relationship : public class Service extends BaseObject { private Set contacts = new HashSet(); /** * Adds a contact to a service * @param contact Le contact

55. many-to-one / one-to-many bidirectional with inverse="t

I have this mapping on parent object; and this mapping on child: When I save the parent object, the Contingency objects aren't when you add them to the parent collection. I take it this is because contingency.setRisk isn't called before save. It would be nice to ...

56. Inverse=true on the many-to-one side of a relationship

Why can't you put the inverse="true" on the many-to-one side of a bidirectional association of a collection. ex: in class Y: in class X: Why couldn't you put the inverse="true" in the many-to-one like so: So that the saves would ...

57. many-to-one mapping inverse=true?

Hi, I have a many-to-one association between two objects A & B. A has a reference to B. & I have declared a many-to-one relationship on the property of A that refers to B. cascade is set to true. When I do a save the insert for B is done before the insert for A. Is there a way to force ...

58. Really struggling with inverse - have read docs!!

Author Message javacoda Post subject: Really struggling with inverse - have read docs!! Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:54 am Regular Joined: Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:04 pm Posts: 52 Location: Wiltshire UK Hi, I am really struggling to understand how the inverse property in the mapping affects many-to-many (or even one-to-many relationships). I don't really understand the bit ...

59. Value of inverse=true?

Hibernate version:2.1.4 Name and version of the database you are using:Oracle 8.1.7 Hi, I have been reading a lot of documentation and faq's about the "inverse=true" settings in a bi-directional relationship. I have actually tried this out, and it works. But as we all know, it is not very convenient to add a child record, when you have a parent child ...

60. bug in h_2.1.6 about setter/getter for inverse Set elements?

Hi, Configuration: Hibernate Synchronizer 2.3.1 Hibernate 2.1.6 Oracle We generated ".hbm.xml"s using Hibernate Synchronizer from our Oracle DB, then we generated POJOs with Hibernate's generator (hbm2java). Generated codes is OK but Hibernate is complaining about set elements' name attribute that it couldn't find appropriate setter/getter methods. For example set element named "eVRAKDURUMSet" public Set getEVRAKDURUMSet() { return this.eVRAKDURUMSet; } public ...

61. "inverse=true" is more then just an optimization h

Hi, I use many-to-many relations (association tables) to map serveral graph structures. When testing an application using these structures, I had a quite bizar error that kept me cursing for quite some hours... MySQL (v4.0.20a on Windows) reported that Hibernate (v2.1.6) wanted to violate a primary key constraint on one of the association tables! Explanation: My mapping was using a List, ...

62. many-to-many inverse remove problem

I have a bidirectional many to many relationship between tables user and role the inverse attribute is set to true in role.hbm.xml the inverse attribute is set to false in role.hbm.xml cascade is set to all for both I can add/remove a role to a user with sess.update (user) I can add a user to a role with sess.update(role) But I ...

63. confusion with inverse="true" and inverse="fa

Hibernate version:2.0 Mapping documents: Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close(): Full stack ...

64. many-to-many inverse end delete probleam

In many-to-many inverse end , i delete a persistent object failed. I find hibernate only delete record in inverse end table but relation table, while there is a foreign key in relation table, so the exception is thrown . How can i fix the problem. Please help me . THANKS hibernate 2.1.6: code: /** * * @hibernate.class * table = "a" ...

65. many-to-many issue, list inverse="true", bag inver

I'm trying to us a many-to-many relationship with a list on the inverse true side and a bag on the other. It appears to me that the db schema generated might be incorrect (or my mapping files are wrong). When I try to do a saveOrUpdate I get a JDBC error that the index violates not-null constraint. Details follow. Thanks Gary ...

66. parent-children list without inverse="true"

I'm trying to do this : Code: ...

68. Problem with inverse="true", maybe a BUG in hibern

Newbie Joined: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:54 am Posts: 1 Hello, I have a problem using two One-to-Many relations. I have three pojos: ------ ------------- -------- |User| <-- |UserGroup| --> |Group| ------- -------------- -------- | | Set One-to-Many_UserGroup | set One-to-Many_UserGroup each pojo User and Group have a One-to-Many relationships to UserGroup, I know this is equivalente to having a Many-to-Many ...

69. Confused about cascade="save-update" vs. inverse=&

When reading Hibernate in Action, On page 110, it says: "Without the inverse attribute, Hibernate would try to execute two different SQL statements, both updating the same foreign key column..." Does that mean that this will happen when you end up calling both? i.e.:;; So, when calling, Hibernate would grab the foreign key out of 'bid' and store ...

