generate « Map « JPA Q&A

1. generating class from hibernate mapping file

i have one mapping file viz. student.hbm.xml.. i need to generate from the same. the file is below :-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <class name="org.hibernate.entity.ClassRoom" table="class_room">

2. Incorrect SQL generated from hibernate mapping

i have the following many to many object mappings. Many Overrides linked to many Tasks , link table is TaskOverride... Task.hbm

<class name="com.domain.TaskDo" table="Task">
    <id name="taskName" type="string">

3. hbm2hbmxml does not generate hibernate mapping

I have search for this every where but couldnt find the answere i m following this reference and used this as a tutorial to write an ANT ...

4. How to generate Hibernate mapping files from Database

I have both a schema that served in the creation of my database, as well as the database itself. I'm wondering if there exists any tool that can create a Hibernate mapping ...

5. Hibernate: generated properties for many-to-one relationships?

I want to configure a hibernate object to handle foreign keys which have default values at the database level. I have a User object with an emailFormat column which is ...

6. Multiple relationships with single mapping table without generating foreign keys by Hibernate

I have two base abstract classes and there are multiple additional classes derived from these two, adding additional attributes etc. There exist relations between those specific derived types. A simple illustrating example: Role and ...

7. Auto generation of Hibernate mapping files

Just wanted to check how most people are generating their Hibernate mapping files and POJOs. I understand I can use Hibernate Tools, but what other options do I have?

8. Unable to generate tables using hibernate

I am trying to generate some tables using hibernate. I have following classes :

class Candidate {
    long candidateID;
    String candidate_name;
    List<Project> ...

9. why is hibernate generating additional entities when mapping many-to-many relationship?

I'm making an application currently and I've started from creating a DB schema, which looks like this: Database schema There are few tables (users_groups_maps, articles_tags_maps reported_articles, favourite_articles and browse_later_articles) that ...

10. Generate Hibernate mappings from DB

We're using Middlegen 2.1 to create mapping files for Hibernate 3.0.5 with no issues. After Middlegen creates the files, we change the DTD from: to: We generally tweak the files anyway so this additional change isn't a problem. Middlegen saves us a lot of grunt ...

11. How to generate Hibernate 3 mapping files

Hello, I have some database tables, and Java classes that I would like to map to these tables. Is it possible to have some tool generate Hibernate3 hbm.xml mapping files automatically? The DB tables are generated from a XSD and so are the classes so I guess it should be possible to map them to each other. Cheers! Kjeld

13. Hibernate generated query for a inheritance mapping

Hi All, I have a inheritance mapping between Product and Electronics objects. I have this defined as single table for subclass model and using one mapping file for both product and electronics using joined-subclass tag.

14. Hibernate Mappings for generated column

Hello I am new to Hibernate, and need your help. created a generated column in DB2 database ... ALTER TABLE subscription ADD COLUMN SUBSCRIPTION_NAME_LC VARCHAR(40) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (LOWER(SUBSCRIPTION_NAME)); also done hibernate mappings for that ... My requirement is to only read these values. Please let me ...

15. Strange generated id value for Inheritance (Table per class)

Hi, I have just started learning JPA and Hibernate. I have come across a strange behavior. I am trying to map inheritance with the following details. Abstract Class - Billing Subclass 1 - BankAccountBilling extends Billing Subclass 2 - CreditCardBilling extends Billing. I am using annotations to get Table per concrete class (union) behavior. The Billing superclass has a generated id ...

16. id type problem when generating mapping files

R3 has been released. Middlegen chooses the defaults and you have the option to change it using the GUI. I suggest you launch it in GUI mode and change what is not appropriate. I may in the future include a default list for various dialects but this is not going to nesessarily satisfy all users.

17. How many SQLs are generated in Parent Child relationship

Hi, If i dont have the parent child relationship for tw0o entities(which are really parent child) but i dont want to associate them, if i would like to load each of the entity by themselves like session.load(parent,id) session.load(child,id) and when i want to save(3 tier - after user inetraction) i might do like this in a different session-- session.saveorupdate(parent); session.saveorupdate(child); ------------------------------------- ...

18. mapping file generation

I'm discovering Hibernate and it seems a very helpful tool. As I'm rather lazy, I wondered if there was a tool to generate mappings from a running database... All tools I've seen(to generate classes or the database schema) are based on the mappings files. Is there a tool to generate a skeleton of mapping file from a database schema? Thanks for ...

19. Automatic generation of mapping files

20. Mapping File are not getting generated

Hi friends, Mapping file never gets generated. During build system gives following log message. But never generates mapping file. Ant StdOut Buildfile: buildHibernate.xml generateHibernateMappings: [hibernatedoclet] (ModuleFinder.findModules 179 ) There is an entry on XDoclets classpath that doesn't exist: {0}. Ignoring it [hibernatedoclet] (ModuleFinder.findModules 179 ) There is an entry on XDoclets classpath that doesn't exist: {0}. Ignoring it [hibernatedoclet] (ModuleFinder.findModules 179 ...

21. Hibernate 3 alpha and generating mappings

22. SQL Generation for Multiple Set Mappings

I have a simple class mapping that has two one-to-many sets in it. Both sets have outer-join set to true. The sql that hibernate generates is single query for the base table and first set table and then an individual sql statement for the second sets table. If I reverse the order of the sets in the mapping file, it reverses ...

23. Problem with Artifact Generation & Mapping documents

Using Hibernate version:3.0 Problem with Artifact Generation & Mapping documents: I am a hibernate new user, so help me please!!! I am using the Hibernate 3.0.1, Eclipse 3.1.M6 width jboss Eclipse IDE 1.5.M1-hibernate-tools and Oracle 9i on Windows XP PRO. My goal is to create Hibernate Artifacts from my Oracle 9i database, using "Reverse Engineer from JDBC Connection" and "Generate domain ...

24. Error in SQL generation when mapping a many-to-one key

I have a mapping of a composite-id with two columns. Class 1: ...

26. Incorrect generated SQL, possible mapping problems

Hibernate version:3.current Mapping documents: Note: I do not know if the key is just AREA_ID or AREA and AREA_ID, but the key regardless isn't anything auto-generated. Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():(Spring Framework) but ...

28. Inheritance Generating Large Queries

29. generate SQL query for class mapping containing

30. Generate Hibernate mappings programatically

31. Generate annotations from mapping?

Hibernate version:3.1 Maybe this question belongs in the tools forum, but I kind of don't know on the difference between hbm2java, pojoexporter and which ones are packaged in hibernate core vs hibernate tools. Anyway, is it possible to generate annotations such as @NotNull in my POJOs using one of the code generation tools? If so, could someone give me and example ...

32. Hibernate Mapping files generation Error

Hibernate version: 3.0 Mapping documents: package com.sample; import java.util.Date; /** * @hibernate.class table="Baseline" * @author sandeshd * */ public class Baseline { // // Bean properties // /** * generator-class="assigned" */ public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } /** * * @return */ public String getName() { return name; } ...

33. Generating diagrams from mapping files?

34. generate StringID in hibernate mapping files

How can we generate ID for any table using hibernate mapping files. we can generate ID using assigned or native like in case of numeric. But If it is a string like ABC12300 means ABC is a string and 12300 is number which is automatically incrementing. When ever i store data in my DB2 using hibernate mapping file it should be ...

35. Generation mapping files and database tables

36. How to map a dinamically generated query

Hi, I'm trying to map the result of a query to a value object. The query returns mainly aggregates and there is no object with the proper XML for it. A solution would be to create a view in the database and then map it directly to the object (using the standard mapping files) but, since creating a view might not ...

37. Generated SQL is not generated correct for parent and child

Hibernate 3.1.3 We are using XDoclet 2 for generating our hibernate mappings. We have an issue where the generated SQL from the HQL is not correct. We have 2 tables and these are the mappings (parent first and then child) , we are having bidrectional association between these two. Parent Mapping ----------------- ...

38. Mapping constant and application generated columns

Hibernate version: 3.2 Hi. I have an invoice table and an invoice-detail table. I have 2 problems: 1) The invoice table has a field called total that is simply the sum of the total of each detail. In my application objects I don't want to have this value, since I can calculate it and avoid inconsistency problems. However, when I insert ...