70. How to perform an inverse type query?

The reason I ask is I know at least one way to do it, would be to do an HQL query that binds a parameter something like "from myclass c where c.uniqueID in :myparam", then bind my list to myparam. However then I have to take the result and then remove every uniqueID from my original list that is in the ...

71. inverse="false" still work

How come foreign key of the email table(PersonID) will be set to the primary key of person table since i set the inverse="false"? Base on the documentation, the inverse has to be set to true inorder to do this. Hibernate version:3 Mapping documents: CREATE TABLE person ( personid int4, person_name varchar(20) )

72. index values not get saved for List if inverse = true

I have class "X" which contain List of "Y" objects e.g class X { List listOfY; Sting name; int id; } class Y{ String name; int id; int StartMonth; int EndMonth; int order; X parentX; } and hibernate mapping like this .......... ...... .... ...

73. Set inverse views on one-to-many relationships

A couple of questions. Should adding a new child, by creating a child entity, setting the appropriate many-to-one field, and saving it (in a separate session to that which retrieved the parent) automatically update the set view in the parent object? And conversely with deletion. This doesn't seem to be occuring for me. In a lazy one-to-many field, is there no ...

74. Bidirectional association without an inverse end

What happens if I map a bidirection association, and don't mark either end as inverse? Here's my scenario: I have a Contact and a ContactGroup managed objects. A ContactGroup can have many contacts, and each contact can be in many groups. So I've mapped a association on both ends. The end user will be able to edit this association from ...

75. Bidirections one-to-many not inverse end

I have two classes mapped via a bidirectional one-to-many mapping. The parent is the domain model that can be accessed by many users (the children). I when the user logs in I am able to retrieve the correct domain object and save the id. This id is then used to load the object up for each request at the end of ...

76. Limitations of inverse attribute...

Hello, I'm using a many-to-one relationship with the inverse attribute on the many side. Since it is not possible to set the attribute true to the one side how can I make Hibernate insert the collection from the many side and not the one side. Indeed, my problem is similar to the example of Hibernate in Action on page 109. But ...

77. advice on sets/lists and inverse mappings

Hallo -- I was wondering if I could ask anyone's advice on the best way to handle sets/lists & inverse mappings? Namely -- where would you instantiate a Set in a mapped object? In the no parameters constructor? Also, I have been using the Java 5 generic Collections -- should this cause any problems? Finally, is there any sort of best ...

78. 1-many relationship: Redundant update of inverse (many) end

Hibernate version: 2.1.7 Mapping documents: protected true protected true SOLICITATION_SEQ protected protected protected ... protected ... ...

80. How do I set inverse=true using annotations?

How do I set inverse=true on OneToMany association using annotations? this is what my annotations look like: Code: @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL,fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="participant_id",nullable=false,insertable=true) @Cascade (value=org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN) when I run creation logic there is an insert of the owned entity and then update on that owned entity to set the ...

81. "inverse" and "cascade" attributes......

Hibernate version: H3.0.5 I am confused on the usage and purpose of the inverse and cascade attributes in the collection mapping. In the following bidirectional one to many association: Class A has a bag of Class B with inverse="true" and cascade = "all" Class B has a many to one association with class A. According to the documentaion, changes made only ...

82. inverse="true" allowed on both ends?

inverse="true" means updates are done on the other side of the relationship. If you have many-to-one association it means that the entity declaring the association say A has a reference to exactly one instance of the entity on the other side say B. While B has many instances of A refering to it. So it would not know what instance of ...

83. confused on inverse attribute and bidirectional associations

Still learning here, got some questions. Reading Hibernate in action and I got a question about bidirectional associations. In the beginning in chapter 3, page 110, where it talks about the relationship of Item to Bid. There are many bids to one item. It talks about creating this bidirectional association. It says by specifying the "inverse" property in reference to the ...

84. Hibernate 3.x - inverse="true" doesn't stop foreig

private void createForeignKeys() throws MappingException { // if ( !isInverse() ) { // for inverse collections, let the "other end" handle it if ( referencedPropertyName == null ) { getElement().createForeignKey(); ...