39. How to map auto generated id to a child table as foriegn key

This is my problem: I have a Parent table and a child table. I have Set object in my master table DTO class as to refer the my child table. E.g public class Parent { Set childrent; ... ... } This is my parent table hibernate mapping file ...

40. Generate database from mapping files

41. generate mapping files from java files without annotation??

shaoanqing wrote: the classes is uploaded by another mode,and I load them using classloader. so,the classes is dynamic. I want to generate @annotation or generate mapping files dynamicly to saving them by hibernate. The question is both @annotation and mapping files is not exist! how can i generate one of them dynamicly? I have to say you have an unique and ...

42. Reverse engineering a DB, generated mapping produces error

I am using Hibernate 3.2, and am trying to reverse engineer a Postgresql (version 8.0.6) DB. The DB has a handful of tables that reference other tables. For example, the table named "agent" makes a reference to another table named "location" using the following syntax: CONSTRAINT agent_location_fkey FOREIGN KEY ("location") REFERENCES "location" (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE RESTRICT ON DELETE RESTRICT ...

43. query fails on generated mappings

Newbie Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 12:14 pm Posts: 1 Greetings, I am trying to get the following query to run through eclipse hibernate console: "from p where = 43" If I run the generated sql in Toad, it returns 13 rows as expected. this is the ddl for the view being queried: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ATTRIBUTES_VIEW (ATR_ID, ...

44. Ant script for generating mapping files for selective tables

Hi, I am trying to generate my mapping files for Oracle 9i database tables. But right now it is generating for all the files. Below is the snippet from my ant script ...

45. GUI to generate mappings

I hope this post won't be regarded as spam, but as something helpful for the community. I have developed, along with two fellow students, an eclipse plugin able to generate hibernate mapping with a visual interface. It can import XMI files from Umbrello UML, reverse engineer MySQL databases and import DDL files. It includes a lightweight UML and DB logical view ...

47. Generate ER Diagram from Mappings?

Was able to use HibernateTools' hbm2ddl to gen a ddl. Visual Paradigm is the only app i've found to reverse eng the ddl to erd - it works okay, but too expensive. Anyone know of other reverse eng tools? Maybe some opensource? Other option i might just run the ddl and then gen the erd from the DB tables.

48. URG-updating a parent does not generate id for the new child

public static void main(String args[]){ HibernateUtil.recreateDatabase(); Session session=HibernateUtil.beginTransaction(); Team team = new Team(); Player p1 = new Player(); Player p2 = new Player();;;; ...

49. Generated Id is not been passed to Child Table

Hi.. I am trying to insert in to two tables which are in one-to-many mapping. The parent table uses sequence for generating id. Now, Hibernate is not recognising the generated id in its subclass. My hbm files looks as below... Code: ...

50. Not able to generate hibernate mapping files

Hi, I am using hibernate tools 3.2.2 Beta for code generation. I am not able to generate hibernate mapping files for the tables with kind of constaints. Example could be, Table : EAI_SS_LOOKUP Columns : STYLESHEET_ID ENDPOINT_ID Constraints: Constraint Name |Key Type |Columns --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUEUE_ID |Primary |STYLESHEET_ID,ENDPOINT_ID R_108 |Foreign |STYLESHEET_ID ON EAI_STYLESHEET R_115 |Foreign |ENDPOINT_ID ON EAI_ENDPOINT I tried multiple combinations ...

51. Annotations and collection mapping - Extra table generated

I'm just looking into the use of Hibernate Annotations vs mapping files and porting a simple demo over to hibernate annotations. At the moment the demo works, however instead of using my existing table structure to store a collection, Hibernate is generating a new table but storing the exact same data in it. In my database I have a users table ...

52. Assigned Id for a class mapped with generated id

Hi all, My problem is : I've a class A mapped with the following annotations : @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "uddi-id") @GenericGenerator(name = "uddi-id", strategy = "myapp.persistence.util.UDDIIdentifierGenerator") If I save an object of type A with Id = null, all is ok, id is generated by my custom generator and object is persisted. The problem is when I try to persist an ...

53. Generate hibernate mapping file from annotation