85. Can hibernate REALLY not index inverse collections?

I have two entities - Attribute and AttributeValue Each Attribute has a number of AttributeValues. This is mapped as a bi-directional association, with a one-to-many in the Attribute mapping, and a many-to-one in the AttributeValue mapping. inverse="true" is set on the Attribute side. This leads to the desired mapping, and an "attribute" field in the AttributeValue table. So far so good. ...

86. inverse attribute ... enlighten me

Hi, I need some help to see the light with the inverse=true.... I understand how to get all different assocation relationships to work. But what keeps me awake is the exact role of the inverse property. Especially the following points: -Role of Inverse on a Join with property elements (so join not for association). Does it make sense to ever do ...

88. inverse="true" always on the many side ?

Hi everybody, Could you confirm me that in a one-to-many relationship, the inverse="true" must always be set on the pojo wich hold the many set ? (inverse="true") A ---> * B And i'have to write the following code if i want to set a relation from A : B.setA(A); save(A); Thanks, Benot.


Inverse attribute tell hibernate which side of the relation is responsible for maintaining the link between the entities. Thta is the database updates for the foreign key data. So the guideline is: Bi-directional - one side (one-to-many) is set to inverse=true. Uni-directional - (one-to-many) needs to be set to inverse=false In the case of a many-to-many again only one side should ...

90. Questions about inverse=true

Consider the simple event and person classes from Hibernate documentation. As you can notice the inverse=true is set in the mapping of Event class. I have tried experimenting with the Person and Event ...

91. How to find the inverse property

Hibernate version: 3.1.3 Hi all, I'm trying to find the inverse property of a bi-directional relation using the hibernate meta-model. Example: I have a class Person and a class House. There is a bi-directional relation between person and house with roles Person.address and House.inhabitants. This relation is nicely mapped using a bi-directional relation. Give the property House.inhabitants, how do I know ...

92. inverse in one-to-many associations

Hi, I was going thru Hibernate reference documentation. It says: All bi-directional associations need one side as inverse. In a one-to-many association it has to be the many-side. but, i have seen a special case in my project where inverse is on one-side in one-to-many association. My first question is can we use inverse on one side in one-to-many association. if ...

94. inverse="true" ... use with hibernate tools

Hi! I'm currently switching between the book "Hibernate - A Developers Notebook" and the "Hibernate Reference Documentation" to solve my understanding problem with inverse="true".... The book and the documentation says that i have to make one side "inverse" in a association mapping and that it is regardless of which side of (e. g. a many-to-many) association it is. I have a ...

95. Many to Many. Inverse = true dosnt work

Ver- 3.02 this is the mapping section: Code: As you can see the cascade is all and inverse = "true" When i save the obj It saves the Criterion but it dosnt update the table -CRITERIA_DICTIONARY_TO_CRITERIA with the new relation that has ...

96. No "inverse" attribute for many-to-one ?

Hi! (v3.2) I see the many-to-one tag does not support the attribute "inverse". But it supports "insert" and "update", which combined are equal to "inverse", right ? ( inverse == !insert && ! update , AFAIK ) So why no "inverse" tag ? BTW, is the IRC channel still alive ? Regards, David

97. Why hibernate reverseEng creates mapping with inverse=true?

I'm new to hibernate and hopefully this is a dumb question, when I reverse engineer from the mySQL database the hibernate mapping files that get created have "inverse" set to true. Although this might be useful, I'm not sure whether I need the bi-directional support and would like to turn this off by default. Why does it decide to use inverse=true ...

98. Problems with lazy inverse collection in hibernate 3.2.1

Newbie Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2007 10:45 am Posts: 1 I load an Object that contains a lazy inverse List (one-to-many). My collection is wrapped by a PersistentMap There is objects in the collection in the database but in my case the PersistentMap is not yet initialized. I perform a remove operation on the persistentMap with a known key of one ...

99. What is the semantic of "inverse=true" for N:M man

Newbie Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:42 pm Posts: 2 Hibernate works nicely for me since I'm generating hbm files from UML models using my own smartGENERATOR template. This way I only have to draw the UML model and from then on it's all downhill. But I'm having trouble getting the semantic for N:M relations right. I read some links about ...

100. Problem with many-to-many relationship and inverse flag

Hi Guys, Facing a serious problem with many-to-many relationship with a link table between two master tables. I have a Customer Table and a Group Table and the relationship is many-to-many thereby Customer(customers)[0...*]------------------customerGroup--------------------Group(groups))[0...*] the HBM declarations are as follows: In Customer.hbm.xml .... ...